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Everything posted by marz

  1. I have managed to get the result: <table border="1" > <tr> <td onmouseover="highlight_cell('a1'); highlight_cell('b1')" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell('a1'); unhighlight_cell('b1')" id='a1' > A1 </td> <td onmouseover="highlight_cell('a2'); highlight_cell('b2')" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell('a2'); unhighlight_cell('b2')" id='a2' > A2 </td> <td onmouseover="highlight_cell('a3'); highlight_cell('b3')" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell('a3'); unhighlight_cell('b3')" id='a3' > A3 </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table border="1" > <tr> <td onmouseover="highlight_cell('a1'); highlight_cell('b1')" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell('a1'); unhighlight_cell('b1')" id='b1' > B1 </td> <td onmouseover="highlight_cell('a2'); highlight_cell('b2')" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell('a2'); unhighlight_cell('b2')" id='b2' > B2 </td> <td onmouseover="highlight_cell('a3'); highlight_cell('b3')" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell('a3'); unhighlight_cell('b3')" id='b3' > B3 </td> </tr> </table> ==================================== Is there a short cut to avoid long <td... lines? I was experimenting withouth sucess on this method : function highlight_cell( cellA,cellB ) { document.getElementById( cellA ).className='special_cell_style'; document.getElementById( cellB ).className='special_cell_style';}
  2. Unfortunately it did not work as expected - I am stuck with 3 yellow cells in A1, A2, A3 (initial_cell_style). B1,B2,B3 do change on hoovering on A1-A3. I try to tweak some things here ... PS: when I used classname instead className, it did not work - is Javescript case sensitive!!
  3. Yes, the purpose was actually Cell A1,A2, A3 in Table A and Cell B1,B2,B3 in table B. To avoid confusion, I have edited the code to stick with that example. - It did not work :'( = it does not even highlght any Cell. What's wrong? is it the style?
  4. Please can you copy/paste part of the code and edit it to examplify your words as did not really undertsand (as I said I do not kow the Java language). Many thanks!
  5. Obviously, I did not learnt how to use your suggested code. In the simple table example above, I want that when the mouse is on A1 or B1, both cells A1 and B1 becomes highlihted. Same for A2-B2 and A3-B3. I do not have any JS skills and did not understood the code (esp cell_101). Would be grateful to you if you can re-edit teh code to learn the technique. Thanks a lot Sergie - we love Russia (not only for the girls!)
  6. Thanks, I will experiment with the code and try (becasue I am no JS coder) to adapt it. In the menatime, a further tip will help me alot: If I want to highlight Cell A and Cell B (and Cell C, D, E ... if I am understanding) I have to include the [ onmouseover="highlight_cell( 'cell_101' )" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell( 'cell_101')" ] thing in Cell A +B and whether the mouse is on Cell A or CEll B, both will highlight - hope that answer is a yes! Then I need to set the 'special_cell_style' and 'initial_cell_style' in my css file right?
  7. I need a smart tip to highlight a Cell in table B when the mouse is hovered over a link (or cell) in table A or perhaps different cells within the same table. The need might come that both cells should be highlighted, that is the 'hoover-upon' cell/link and the unhoovered cell in the other table. The application use a pair of tables (with interelated cells) and when one hovering a cell, I want that the corresponding cell in the other table is also (or alone) highlighted without the mouse being on it More or less I know the onmouseover / on Mouseout technique on the hoovered cell, but how to apply it to a different cell that is not hoovered upon!?!? Mega thanks in advance for your help
  8. PS: $history is passed to the next page by hidden form input and use $_REQUEST to get data PS2: Without the <a href tag, things works well! so it is something to do with > or " but I can't see the problem.
  9. I am trying to achieve something that appears simple but I spent few hours in vain This is part of a page which is involved in passing data by forms or/and URL (eg layout.php?k=1) and the display of the page depends on k. At k=1,(first page) things are ok [Joe - <a href="layout_m.php?k=1&name=Joe&type=genus"> 1 </a>] but on passing to the next page, the output is not as desired part of the variable is escaped out on the browser and breaks the variable content View source gives this: Joe - <a href= - <a href="layout_m.php?k=3&name=Joe&type=genus"> 1 </a> while I want: Joe - <a href="layout_m.php?k=1&name=Joe&type=genus"> 1 </a> - <a href="layout_m.php?k=3&name=Joe&type=genus"\> 3 </a> What I achieve to do is a simple history based on an accumulation of k EG Joe - 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8 Where each number (k) is linked and when pressed each go to the corresponding keypage.
