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  1. Hello all, I'm trying to build a website containing some pdf files, (maybe word documents as well), and I'm looking at a way where I could display the file in some sort of a hyperlink or image... What I want is when the user clicks on the image or hyperlinked text, the pdf file is openned inside the web page itself, not download it onto the local computer..I've seen some webpages where the file is openned inside the web page instead of the user being prompted to download the file locally. How can this be done in PHP?...is it fopen() function or is there some other way to force openning the file in the web page. I would appreciate any help you would give.. Thanks!
  2. then what funcctions should i use?
  3. hi..i wrote this code for when i sign in, it sends another file the id and registers the session...heres the file where i check if the user is a member.. $sqluser="select id from members_tbl where username='".$user."' and password='".$pass."'"; $resuser=mysql_query($sqluser); $rowsuser=mysql_num_rows($resuser); if($rowsuser>0) { $rows = mysql_fetch_array($resuser); $id = $rows[0]; $_SESSION['authorized_user']=true; echo "<script>location.href('../index.php?member=$id');</script>"; } heres the second file where i check if the session is registered...and if it is, i print out the user's first and last name.. <? if(isset($_REQUEST['member'])){ session_save_path("sessions"); session_start(); if(session_is_registered('authorized_user')) { if($_SESSION['authorized_user']==true) { $idd = $_REQUEST['member']; $sqlUser = "select firstname,lastname from members_tbl where id ='".$idd."'"; $resUser = mysql_query($sqlUser); $rowUser = mysql_fetch_array($resUser); $first = $rowUser[0]; $last = $rowUser[1]; echo "<tr><td><center>Welcome $first $last!</td></tr></center>"; } } } and finally, it does actually print out the name..but this error comes out as well: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\work\baleish\menu.js:11) in c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\work\baleish\index.php on line 50 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\work\baleish\menu.js:11) in c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\work\baleish\index.php on line 50 any ideas?..
  4. Hi, I need an online video player that would play .mpeg and .wmv files..like an <EMBED> tag thing..i know there are a lot out there but i cant seem to find them lol..so can anyone help?
  5. heres the playlist.xspf file i created: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/"> <title>Song Title</title> <annotation></annotation> <creator>Song Creator</creator> <location>songs/1rahib/</location> <trackList> <track> <location>songs/1rahib/1.mp3</location> <image>songs/1.jpg</image> <annotation>dfjsdfkjdskfljdsjkl</annotation> </track> </trackList> </playlist> and heres the embedded part: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="200" height="50" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist.xspf" /> </object> when i click on the player, it starts downloading the file...whats the problem:S?
  6. well i made an xml document and i saved it as .xspf file...when i embedded the it into the webpage, i clicked on the play button (button version) but it gave me the "save as" window..as and it downloaded it..i thought it should play the song without downloading it..is that what it should be doing?
  7. Hey, I'm working on a site that should have a category that simulates some sort of a live chat..like yahoo chat..but im thinking about the strategy im gonna follow..any ideas?
  8. Note that your playlist doesnt have to be called playlist.xspf if you dont want, it could be stuff.playlist or whatever. Now just upload the player.swf or whatever its called and your playlist file to your webserver, and embed it in a web page like so: See http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ for options you can pass in the embedded url. Hope that helps, post back if you have any problems. what should the <info> tag include?
  9. ok i downloaded it but i have no idea how to use it..i mean it was simple with the MS media player i used earlier on .rm files bcoz it was just simple js code..but this talks about playlists and creating FLV files and stuff like that..if someone could help me configure this thing i'd be grateful..
  10. and where exactly can i get the flash player from?..any useful links?
