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Everything posted by Trainee

  1. ok is this a dead pist then?? i really need this done and if you know how i would be very gratefull.
  2. ok i turned it into a txt doc so i can atach it on the post bescause it would be an awful load of posts to pst the contents. [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. this is a real shot in the dark but would this be the code? if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { die(); } function nuke_sql($query) { //echo "before = $query<br>"; $nuke_sql = str_replace(" username", " username", $query); if (ereg ('privmsgs_text', $nuke_sql)){ $nuke_sql = str_replace("uname_", "username_", $query); } $nuke_sql = str_replace("u.username", "u.username", $nuke_sql); $nuke_sql = str_replace("u2.username", "u2.username", $nuke_sql); $nuke_sql = str_replace("user_password", "user_password", $nuke_sql); $nuke_sql = str_replace("user_website", "user_website", $nuke_sql); if ((stristr($nuke_sql, "user_email,")) || (stristr($nuke_sql, "user_email "))){ $nuke_sql = str_replace("user_email", "user_email", $nuke_sql); } $nuke_sql = str_replace("user_interests", "user_intrest", $nuke_sql); if (stristr($nuke_sql,"topics_watch") || (stristr($nuke_sql,"user_group"))){ } else { $nuke_sql = str_replace(" user_id", " user_id", $nuke_sql); } $nuke_sql = str_replace("uid_", "user_id_", $nuke_sql); $nuke_sql = str_replace("\(user_id", "\(user_id", $nuke_sql); $nuke_sql = str_replace("u.user_id", "u.user_id", $nuke_sql); $nuke_sql = str_replace("u2.user_id", "u2.user_id", $nuke_sql); //echo "after = $nuke_sql<br><br>"; return $nuke_sql; } ?>
  4. like i said im a noob so i wouldnt now where to fun this. i will search around though and see what i can find
  5. i checked it out and it turns out they are given the name guest as a perm name. You can login with your other details but are still named guest for forums and things. if there is anyone out there that knows a fix im desperate to know.
  6. i checked the site and there are no updates that i can see of any othewr sugestions? how could i tell the system to ignore duplicates?
  7. again where would i find such a thing?? and no i didnt do the coding and things so i wouldnt know where to find it. The preogram i use is just to bind and wrap pictures i think so the problem may lie in the php nuke 7.9 itself?? i can give you access to the files if anyone thinks they can sort it.
  8. ok well im new to this so a detailed tutorial on telling me how to do this would help. im a bit of a newbie to php and only know the basics.
  9. Everytime some one trys to register on my site they are automatticaly given the nuckname Guest as well as being able to login with their name. Although one person has registered no others can as it says username already taken because they are all called guest. How do i fix this??
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