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Posts posted by burnside

  1. actual sorce code is :


    Age</td><td width="1%">:</td><td width="9%"><select name="age"><option value=10 (25 == 10 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>10 - 15</option><option value=15 (25 == 15 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>15 - 20</option><option value=20 (25 == 20 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>20 - 25</option><option value=25 (25 == 25 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>25+</option></select> 25</td>

  2. added the code but it doesnt refresh the page, get no errors.


    the code is


    if (!isset($_SESSION['refreshed']))
    $_SESSION['refreshed'] = "yes";
    $rate = 15;
    $url = $page;
    header("refresh: ".$rate."; url=/".$url."/");

  3. okay i have a bit of code that refreshed the page every so offten, but is it possable for it to refresh only once on that page?


    the code is 

    $rate = 15;
    $url = $page;
    header("refresh: ."$rate."; url=/".$url."/");

  4. Hey echoed out ".$age." and gives the correct value.


    and code


    <select name=\"age\">
    <option value=\"10\" ($age == 10 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>10 - 15</option>
    <option value=\"15\" ($age == 15 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>15 - 20</option>
    <option value=\"20\" ($age == 20 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>20 - 25</option>
    <option value=\"25\" ($age == 25 ? 'SELECTED' : '')>25+</option>


    Dosnt work sorry.  Just in case you need age.


    $age = 20;

  5. Hey all.


    i have this query :

    $get_edit = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 10 ")) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
    			while($edit = mysql_fetch_array($get_edit))
    			$edit[msg] = str_replace($words, $faces, $edit['msg']);
    			 	echo " <br /><br />$space <form action=\"test.php\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"id\" value=\"".$edit['id']."\"> ".$edit['id']."  ";

    it works fine i was woundering is there a way if there no records for it to display none or some thing ?

  6. Full file is :


    $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = '$username'")or die(mysql_error()); 
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $check )) 
    		$username = $info['username'];
    		$first_name = $info['first_name'];
    		$email = $info['email'];
    		$last_name = $info['last_name'];
    		$age = $info['age'];
    echo " <form action=\"update.php\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"".$id."\">
    			  		<table width=\"25%\"><td width=\"25%\">$space <strong><u>Personal Details</u></strong></td></table>
    					<table width=\"25%\">
    					<td width=\"15%\">$space First Name</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"first_name\" value=\"".$first_name."\"></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Last Name</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"".$last_name."\"></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Email</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" value=\"".$email."\"></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Age</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><select name=\"age\"><option value=\"10\"".($age == '10' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">10 - 15</option><option value=\"15\"".($age == '15' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">15 - 20</option><option value=\"20\"".($age == '20' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">20 - 25</option><option value=\"25\"".($age == '25' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">25+ </option></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Gender</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"gender\" value=\"male\" checked> Male $space $space $space<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"gender\" value=\"female\"> Female</td></table> 


  7. This is all the code other than the variables :


    <td width=\"15%\">$space First Name</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"first_name\" value=\"".$first_name."\"></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Last Name</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"".$last_name."\"></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Email</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" value=\"".$email."\"></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Age</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><select name=\"age\"><option value=\"10\"".($age == '10' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">10 - 15</option><option value=\"15\"".($age == '15' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">15 - 20</option><option value=\"20\"".($age == '20' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">20 - 25</option><option value=\"25\"".($age == '25' ? 'SELECTED' : '')."\">25+ </option></td>
    				    <tr><td width=\"15%\">$space Gender</td><td width=\"1%\">:</td><td width=\"9%\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"gender\" value=\"male\" checked> Male $space $space $space<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"gender\" value=\"female\"> Female</td></table> 

  8. Dont work get no errors just doesnt select the correct one


    <select name=\"age\">
    <option value=\"10\"".($age == '10' ? ' SELECTED' : '')."\">10 - 15</option>
    <option value=\"15\"".($age == '15' ? ' SELECTED' : '')."\">15 - 20</option>



  9. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic. i have a question i have a script


    <select name=\"age\">
    <option value=\"10\">10 - 15</option>
    <option value=\"15\">15 - 20</option>


    is it possable to keep the value selected that the member has chosen for example :


    member is 15 - 20 so form would be :


    <select name=\"age\">
    <option value=\"10\">10 - 15</option>
    <option value=\"15\" selected>15 - 20</option>

    is there any way to do it from the db if you understand what i am trien to say ???


    sorry if i dont make no sence no good at explaning.

  10. $info['security'] 

    is defined in the connect script. The script works atm in a way. it updates the db but in a ASC oe DESC way. so i have to go throught the id 1 2 3 4 etc .... and up date them all instead of the 1 i want id2.



    can be in the script or not it still wont work.

  11. Now all it does is if i edit id 2 value to "Y" and click update on the up date page is updates the next value say have 4 id 1 2 3 4 it will satart at four then if i click edit on 1 it will do 3 if you understand what im saying. 

  12. if($_GET[action] == 'update_off' )
    				//second level security
    				if($info[security] <= '7' ) 
    							$page_to_view = " Tried to view who has update off. ";
    							echo "  
    								<br /><br />$space<span style=\"color: orange\"> <strong>Unable to view this page. Level 7 security or higher required. This action has been logged.<strong></span> "; 
    								$sql = "INSERT INTO `logged_1` (`id`, `username`, `player_id`, `page_to_view`, `ip_address`) VALUES ('','" . $info['username'] . "', '" .$info['id'].  "', '" . $page_to_view . "', '$info[ip]')";
           									if ( !$result = mysql_query($sql) ) { die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
    			} else
    				echo "   <form action=\"update.php\" method=\"post\"><br /> <br /> $space This is all game members who have the update messages turned <strong>off</strong>.   <br />";
    				echo " $space <table width=\"50%\"> <td width=\"15%\">$space <u>Username</u></td> <td width=\"10%\"><u>Game Id</u></td> <td width=\"15%\"><u>Action</u></td> <td width=\"15%\"><u>Change</u></td></table>";
    				$get_on = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE game_show='N' ")) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
    				while($on = mysql_fetch_array($get_on))
                                                                           { $id = $on['id']; 
    				echo " <table width=\"50%\"> <td width=\"15%\"> $space <a href=\"view.php?\">" .$on['username']. "</a></td> <td width=\"10%\">" .$on['id']. "</td><td width=\"15%\">Contact</a></td><td width=\"15%\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\" ".$id." \"><input type=\"text\" name=\"game_show\" value=\"".$on['game_show']." \" size=\"1\"> <input type=submit value=update></td></table>";
    echo "<br /><br /> $space <a href=mem.php>Finished</a>	";	}


    update.php is as followed.


    $query="UPDATE members SET game_show='$game_show' WHERE id='$id'";
    mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    echo "Record Updated <a href=mem.php>MEM</a>";
    echo " the is you changed was ".$id." "; 

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