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  1. phantom


    Is anybody familiar with the SQL "implementation" of Wordnet? http://wnsqlbuilder.sourceforge.net If so, help would be much appreciated.
  2. MySQL version: 5.0.22 SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS distinct id.image_filename, dc.dc_title, dc.dc_type1, dc.dc_type2, dc.dc_type3, (SUM (MATCH (article_word) AGAINST ('corn' )) + SUM (MATCH (dc_title, dc_type1, dc_type2, dc_type3) AGAINST ('corn' )) + SUM (MATCH (title, place_of_publication, type_of_publication) AGAINST ('corn' ))) AS score FROM image_id id, title_metadata t, dc_metadata dc, article_text at WHERE (MATCH (article_word) AGAINST ('corn' ) OR MATCH (dc_title, dc_type1, dc_type2, dc_type3) AGAINST ('corn' ) OR MATCH (title, place_of_publication, type_of_publication) AGAINST ('corn' )) AND id.image_id = t.image_id AND id.image_id = dc.image_id AND id.image_id = at.article_text_id GROUP BY id.image_filename ORDER BY score DESC Table structure CREATE TABLE `image_id` ( `image_id` varchar(55) NOT NULL default '', `image_filename` varchar(55) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `title_metadata` ( `image_id` varchar(55) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `title_abbreviation` varchar(100) default NULL, `change_to_title` varchar(100) default NULL, `place_of_publication` varchar(100) default NULL, `dates_of_publication` varchar(100) default NULL, `type_of_publication` varchar(100) default NULL, `sub_collection` varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`,`title`), FULLTEXT KEY `title_metadata_full_index` (`title`,`place_of_publication`,`type_of_publication`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `article_text` ( `article_text_id` varchar(55) NOT NULL, `article_word_coord` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `article_word` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`article_text_id`,`article_word_coord`), FULLTEXT KEY `article_text_full_index` (`article_word`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Problem: When I execute the query using phpmyadmin, the query is successful and returns a number of results. When I attempt to execute the exact same code in my script it doesn't work. I check it using (if !$query). And the code for !$query is always executed. Furthermore, when I attempt to print the mysql error, nothing is displayed. When I attempt to print the error number, nothing is displayed. What should be displayed: I should receive the contents of all fields selected, with a score at the end of each row.
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