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Everything posted by phpSensei

  1. Sorry, I ment I had Bugs check on other Sites, but I am sure your right.. any softwares specifically speaking of?
  2. OHHHHH, and OHHHHHHH.... Lol, I got It working, Wow I feel like a Genius. Thanks Guys, For all the Hard Effort and Weird Solutions.
  3. Md5 Is always Somethiing like c868d7wd8248ef78f But He Uses Something like N27aJ4xM, which is So Different... How!
  4. What About This ....http://openflv.com/watch?v=NzE3MjQ4OA==&p=0
  5. I have on other sites, and I don't think I have any... Well that I know of..
  6. I have seen many hashing in URL adresses like youtube, google, yahoo, and msn.com I want to know several ways of doing this.. If someone can please show me an example of making your own hash, then I wound be happy.
  7. I have a website, where everything is coded properly, and there is no security holes. The website allows you to upload media, like youtube, but I havnt yet released it... I want to know how to create a snap shot of the video on a specific time of the video stream.. COMPLEX, but need somewhere to start..
  8. Question, How does Marquee affect your website? Does it mean people can submit html into the query? like quotes?
  9. Thanks Agent, But Like I said, nothing is blocked yet. Anything Else?
  10. BTW. The database connection is working its just that after you see an error message, click back one page and you are logged in. I just randomly found a host to show you guys my site.
  11. I am not allowed to Show any links until the site is done... Only Things that work are -View Comment -Signup -Login -Logout -Post Comment Try some Sql Inject for the Login or something...lol Edit: I am still trying to Fill up the database with titles and links. Example Site: www.alluc.org or www.ovguide.com
  12. I am in the process of creating a website that offers links to movies, tvshows, cartoons...blah blah. Now I want some Testers, or try to hack into anything you can... I havn't blocked any directories, so try to find them if you can. Thankyou. Test User: Nasir2 Tes Password: polik12 http://nasir.prohosts.org/
  13. sorry for the triple posting, but it didnt work.
  14. Is this Good? $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; $_SESSION['length'] = time() + 1400;
  15. How can I register a session for a certan amount of time? I have registered the user first, but then I want the user to be logged in evertime he or she comes to my website... how? thanks for any help.. here is my code include("connect1.php"); $username=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password=md5($_POST['password']); $rec=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member WHERE username='$username' AND password = '$password'"); $rec2=mysql_fetch_array($rec); if(empty($username) || empty($password)){ die(header("Location: http://localhost/phpROK/index.php?page=home&t=3")); } elseif(($rec2['username']==$username)&&($rec2['password']==$password)){ session_start(); $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; header("Location: http://localhost/phpROK/index.php?page=home"); } else header("Location: http://localhost/phpROK/index.php?page=home&t=1"); ?>
  16. THANKYOU, lol I am so glad now.
  17. K I have posted this before, and I already validated the input before the mysql_real_escape_string.. Just Want to know if there is anything else I can add to my script to make this login more secure. <?php $dbhost="localhost"; $dbuser="root"; $dbpass=""; $dbname="dbase"; $connect=mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); $db=mysql_select_db($dbname); $username=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);> $query_bad = "SELECT * FROM member WHERE username = '$username' and password ='$password'"; echo "Escaped Bad Injection: <br />" . $query_bad . "<br />";
  18. Wow, is all that code even necessary for a simple user authentication?
  19. Wow, they both work.. Thanks guys, I really think this forum is the greatest of all of them.
  20. I took a piece of my code, which I used for a switch statement Thankyou for your help.
  21. I had a script which takes the information from a form and everything worked until I put the insert query thing, and then I tried to undo my work, but now everytime you submit the form no error message of anything comes up. I looked in my page source and the message is there but not on the page, and no the text is not white lol case'confirmregistration': <?php $username=$_POST['usr_name']; $password=md5($_POST['usr_password_1']); $password2=md5($_POST['usr_password_2']); if(empty($_POST['b-day']) || empty($_POST['address']) || empty($_POST['postal_zip']) || empty($_POST['usr_name']) || empty($_POST['usr_password_1']) || empty($_POST['usr_password_2']) || empty($_POST['secret_answer'])){ $stat="bad"; die( '<center><span class="style16">You Left Some Empty Fields,' . ' <a href="register.php">Please go Back</a></span></center>'); } elseif($_POST['country'] == 1){ die( '<center><span class="error">Please Choose a country,' . ' <a href="register.php">Please go Back</a></span></center>'); } elseif(strlen($_POST['usr_name']) >= 31 ){ die( '<center><span class="error">Username Can\'t be more than 30 chars,' . ' <a href="register.php">Please go Back</a></span></center>'); } elseif($password <> $password2 ){ die( '<center><span class="error">Password don\'t match,' . ' <a href="register.php">Please go Back</a></span></center>'); } elseif(strlen($_POST['secret_answer']) <= 4){ die( '<center><span class="error">Your Secret Answer Can\'t be less than 5 chars,' . ' <a href="register.php">Please go Back</a></span></center>'); } break; ?>
  22. I really Suck with delimeters and Regular expressions so can someone help me? I have a date of birth field which needs to be in this format dd/mm/yyyy... But I want the script to detect if the format is as followed " Number Number / Number Number / Number Number Number Number/ So it contains no Strings, and I want to use some kind of explode to see if it has three sections and each seperated by "/"... Anyone help?
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