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Everything posted by dewey_witt

  1. So I missed class two weeks ago next week is finals week and I am missing an assignment I need a script that eccepts ten numbers and echo the highest. This is an urgent call for help folkz!!!!! If anyone can help me I would willingly give them......... Problem solved props to boost their ratings here on php freaks I know its not much but ehe its all I got.
  2. Try to use $networking = $row[networking]; instead w/o the + sign.
  3. //set up the mail variables $subject= $_POST['subject'] $name = $_POST['name']; $address = $_POST['address']; $phoneno = $_POST['phoneno']; $recipient = "XXX@yahoo.com"; $subject = "$subject"; $msg = "Name: $name"; $msg .="Address: $address"; $msg .="Phoneno: $phoneno"; $mailheader = "From:webmaster@yourdomain.com <YourDomain.com>\n"; $mailheader .= "Return-Path: <webmaster@yourdomain.com>\n"; // all variables set up, mail the contents... mail($recipient,$subject,$msg,$mailheader); try this. Shoukld work. Make sure you put in YOUR info for return path and recipiant
  4. If statment With all the numbers in it =filename. Lotta keeping track there.
  5. at the mysql query promt type mysql chmod 777? (but this will leave you a lil naked.)
  6. Thanks for all your help Peoples I appriciate it! I had gotten it figured out befor i read you post. But yeah you both saw my errors lol
  7. Ok so i have a form that sends an email with the link to my site to a visitors friend. The mail sends fine but... im getting this error: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, support@supportwebsite.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Here is the form: <form action="Send_Link.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="Link" target="_blank"> <table><center> <tr><td colspan="2">Send a friend<br /> a link To<br /> EzSellNow.com</td></tr> <tr><td>Your Full Name:</td><td><input name="FullName" type="text" size="25" maxlength="35" /></td></tr> <tr><td>Your Friends Name:</td><td><input name="FriendName" type="text" size="25" maxlength="35" /></td></tr> <tr><td>Your Frinds Email:</td><td><input name="Email" type="text" size="35" /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Send The Link!" /></td></tr> </center></table> </form> and here is the mail(): <?php error_reporting(0); $msg = "We wou like you to come see our site!\nThis is why:\n\n"; $msg .= "Your friend " . $_POST[FullName] . " thought you might like Somewhere.com\n"; $msg .= "So comeon " . $_POST[FriendName] . " and join us now!\n"; $msg .= "Someplace.com is a site for investors and people\n who want to sell their homes quickly\n"; $msg .= "So what are you waiting on?\n Come see what you friend is talking about!\n"; $to = . $_POST[Email] .; $subject = "Your friend " . $_POST[FullName] . " wants you to check this out!"; $headers = "From: register@Somewhere.com\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: noreply@Somewhere.com\n\n"; mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers); echo "Thanks For Telling Your Friend About Us!"; ?> Any help on the matter would be well apriciated Thanx in advance!
  8. http://www.scriptdungeon.com/free_php_scripts/blog/free_php_scripts.php Try this site it may help you and everything is free.
  9. OK do you have the apropriate permissions set for the file? chmod 777 will allow everyone access you'd probly want 744 thats full control for user read only for everyone else. Hope this solves you problem.
  10. http://www.phpfreaks.com/quickcode/Basic-FTP-File-upload-with-form/622.php Check this out maybe it'll help.
  11. Try this it may work. No guarantee's. I'd realy need to see the sign in HTML and the feilds in the database. $query = mysql_query("select account, pass, loginupdated from users where owname='".$_SESSION['s_username']."' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($query) < 1) { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Our records show us that you have yet to submit your account login, please do so now."); location = "setpass.php"; </script>'; } else { header("Location: members.php"); exit(); } ?>
  12. What is the need for the trim function in $username? Try removing it. Maybe that will work.
  13. $headers = "From: $email\n"; and this will alow for a auto fill after pushing "reply". $headers .= "Reply-To: $email\n\n"; This is the way you formulate a mail header. Then when you send the mail Do it in this order mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); So what we end up with is this <? # Add your email address $name = $_REQUEST['name']; $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $comments = $_REQUEST['comments']; $submit = $_REQUEST['submit']; $to = 'test@test.com'; # Add a default subject $subject = 'New Message Recived'; $headers = "From: $email\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $email\n\n"; $body = "$name $email $comments"; if(isset($submit)) { mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);} ?>
  14. Yes you can store an Image in mysql the feild has to be a "blob" field. but its tricky. I would just upload to a file and put the name into mysql.. Its easier and more efficiant.
