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Everything posted by sstangle73

  1. im thinking this is 65 instead of echo "Name :{$row['Gamertag']} <br>" . "activated : $activate <br>"; try echo "Name :" . $row[Gamertag] . " <br> activated : " . $activate . " <br>";
  2. witch line is 65?
  3. i want to show 5 per line and on the 6th on go to the next line. how i have it now will only show 5 <table> <tr> <?php $query5="SELECT * FROM image WHERE ID = '$ID' LIMIT 5"; $result5=mysql_query($query5); while($array5=mysql_fetch_assoc($result5)){ echo "<td>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<img src=" . $array5[url] . " width=100px height=100px>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<center><b>" . $array5[TITLE] . "</b></center>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</td>"; } ?> </tr> </table>
  4. does anyone know of a good working image uploader thats easy to include in a site. i need to be able to store the img on my site and also store whos the img is i already will have set ID #s
  5. haha looking at his profile i went to go to yours bren from the tracker but the hyperlink is htp:// missing a t
  6. very slow on sending texts. . . and if you dont know the service provider you cant send it.
  7. ha well it looks like he started a browse form but it doesnt work. http://profileflip.com/browse.php
  8. i bet its the underscore. hes useing a modrewrite that only rewrites 0-9 a-z A-Z i bet. and i know at one point i saw a browse but i think he might have taken it off with the new layout?
  9. neone?
  10. ^product-([^/\.]+).html/?$ /products.php?id=$1 [L] you can try but like i said im not good at all with modrewrite haha
  11. oo me and mod rewrite dont get along lol youll have to wait for someone else all i know is it will solve your problem
  12. modrewrite
  13. easy way to check do it when i turned cookies off the sessions didnt set
  14. so when they get a seccond friend its just entered into the db twice? so now we would have MY ID 1 FRIEND 2 STAT 1 MY ID 1 FRIEND 3 STAT 1 MY ID 2 FRIEND 1 STAT 1 MY ID 3 FRIEND 1 STAT 1 would you store it like that also both ways for eatch set of friends?
  15. Hey everyone i am tring to make a friends list like myspaces where you can add friends i just have a few questions how would i store it in the db im thinking that i need to store 3 things the 2 people's ID and a 1 or 0 - - 0 when one person hasnt accepted the friend request and 1 when they have
  16. my code has it passing on sept 4th and failing every other date so he can see what happens when it passes.
  17. headers wouldnt work for me i dont know why and dont wanna try to trouble shoot it i just am looking for a different way.
  18. im trying to find the best way to block access to the entire site for some people when i am working on it.
  19. exactly what the code says when $d == date ("D,M"); which shows today's date. if you wanna try it try this code <?php $d=date ("M j"); if ($d=="Sep 4"){ echo "it is 9/4"; }else{ echo "it isnt 9/4";} ?>
  20. when it is fall
  21. heres a script that gives you age in years function birthday($birthday){ list($month,$day,$year) = explode("-", $birthday); $today = getdate(); $age = $today['year']-$year; if(($month > $today['mon']) || ($month==$today['mon'] && $day > $today['mday'])){ $age--; } return $age; } im not sure what your question is? your script is only accurate on your birthday and the year is wrong if you havent had your bday this year.
  22. <?php $d = date("M y"); if($d == "sept 07"){ echo "it's fall"; } else{ echo "it's not fall"; echo "&nbsp"; } ?> worked fine for me? is there something else on that page but that?
  23. what the best way to go to a mait page. i have a function on every page but a header wont work cuz its not on top. so whats the best thing to put in there? i would like to stay away from a meta redirection i guess i could use mod re right?
  24. thats why it was confuseing the shit out of me ah i guess i wont use a function thanks you 2
  25. can $_SESSION['about'] be called by $about?
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