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  1. Wow I can't believe I missed that, it seems the config file had written the path without the "/", apparently I had a path such as this D:Pathtoscript, it must be late I can't believe I didn't notice that. Anyway, thank you so much for the help.
  2. I';ve been at this all night! We are going to start up a new store and we have installed a shopping cart and templates etc, all went well until my partner asked me to install a live support script. I honestly thought hey no problem, until I found the nightmare that is PHPLive on an IIS 6 PHP 5.2.6 MySQL setup! I've re downloaded the script at least 10 times (corrupt download maybe?), nothing. I know the error as I can see it in my php log file but I have no idea what it means... Can someone please help me understand what this means: I think it has something to do with ASP (active server pages) but I installed this very script under apache without the need for them, I dont want this installed under asp if thats what it is, I have no knowledge of asp and just want it installed the regular way. Can someone please help? PS: Almost forgot here is the profile.php script that gives errors: Please excuse my lack of information if I left something out, I'm still new and learning PHP as I go.
  3. Hello everyone, New to this forum and php in general so if I say something that doesn't make any sense what so ever please excuse me. A friend of mine recently gave me a php script which parses information from a user from a database via php, but it requires a name at the end. This is where I'm sorta stuck I've tried googling for an answer but didn't come up with anything relevant. The url looks something like this: http://www.mysite.com/phpfile.php?name= after that it requires a name but to make it look semi decent and not asking our users to copy paste and add their names at the end I'd like to make a small php or html form where users can type in the name and after hitting search the front part of the url will be automatically generated along with the name the user puts in the search box. Again I'm very new to php and learning as I go along could someone please explain how I can go about doing such a thing?
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