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Posts posted by dewey_witt

  1. if your hosting on the windows hosting at godaddy the php is run in strict safe mode. I know this much I made this mistake a while back. So if you are thats more than likley your isssue. I suggest you switch to their linux hosting unless your relying on .asp for some reason or another. In that case the joke is on you.

  2. www.ixwebhosting.com


    On this page you will notice that if you click on erica it plays the intro video. My question is a two part question

    A. how is this implemented onclick?

    B. how do you retain a "clear" backgound.


    If Im not being clear say so I will do my best to re-explain.

    Thank you in advance.

  3. Doesn't it matter tho what kind of server he is serving the app off of. What I mean is if it is a web, dns server shouldnt he be able to just navigate to it by typing in the url of the server followed by / then the doc name like: tomsserver.biz/add.php ? Im interested in the responce to this also.

  4. Does anyone see whats wrong with this?

    $rand = "SELECT * FROM `magic_cards` 
    ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,3;";
    $card= mysql_query($rand, $connection) 
    or die (mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($card) > 0) {
    ($row = mysql_fetch_array($card))  {
    $card_name = stripslashes($row['card_name']);
    $edition = $row['edition'];
    $Rarity = $row['Rarity'];
    $cond = $row['cond'];
    $image = stripslashes($row['image_name']);
    $ed .= mysql_query
    ("INSERT  INTO `qm_cards` (`Fname`, `Lname`, `Username`, `card_name`, 
    `Rarity`, `Condition`, `Edition`)
    ( '".$_POST['Fname']."','".$_POST['Lname']."',
    '".$_POST['Username']."', '$card_name', '$Rarity', '$cond', '$edition')", $connection) or die(mysql_error());	

    The error Im getting is:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Tome', 'Rare', 'Near Mint', 'Tempest')' at line 1

    Any help greatly appriciated...

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