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Everything posted by dannau

  1. Hi to all, I just realized that in my previous message by replacing the name of my website by XXX it became a link to a porn website. Sorry for that. I tried to find a way to edit my message but couldn't find it. If the moderator could do it I would appreciate. SORRY AND GREETINGS, MARK
  2. Hello to all, I'm desperately trying to setup a remote link between DMMX and my mysql database. I "think" I've setup everything well but I keep getting a "404 missing file" message with two reasons: "1- no testing server running on server machine and 2- the testing server specified for this site does not map to the http://xxx.com/_mmserverScripts/MMHTTPDB.php URL. Verify that the URL Prefix maps to the root of the site." I've tried to replace the ftp URL with the IP,... nothing, I keep getting this same message. I'm not a beginner with DWMX but I am with DWMX with Mysql so I am a little lost here. By the way, I can connect to my all my db with navicat perfectly (DWMX works on OS X and my external server is on Unix) Please help. Mark (Valparaíso, Chile)
  3. I'm very proud of myself because I found the solution on my own. I've started using snippets of the message and they would all work separately. That's until I added the part where two variables are one behind the other. I just added a short word in between and it works. Before: $message = "Recu informations qualité de " .$nom. " pour le voyage effectué en " .$mois. " " .$annee. ". \n\n Contact: " .$contact. ", \n Supports: " .$supports. ", \n Logements: " .$logements. ", \n Circuit: ". $circuit. ", \n Excursions: " .$excursions. ", \n Guides: " .$guides. ", \n Repas: " .$repas. ", \n Transports: " .$transports. ", \n Note: " .$note. ", \n Commentaire: " .$commentaire. ""; After: $message = "Recu informations qualité de " .$nom. " pour le voyage effectué en " .$mois. " de " .$annee. ". \n\n Contact: " .$contact. ", \n Supports: " .$supports. ", \n Logements: " .$logements. ", \n Circuit: ". $circuit. ", \n Excursions: " .$excursions. ", \n Guides: " .$guides. ", \n Repas: " .$repas. ", \n Transports: " .$transports. ", \n Note: " .$note. ", \n Commentaire: " .$commentaire. ""; Does someone send me a chocolate medal now? Cheers, Mark
  4. Thank you Suttercain. I tried the new code and I still get the same message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/dannau/public_html/qual/insert.php on line 41 Mark (Mantagua Chile)
  5. Dear all, I'm a beginner in PHP coding. I´ve made a form that connects to a Mysql database and an echo function of all the inormation. I'm tyrying to include a mail function that sends all the variables on our email address. It works flawlessly when I use only one variable, but is stuck with a T_variable message when I use more than one variable: This is the code as I have it now: $message = "Recu informations qualité de "$nom" pour le voyage effectué en "$mois" "$annee". \n\n Contact: "$contact", \n Supports: ".$supports.", \n Logements: "$logements", \n Circuit: "$circuit", \n Excursions: "$excursions", \n Guides: "$guides", \n Repas: "$repas", \n Transports: "$transports", \n Note: "$note", \n Commentaire: "$commentaire; mail('my email@name.com', 'Retour de Questionnaire Qualite',$message); This is probably a very basic and stupid mistake (I hope) but I have been working on this for a whole day. Thanks, Mark (Mantagua, Chile)
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