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Everything posted by cski2003

  1. thanks for the help i really appreciate it
  2. I need it to send to me and the original viewer. so it would me 'tome@myserver.com' and then "originalviewer@theirserver.com'
  3. I have this code that i have from my Email form. all i need is to add a code so the email will go straight to them when they send it this is what i have so far.. <?php // read the variables form the string, (this is not needed with some servers). $subject = $_REQUEST["subject"]; $message = $_REQUEST["message"]; $sender = $_REQUEST["sender"]; // include sender IP in the message. $full_message = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n\n" . $message; $message= $full_message; // remove the backslashes that normally appears when entering " or ' $message = stripslashes($message); $subject = stripslashes($subject); $sender = stripslashes($sender); // add a prefix in the subject line so that you know the email was sent by online form $subject = "Contact form ". $subject; // send the email, make sure you replace email@yourserver.com with your email address if(isset($message) and isset($subject) and isset($sender)){ mail("email@yourserver.com", $subject, $message, "From: $sender"); } ?>
  4. Hi im creating a php form so when a user come to my website and fills out questions like "how much would you like to spend", or "the product you would like to have is". so when all the questions are filled out and the put in their email address I can get back to them. I want the php to send me the form they just sent out to MY Email Address and i need the code to send them the same email that i got so they know what they filled out and they have it for their records also. does any one know a code to do that please some one help!!!
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