  10. I ran it from command line and worked perfectly (see previous posts). However it is somehow convenient to run it from browser (you are just an F12 or F5) away for testing purposes. As I said, all of a sudden it is running fast and almost flawless from the browser now. I just wish to know what could have been the culprit. Thanks for the sleep (0.1) = Sleep (1) - didn't know that
  11. A kind of miracle took place - the script is running very fast on Internet Explorer. I have edited the script (actually made it longer) to include the option verbose mode (were there is all printing) and quite mode (bare essentials are printed) by including an if in every print function. I have the suspect that the PHPRC variable was the culprit of this problem. Since it was in the env paths, and I installed the new PHP5.3 in a different folder, the old php installation did not uninstalled successfully. Before removing the variable pathe from the Environments, the old php dir could not be deleted. The script in quite mode executes to the very end in 2mins (and I have a sleep(0.1); function in the routine) while the verbose mode takes 3mins, but when it reaches almost the very end, it freezes (probably due to overflow of text output) Would be nice if you comment about all this as I do not believe in miracles! previous php version was 5.22 In any case, it was great to learn
  12. 100% SUCCESS 1) I solved the problem with the comman line scripting by creating a text file, wrote the commands as if written from the CMD, saved it and renamed it .bat so as it auto executes when doubleclicked. This also solved the problem that output scriptfile was not created from the icon/target method. With the .bat method, the scriptfile was created. 2) The resulting .html output was 3MB long with full text output and 450kb long when text output was stripped to bear minimum. In both cases, when visualising the html from IE7, the browser froze (I was surprised that 450Kb was too much to handle! So I simply loaded the html file in Ultraedit, and viewed as html. It opened and showed successufully both the 3000kb and 450kb html files I learned so much from the post/forum and hope this helps other coders who encounter this problem. I seen a number of posts related with thesame problem and remained as unsolved. Thannjs
  13. HALF SUCCESS I managed to run the script from CMD line which took less than 2 mins. Then I did a step further, I created a short cut link which also worked well, except one thing which I like to have functioning. I failed to create a script output file as instructed in the 2 previous posts. I used the following command parse: K:\server\php\php.exe g:\marz-kreations\Wildplants\!php\Image_tools.php > G:\MarZ-Kreations\WildPlants\!php\exec\Image_Tools.html I created an exec dir but no html file was created. When running the command (via double clicking the link) the script ran in the black cmd window
  14. I have fixed this by setting the path pointing to the correct dor from the Environment variables settings. The variable is called PHPRC. I test the script from the command line execution and keep you posted
  15. I tried the command line but I got an error. Probably it is finding some libraries in thge old installation dir (F:\INTERNET\Coding\PHP5\). How can I change so as it searches in the actual dir that php is installed (K:/server/php). DO I have some old php.ini around? K:\Documents and Settings\Stephen>K:/server/php/php PHP Warning: PHP Startup: gd: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20060613 PHP compiled with module API=20090626 These options need to match in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'F:\INTERNET\Coding\PH P5\ext\php_mysql.dll' - Invalid access to memory location. in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'F:\INTERNET\Coding\PH P5\ext\php_mysqli.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found. in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Un known on line 0 PHP Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_runtime' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and grea ter in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_runtime' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater i n Unknown on line 0 ^A
  16. Is there a way to flush the memory or in old basic language - "Clear the screen" of iexplorer with php.
  17. Here is another part of the puzzle. I let the script to run with exec_time of 5 mins (300seconds) and, as expected, the script failed with the exe limit time exceeded error after about 700/1000 scanned directories. I expected that iexplorer will become back to normal then, but no, it was still buggy, slow and had to close it with taskmanager. ??
  18. Very true, I used to have this problem in the past and finally realised that if a dir does not exist, it will loop for infinity and hence freezes. However that gives a kind of error code in the errorlog.txt and this is not the issue becasue I have checked taht all dirs are there. What else can it be????
  19. HOW? Will the print text show up or it is meant that the script executes in a kind of silent mode?
  20. Update 2: I have comented out numerous print commands so as about 80% of the printing in the browser window is eliminated. I have seen improvemnet, since I reached the 4000 files in 2 minutes, but then things slowed down and eventually became dead arounf 4700 files. I noticed that if I click on the window of another application (eg: Outlook express) and then back on the broser window, the script processes a chunk and freezes again. I cant make any sense in my limited knowledge :-(
  21. Update 1: I have commented out the part where there is the mysql update: // $sql_edit = "Update sppindex Set rem3 = '$piccount' Where ID = '$ID' "; // if (mysql_query ($sql_edit)) {print "<br> Inserted in DataBase sppindex !";} // else {die ('Error in query: ' . $sql_edit . mysql_error());} and nothing had improved...
  22. I will test everything you said in a while - the sleep (1) function however didn't work. What's strange is that it used to work quite fine on the prev installation and also on the laptop. If something comes in mind related to php.ini , let me know
  23. "A picture is worth a 1000 words." That what I suppose too !
  24. 182guy - thanks mate - I have not had time to try the sleep() function - I just posted this before going to work. It might work as from the symptoms observed in iexplorer, it is like there is a gradual build of hangup. :-\ PS - the textbox to write posts in this forum is very annoying. When you reach the bottom it moves up away from the cursor making editing almost blind.
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