  15. Found the problem TY For all of your help Peeps! (problem was improperly checking the array for the checkboxes)
  16. The error is on every line that a for each ends at the top side of the script. You'll notice that I set up a page check function to check that the string is valid. Also Im getting the errors on page load...... which is strange do to the fact that the session shouldnt start till the submit button is pressed. I dunno Any help would be greatly appriciated.
  17. Changed it and still got the same deal. I realy am not seeing this. Im either blind dumb or blond lol Oh, wait I am blond F*CK!
  18. ok I am getting this error here is the form. I don't see why Im getting this : / <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Some Form</title> </head> <body> <h1> <center> Please Enter The property's Info To Post To EzSell.<br> <? if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { session_start(); } // Checking if the post array is even set will make a HUGE difference in speed. if(isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST)) { foreach($_POST['Arch'] as $key => $val) { $arch .= "[" . $val . "]"; } foreach($_POST['Const'] as $key => $val) { $const .= "[" . $val . "]"; } foreach($_POST['Windows'] as $key => $val) { $windows .= "[" . $val . "]"; } foreach($_POST['Heat'] as $key => $val) { $heat .= "[" . $val . "]"; } foreach($_POST['Cooling'] as $key => $val) { $cooling .= "[" . $val . "]"; } foreach($_POST['Parking'] as $key => $val) { $park .= "[" . $val . "]"; } foreach($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = stripslashes($v); } } echo "$arch"; // Check if the variables are set, if not, then show the form $checker = new PAGE_CHECKER; if(!$checker->check_post_variables()) { ?> </center> </h1> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return checkCheckBox(this)"> <center> <table width="87%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#FF0000"> <tr> <td>Street: </td> <td><input name="StrAddy" type="text" size="45" maxlength="45" /></td> <td>City: </td> <td><input name="City" type="text" size="45" maxlength="45" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>County: </td> <td><input name="County" type="text" size="45" maxlength="45" /></td> <td>State: </td> <td><select style="WIDTH: 160px" name="State"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="AL"> Alabama </option> <option value="AK"> Alaska </option> <option value="AZ"> Arizona </option> <option value="AR"> Arkansas </option> <option value="CA"> California </option> <option value="CO"> Colorado </option> <option value="CT"> Connecticut </option> <option value="DE"> Delaware </option> <option value="DC"> District of Columbia </option> <option value="FL"> Florida </option> <option value="GA"> Georgia </option> <option value="HI"> Hawaii </option> <option value="ID"> Idaho </option> <option value="IL"> Illinois </option> <option value="IN"> Indiana </option> <option value="IA"> Iowa </option> <option value="KS"> Kansas </option> <option value="KY"> Kentucky </option> <option value="LA"> Louisiana </option> <option value="ME"> Maine </option> <option value="MD"> Maryland </option> <option value="MA"> Massachusetts </option> <option value="MI"> Michigan </option> <option value="MN"> Minnesota </option> <option value="MS"> Mississippi </option> <option value="MO"> Missouri </option> <option value="MT"> Montana </option> <option value="NE"> Nebraska </option> <option value="NV"> Nevada </option> <option value="NH"> New Hampshire </option> <option value="NJ"> New Jersey </option> <option value="NM"> New Mexico </option> <option value="NY"> New York </option> <option value="NC"> North Carolina </option> <option value="ND"> North Dakota </option> <option value="OH"> Ohio </option> <option value="OK"> Oklahoma </option> <option value="OR"> Oregon </option> <option value="PA"> Pennsylvania </option> <option value="RI"> Rhode Island </option> <option value="SC"> South Carolina </option> <option value="SD"> South Dakota </option> <option value="TN"> Tennessee </option> <option value="TX"> Texas </option> <option value="UT"> Utah </option> <option value="VT"> Vermont </option> <option value="VA"> Virginia </option> <option value="WA"> Washington </option> <option value="WV"> West Virginia </option> <option value="WI"> Wisconsin </option> <option value="WY"> Wyoming </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Suburb: </td> <td><input name="Suburb" type="text" size="45" maxlength="45" /></td> <td>Sub Div: </td> <td><input name="SubDiv" type="text" size="45" maxlength="45" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>List Price</td> <td><input name="Lst_Price" type="text" size="15" maxlength="15" value="$" /></td> <td>Room Total: </td> <td><input name="Total_Rooms" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><center> <h1>Details</h1> </center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Bedrooms: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Bedrooms"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="1"> 1 </option> <option value="2"> 2 </option> <option value="3"> 3 </option> <option value="4"> 4 </option> <option value="5"> 5 </option> <option value="5+"> 5+ </option> </select> </td> <td>Bathrooms: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Baths"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="1"> 1 </option> <option value="2"> 2 </option> <option