  11. I have this code that plays songs online (streaming)..but it doesn't play .mp3 files..so can anyone help me get a music player for streaming mp3 files? <script type="text/javascript"> function PlayerOpen(soundfiledesc,soundfilepath) { PlayWin = window.open('','','width=550,height=150,top=25,left=250,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,status=0,directories=0,personalbar=0'); PlayWin.focus(); var winContent = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" + soundfiledesc + "</TITLE><LINK rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' name='style1' href='/styles/media_player.css'></HEAD><BODY bgcolor='#ffffff'><center>"; winContent += "<div style='font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;line-height:1.5'>" + soundfiledesc + "</div>"; winContent += "<OBJECT width='300' height='42'>"; winContent += "<param name='SRC' value='" + soundfilepath + "'>"; winContent += "<param name='AUTOPLAY' VALUE='true'>"; winContent += "<param name='CONTROLLER' VALUE='true'>"; winContent += "<param name='BGCOLOR' VALUE='#FF9900'>"; winContent += "<EMBED TYPE='application/x-mplayer2' pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&sbp=mediaplayer&ar=Media&sba=Plugin&' SRC='" + soundfilepath + "' AUTOSTART='TRUE' LOOP='FALSE' WIDTH='375' HEIGHT='42' CONTROLLER='TRUE' BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'></EMBED>"; winContent += "</OBJECT>"; winContent += "<p style='font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;text-align:center'><a href='" + soundfilepath +"'>Right-Click to Download[/url]</p>"; winContent += "<FORM><DIV align='center'><INPUT type='button' value='Close this window' onclick='javascript:window.close();'></DIV></FORM>"; winContent += "</center></BODY></HTML>"; PlayWin.document.write(winContent); } </script>
  12. I have this code that plays songs online (streaming)..but it doesn't play .mp3 files..so can anyone help me get a music player for streaming mp3 files? <script type="text/javascript"> function PlayerOpen(soundfiledesc,soundfilepath) { PlayWin = window.open('','','width=550,height=150,top=25,left=250,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,status=0,directories=0,personalbar=0'); PlayWin.focus(); var winContent = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" + soundfiledesc + "</TITLE><LINK rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' name='style1' href='/styles/media_player.css'></HEAD><BODY bgcolor='#ffffff'><center>"; winContent += "<div style='font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;line-height:1.5'>" + soundfiledesc + "</div>"; winContent += "<OBJECT width='300' height='42'>"; winContent += "<param name='SRC' value='" + soundfilepath + "'>"; winContent += "<param name='AUTOPLAY' VALUE='true'>"; winContent += "<param name='CONTROLLER' VALUE='true'>"; winContent += "<param name='BGCOLOR' VALUE='#FF9900'>"; winContent += "<EMBED TYPE='application/x-mplayer2' pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&sbp=mediaplayer&ar=Media&sba=Plugin&' SRC='" + soundfilepath + "' AUTOSTART='TRUE' LOOP='FALSE' WIDTH='375' HEIGHT='42' CONTROLLER='TRUE' BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'></EMBED>"; winContent += "</OBJECT>"; winContent += "<p style='font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;text-align:center'><a href='" + soundfilepath +"'>Right-Click to Download</a></p>"; winContent += "<FORM><DIV align='center'><INPUT type='button' value='Close this window' onclick='javascript:window.close();'></DIV></FORM>"; winContent += "</center></BODY></HTML>"; PlayWin.document.write(winContent); } </script>
  13. i want to make a .htaccess file to change the upload size limit from 2MB to 20MB..but i dont know what code to put in the .htaccess file..and when i'm done, should i upload the file on the web host in the domain of the website im uploading on?
  14. Hi, i want to make a .htaccess file to change the upload size limit from 2MB to 20MB..but i dont know what code to put in the .htaccess file..and when i'm done, should i upload the file on the web host in the domain of the website im uploading on?
  15. So i wanna upload files using ftp functions in php or using using move_uploaded_file()..but the thing is my host has WebShell3 that only allows uploading files less than 2MB..i talked to my web host and they said that they can't allow uploading files more than 2MB large..so i thought of making a .htaccess file but the web host told me its impossible if i'm on windows..so is there another way?..change web host?..im pretty desperate bcoz i need to upload mp3 files,setup files, flash files...and other text documents that will be larger than 2MB..any ideas?
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