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  1. Not a fan of that, as it isn't just based around this one text string.. There is a few, basically I'm going to be able to Post these "Earns". The real example would be: [Note: Only one would be posted at a time] Case 1: You walked the beat for ages today - protecting the citizens of Paris and earned yourself a $91 bonus! No taxes were taken as Paris has no mayor. Case 2: You scammed some poor suckers into your scam - they invested their last $2714 and bought some of your phoney stocks! I need the script to figure out which Earn I have done. Bearing in mind, the last part: "No taxes were taken as Paris has no mayor." can change as well as the amount of money made. I then need it to fetch how much I made from that Earn and store it as a variable. Sorry I didn't explain this clearer earlier, didn't realise it would be so complex!
  2. That leaves me with: made $1456 for Anyway to get rid of the made and for now? [sorry for all these questions, first time i've had to do this with PHP]
  3. That works perfectly! Now how can i get the money amount out?
  4. Mmm.. Looks good! I have to change the variables to an array? It would be easier for me to keep them as variables..
  5. Hey, Just a quick question on something I can't figure out to do with PHP! Case 1: $text = "You worked at the local bar and made $1456 for the night"; Case 2: $text2 = "You worked at the local shop and made $5831 for the day"; Im looking for the following result: Case 1: $worked = "bar"; $wage = "$1456"; Case 2: $worked = "shop"; $wage = "$5831"; Could someone help me out here?
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