value="3"> 3 </option> <option value="4"> 4 </option> <option value="5"> 5 </option> <option value="5+"> 5+ </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Family Room: </td> <td><select size="1" name="FamilyRoom"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Y"> Yes </option> <option value="N"> No </option> </select></td> <td>Formal Dining: </td> <td><select size="1" name="FormalDining"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Y"> Yes </option> <option value="N"> No </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>First Floor Bedroom: </td> <td><select size="1" name="First_Bedroom"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Y"> Yes </option> <option value="N"> No </option> </select> </td> <td>First Floor Bathroom: </td> <td><select size="1" name="First_Bath"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Y"> Yes </option> <option value="N"> No </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unit Type: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Type"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Single Family"> Single Family </option> <option value="Duplex"> Duplex </option> <option value="Small Apartments"> Small Apartments </option> <option value="Large Apartments"> Large Apartments </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> <td>Levels: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Levels"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="1"> 1 </option> <option value="2"> 2 </option> <option value="3+"> 3+ </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Arcatecture Type: </td> <td><table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Traditional"> Traditional</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Victorian"> Victorian</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Ranch"> Ranch</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Cottage"> Cottage</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Transistional"> Transistinal</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Log"> Log</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Cape Cod"> Cape Cod</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Dutch"> Dutch</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Contemporary"> Contemporary</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Salt Box"> Salt Box</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Historical"> Historical</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Chalet"> Chalet</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Colonial"> Colonial</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Spanish"> Spanish</td> <td><input name="Arch[]" type="checkbox" value="Tudor"> Tudor</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><center> <input name="Other" type="checkbox" value="Other"> Other </center></td> </tr> </table></td> <td>Construction: </td> <td><table width="99%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Brick"> Brick</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Stucco"> Stucco</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Vinyl"> Vinyl</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Shingle"> Shingle</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Wood"> Wood</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Block"> Block</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Alluminum"> Alluminum</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Log"> Log</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Stone"> Stone</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Cedar"> Cedar</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="Other"> Other</td> <td><input name="Const[]" type="checkbox" value="EFIS"></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Foundation: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Found"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Poured"> Poured </option> <option value="Slab"> Slab </option> <option value="Block"> Block </option> <option value="Stone"> Stone </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> <td>Roof: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Roof"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Shingle"> Shingle </option> <option value="Slate"> Slate </option> <option value="Rubber"> Rubber </option> <option value="Tile"> Tile </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Windows: </td> <td><table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="WIndows[]" type="checkbox" value="Insulated"> Insulated</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Bay\Bow"> Bay\Bow</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Vinyl"> Vinyl</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Slider"> Slider</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Wood"> Wood</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Picture"> Picture</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Alluminum"> Alluminum</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Awning"> Awning</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Double Hung"> Dbl Hung</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Garden"> Garden</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Storm"> Storm</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Vinyl\Alum Clad"> Vinyl\Alum Clad</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Casement"> Casement</td> <td><input