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Everything posted by Technex

  1. Whereas that case code is used elsewhere in my site, I don't think it's the right in this case, it seems like bloted code. Unless I can just add this to index.php and be done with it? echo $thispage; = Members @ dooper So it should work! Thanks for the help guys .
  2. Yeah it didn't work... echo $_GET['members']; shows nothing. But it does actually show the member list. if ($_GET['action']=="members") { $thispage="Members"; } doesn't work also. Thanks still.
  3. On my website I have a code like this where if $thispage='test'; then it would echo in the page title "(Ti|test". I have this for index.php $action = $_GET['action']; if ($action==NULL){ $thispage="Homepage"; } Which works fine. but say for ?action=members this should work right? $action = $_GET['action']; if ($action==members){ $thispage="Members"; } But all it outputs in page title is nothing like this: "(Ti|"
  4. Wow thanks very much . Yes that's what I meant it's just that when I posted it I thought why not include guests aswell . Thank you very much, P.M me if you wish to see site .
  5. if ($userinfo[level]<=5 and >=1){ Hey guys I know the above code is invaulied I just need help correcting it. I've tried if ($userinfo[level]<=5 && >=1){ but it doesn't work. Thanks. What I want is to check to see if a users level is under 5, but to make sure that banned members (0) and guests (1) don't get to see it either. The fastest most secure code please . Thanks .
  6. Okay. I still need help on this. PHP gives no error when using the or die command. It just shows a 0 in Mysql. Please help.
  7. Sorry redarrow I done a ninja edit on you, I tried to be as fast as I could. I fixed the problem I posted and I changed to another one I had. xyn I have a system like that . The only problem is on MySql side. Not very good with Mysql. Thanks everyone .
  8. Well if that's good Mysql practice then okay . I have another problem . lastactive in the users database if(isset($userinfo[id])) { mysql_query("UPDATE users SET lastactive='$lastactive' WHERE id='$userinfo[id]'"); } It just creates a blank MySql entry. lastactive varchar(70) ascii_general_ci No
  9. Table guests has been altered. Well it changed but the whole idea doesn't even work now. When it was varchar it did :S. Any ideas why? It just doesn't put any info into MySql...
  10. MySQL said: Documentation #1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'lastactive' at row 1 Thanks though.
  11. Well so far TIMESTAMP TIME DATETIME haven't worked . What else is good to use? Thanks.
  12. #1292 - Incorrect time value: '1184522514' for column 'lastactive' at row 1 varchar(40) fixed it. Thanks for your help . Is this wise though?
  13. Thanks for the response. Out of range value adjusted for column 'lastactive' at row 1 ip is a varchar(90) - ascii_general_ci column. lastactive tinyint(50) I just went pretty big to get it working.
  14. Hey guys, here's my code: $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $time = time(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO guests (ip,lastactive) VALUES('$ip','$time') "); It's for a online guest counter, could you help me fix it for some reason it won't input lastactive like there's a problem with the PHP time function. Thanks .
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