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Everything posted by Arkane111

  1. If the test.php file shows you information about the PHP installation, you need to go into every single PHP file and replace "<?" with "<?php". It can be done automatically via a unix command too if there's too many files to edit manually. hmm ill have to get started tomorrow morning figuring this out.. its 1:20 am and im delirious lol. thank you very much for your input peoples. i do not take it for granted.
  2. This new server is from Network Solutions, its the basic service and I was told it does support PHP. Ill make the test file and report back, thanks for help x.x I feel so stupid lol I chose them because they are HUGE and I wanted a large reliable company, so we dont fall into the same trap as last time x.x.
  3. Hello, yeah its my first post. I work for a guy who owns his own business, a small company. He had paid someone to make a website for him a few years ago...that guy had his sister host it and all was fine for 2 years. My boss, he paid the guy way too much, and by having his sister host it..they basically screwed him over big time on the charges. It really sucks because he doesnt have much money and he is just trying to make his dream work ya know... Anyway, I decided that enough is enough..after the "sister" hosting the website tripled her already ridiculous price. She wants 100$ per month for basic hosting. Absurd! Also she will not even answer a phone call or email or help with ANYTHING. So I searched our old records..(printed stuff in messy filecabinets yay!) and found the FTP information...I copied everything on the FTP and moved it over..EXACTLY how it was copied onto a new server...and Lo and Behold... it doesnt work D: I have no idea how to program PHP or MYSQL, I know really mild HTML. I'm good at building machines, and doing networks..and common computer problems and driver madness etc... Just this stuff..perplexes me.. I searched for professional help...to try to aid us in transitioning..because I assumed I did something wrong <.< We dont have 100$ an hour to give someone..I barley make 200$ in a week. So I thought..maybe I could find a cool PHP forum.. that had some smart people that might help us figure this weirdness out >.> Several searches later... blamo I am here x.x Sorry for the ridiculous introduction... I just thought my disposition would be relevant <.< Here is what happens.. I copied all the files exactly using FileZilla.. I uploaded them to the new server using FileZilla. When I open up the documents on my harddrive or by doing an FTP in my browser..it comes up all funky o.o Here is the website the way it should look... www.growyoungandslim.com and here is what I see on that same welcome page..when I just copy things over... query($query); $bio = $bio_res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $query = "select name, email, address1, address2, city, state, zip, phone from hcp where hcp_id = $hcp_id"; $hcpres = $db->query($query); $hcp = $hcpres->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); ?> "; echo $hcp['address1']; if(strlen($hcp['address2'])>0) { echo " "; echo $hcp['address2']; } echo " "; echo $hcp['city']; echo ", "; echo $hcp['state']; echo " "; echo $hcp['zip']; echo " "; echo $hcp['phone']; echo " "; echo ""; echo $hcp['email']; echo ""; ?> stuff like that...on every page D: Im really confuzzled <.< HTML aint like that lol..its also not as functional though. I also see this Alert message that pops up.. 550 failed to change directory. I dont understand that at all -.-; the server im testing it on has 0 security its wide open and everything from the old site is there...so.. any ideas >.>? Is there an easy way to do this >.> ? Sorry my first post is so obnoxious x.x
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