name="Windows[]" type="checkbox" value="Other"> Other</td> <td> </td> </tr> </table></td> <td>Heating: </td> <td><table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Gas"> Gas</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Electric"> Electric</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Oil"> Oil</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Hot Water"> Hot Water</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Wood"> Wood</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Steam"> Steam</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Solar" /> Solar</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Coal"> Coal</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Forced Air"> Forced Air</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Heat Pump"> Heat Pump</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Baseboard"> Baseboard</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Radiant"> Radiant</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Gravity"> Gravity</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="Geothermal"> Geothermal</td> <td><input name="Heat[]" type="checkbox" value="None"> None</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Age: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Age"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="5-10 Years "> 5-10 Years </option> <option value="11-20 Years "> 11-20 Years </option> <option value="21-30 Years "> 21-30 Years </option> <option value="31-40 Years "> 31-40 Years </option> <option value="41-50 Years "> 41-50 Years </option> <option value="51-60 Years "> 51-60 Years </option> <option value="61-70 Years "> 61-70 Years </option> <option value="71-80 Years "> 71-80 Years </option> <option value="81-90 Years "> 81-90 Years </option> <option value="91-100 Years "> 91-100 Years </option> <option value="100+ Years "> 100+ Years </option> </select></td> <td>Lot</td> <td><select size="1" name="Lot"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Irregula"> Irregular </option> <option value="Wooded"> Wooded </option> <option value="River View"> River View </option> <option value="City View"> City View </option> <option value="Corner Lot"> Corner Lot </option> <option value="Vacant"> Vacant </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Acherage: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Acreage"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Less Than 1"> Less Than 1 </option> <option value="1"> 1 </option> <option value="1.5"> 1.5 </option> <option value="2 "> 2 </option> <option value="2.5"> 2.5 </option> <option value="3"> 3 </option> <option value="3.5"> 3.5 </option> <option value="4"> 4 </option> <option value="4.5"> 4.5 </option> <option value="5"> 5 </option> <option value="5.5"> 5.5 </option> <option value="6"> 6 </option> <option value="7"> 7 </option> <option value="8"> 8 </option> <option value="9"> 9 </option> <option value="10"> 10 </option> <option value="10+"> 10+ </option> </select></td> <td>Basement: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Basement"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Full Unfinished"> Full Unfinished </option> <option value="Full Finished "> Full Finished </option> <option value="Partial Unfinished"> Partial Unfinished </option> <option value="Partial Finished"> Partial Finished </option> <option value="Cellar"> Cellar </option> <option value="Crawlspac"> Crawlspace </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Garage: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Garage"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Detached"> Detached </option> <option value="Attached"> Attached </option> <option value="Built In"> Built In </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> <td>FirePlace: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Fireplace"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Wood"> Wood </option> <option value="Gas"> Gas </option> <option value="Multi-Wood"> Multi-Wood </option> <option value="Multi-Gas"> Multi-Gas </option> <option value="Nonop"> Nonop</option> <option value="None"> None </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cooling: </td> <td><table width="99%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="Cooling[]" type="checkbox" value="Central Air"> Central Air</td> <td><input name="Cooling[]" type="checkbox" value="Window Unit"> Window Unit</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Cooling[]" type="checkbox" value="Attic Fan"> Attic Fan</td> <td><input name="Cooling[]" type="checkbox" value="Wall Unit"> Wall Unit</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Cooling[]" type="checkbox" value="Other"> Other</td> <td><input name="Cooling[]" type="checkbox" value="None"> None</td> </tr> </table></td> <td>Parking: </td> <td><table width="99%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="Parking[]" type="checkbox" value="Driveway"> Driveway</td> <td><input name="Parking[]" type="checkbox" value="On Street"> On Street</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="Parking[]" type="checkbox" value="Off Street"> Off Street</td> <td><input name="Parking[]" type="checkbox" value="Asigned"> Asigned</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Gas</td> <td><select size="1" name="Gas"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Natural"> Natural </option> <option value="Oil"> Oil </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> <td>Water</td> <td><select size="1" name="Water"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Public "> Public </option> <option value="Well"> Well </option> <option value="Systern"> Systern </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sewage</td> <td><select size="1" name="Sewer"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Public"> Public </option> <option value="Septic System"> Septic System </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><h1> <center> Propery Attributes </center> </h1></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Zoning: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Zoning"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Residential"> Residential </option> <option value="Commercial"> Commercial </option> <option value="Industral"> Industral </option> <option value="Agricultural"> Agricultural </option> </select> ;</td> <td>Sa-Tax</td> <td><input name="SaTax" type="text" value="$" size="15" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tax Rate</td> <td><input name="TaxRate" type="text" size="20" maxlength="15" /></td> <td>Asmnt: </td> <td><input name="Asmnt" type="text" size="20" maxlength="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Occupy: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Occupy"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="On Closing"> On Closing </option> <option value="Specified Time After Closing"> Specified Time </option> <option value="Rental Property"> Rental Property </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> <td>Transportation: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Transp"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Public"> Public </option> <option value="Service"> Service </option> <option value="None"> None </option> <option value="Other"> Other </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Condo Level: </td> <td><select size="1" name="LvlCondo"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="1"> 1 </option> <option value="2"> 2 </option> <option value="3"> 3</option> <option value="4"> 4 </option> <option value="5+"> 5+ </option> </select></td> <td>HOA Fee:</td> <td><input name="HOA" type="text" value="$" size="20" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>School District: </td> <td><input name="SchoolDis" type="text" size="20" maxlength="15" /></td> <td>School Phone: </td> <td><input name="SchoolPhone" type="text" size="20" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Open House: </td> <td><input name="OhDate" type="text" size="20" maxlength="15" value="10/10/2000" onfocus="this.value=''" /></td> <td>Open House Time: </td> <td><input name="OhTime" type="text" value="12:00am" size="20" maxlength="10" onfocus="this.value=''" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Auction: </td> <td><select size="1" name="Auction"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Y"> Yes </option> <option value="N"> No </option> </select></td> <td>Special Financing: </td> <td><select size="1" name="SpecFin"> <option value="None Selected" selected="selected"> Please Select </option> <option value="Y"> Yes </option> <option value="N"> No </option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Home Tax ID: </td> <td><input name="TaxID" type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" /></td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><center> Comments<br> <textarea name="Comments" cols="69" rows="13"></textarea> </center></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><center> Please Select A Picture to Upload For Property: </center></td> <td colspan="2"><input type="file" name="upload" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><h1> <center> Contact Information </center> </h1></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Full Name: </td> <td><input name="FullName" type="text" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td> <td>Organization: </td> <td><input name="ListerComp" type="text" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Contact Address: </td> <td><input name="CompAddy" type="text" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td> <td>Contact City: </td> <td><input name="CompCity" type="text" size="35" maxlength="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Contact State: </td> <td><input name="CompState" type="text" size="35" maxlength="50" /></td> <td>Contact Zip: </td> <td><input name="CompZip" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" /></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Primary Phone: </td> <td><input name="PrimPhone" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td> <td>Office Phone: </td> <td><input name="OfficePhone" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Primary Fax: </td> <td><input name="PrimFax" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td> <td>Cell Number: </td> <td><input name="Cell" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-Mail</td> <td><input name="ListerEmail" type="text" size="40" maxlength="40" /></td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <td colspan="4"><center> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post Listing" /> <input name="reset" type="reset" value="Clear Form" /> </center></td> </tr> </table> </center> </form> <? exit; } if(isset($_POST)) { $upload_dir="images"; if(!dir($upload_dir)) { mkdir($upload_dir); } $upload_loc = $upload_dir."/".basename($_FILES['upload']['name']); if(file_exists($upload_loc)) { echo "File ('".basename($_FILES['upload']['name'])."') already exists, upload failed.\r\n"; unlink($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); } else { if(file_exists($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'])) { if(!ereg("image\/.*", $_FILES['upload']['type'])) { echo "Invalid file type on ".basename($_FILES['upload']['name'])."\r\n"; unlink($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); } else { if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $upload_loc)) { echo "File uploaded successfully.<br /><br /><a href=\"".$upload_loc."\">Link</a><br /><a href=\"Buyers.php\">Back To Ezsell Home</a>\r\n"; } else { echo "Failed to upload file ".basename($_FILES['upload']['name'])."\r\n"; } unlink($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); } } else { echo "File didn't upload to server.\r\n"; } } $db_name="some_db"; $table_name="Post"; @mysql_connect("some_server", "somedb_user", "somedb_pass") or die(mysql_error()); // removed next line to save on processing time //mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die(mysql_error()); @mysql_query(" INSERT INTO `".$db_name."`.`".$table_name."` ( StrAddy, City, County, State, Suburb, SubDiv, Lst_Price, Total_Rooms, Bedrooms, Baths, FamilyRoom, FormalDining, First_Bedroom, First_Bath, Type, Levels, Arch, Const, Found, Roof, Windows, Heat, Cooling, Age, New, Lot, Acreage, Basement, Garage, Parking, Fireplace, Gas, Water, Sewer, Zoning, SaTax, TaxRate, Asmnt, Occupy, Transp, LvlCondo, HOA, SchoolDis, SchoolPhone, OhDate, OhTime, Auction, TaxID, SpecFin, Comments, FullName, ListerComp, CompAddy, CompCity, CompState, CompZip, PrimPhone, OfficePhone, PrimFax, Cell, ListerEmail, Pic ) Values ( '" . $_POST['StrAddy'] . "', '" . $_POST['City'] . "', '" . $_POST['County'] . "', '" . $_POST['State'] . "', '" . $_POST['Suburb'] . "', '" . $_POST['SubDiv'] . "', '" . $_POST['Lst_Price'] . "', '" . $_POST['Total_Rooms'] . "', '" . $_POST['Bedrooms'] . "', '" . $_POST['Baths'] . "', '" . $_POST['FamilyRoom'] . "', '" . $_POST['FormalDining'] . "', '" . $_POST['First_Bedroom'] . "', '" . $_POST['First_Bath'] . "', '" . $_POST['Type'] . "', '" . $_POST['Levels'] . "', '".$arch."', '".$const."', '" . $_POST['Found'] . "', '" . $_POST['Roof'] . "', '".$windows."', '".$heat."', '".$cooling."', '" . $_POST['Age'] . "', '" . $_POST['New'] . "', '" . $_POST['Lot'] . "', '" . $_POST['Acreage'] . "', '" . $_POST['Basement'] . "', '" . $_POST['Garage'] . "', ".$park.", '" . $_POST['Fireplace'] . "', '" . $_POST['Gas'] . "', '" . $_POST['Water'] . "', '" . $_POST['Sewer'] . "', '" . $_POST['Zoning'] . "', '" . $_POST['SaTax'] . "', '" . $_POST['TaxRate'] . "', '" . $_POST['Asmnt'] . "', '" . $_POST['Occupy'] . "', '" . $_POST['Transp'] . "', '" . $_POST['LvlCondo'] . "', '" . $_POST['HOA'] . "', '" . $_POST['SchoolDis'] . "', '" . $_POST['SchoolPhone'] . "', '" . $_POST['OhDate'] . "', '" . $_POST['OhTime'] . "', '" . $_POST['Auction'] . "', '" . $_POST['TaxID'] . "', '" . $_POST['SpecFin'] . "', '" . $_POST['Comments'] . "', '" . $_POST['FullName'] . "', '" . $_POST['ListerComp'] . "', '" . $_POST['CompAddy'] . "', '" . $_POST['CompCity'] . "', '" . $_POST['CompState'] . "', '" . $_POST['CompZip'] . "', '" . $_POST['PrimPhone'] . "', '" . $_POST['OfficePhone'] . "', '" . $_POST['PrimFax'] . "', '" . $_POST['Cell'] . "', '" . $_POST['ListerEmail'] . "', '" . $_FILES['upload']['name'] . "' )" ) or die(mysql_error()); /* check if there was an error in the query, reliability is a must when entering data */ echo "You have succsessfuly posted a listing. } ?> </body> </html> <?php /****************************************/ /*********** Page Functions *************/ /****************************************/ class PAGE_CHECKER { function check_post_variables() { global $_POST; $die=false; foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { if($value == "") { if(!is_array($value)) { $die = true; } } } return (!$die) ? true : false; } function check_variable($variable_value, $expected_values) { if(is_array($expected_values)) { $match=0; foreach($expected_values as $key => $value) { if($variable_value == $value) { $match=1; } } return (($match === 1) ? true : false); } else { return (($variable_value == $expected_values) ? true : false); } } } ?>
  19. Well thanx. And I tried the manual. Im a "show me" type. I know too many languages I think. But again thank you.
  20. OK say i have this form below. I need to put just the VALUES into a mysql database table. How? I need just the values. Please Help! <form action="somephp.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" multiple="multiple"> <input name="thing[]" type="checkbox" value="Thing One" /> <input name="thing[]" type="checkbox" value="Thing Two" /> <input name="thing[]" type="checkbox" value="Thing Three" /> <input name="thing[]" type="checkbox" value="Thing Four" /> </form>
  21. ok after looking at it its done with java as a mouseover effect.
  22. Well i know you can do that with plain everyday grafix useing the alt="your message" attribute in the html image tag. Im am however going to look at what it is your talking about tho to grasp better what your saying.
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