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Everything posted by cordoprod

  1. Yeah, I actually don't care if they are good or bad.. But the people who are gonna use this system do.. But if you complaint so much, do you have any other ideas?
  2. Yup, but it's the forum guys who invented them ;-)
  3. I have a community system in PHP, i just can't decide a name. Which name? If you have any other suggestions, PM me. :-)
  4. Like this? <?php function callback($buffer) { // replace all the apples with oranges return (str_replace("apples", "oranges", $buffer)); } ob_start("callback"); ?> <html> <body> <p>It's like comparing apples to oranges.</p> </body> </html> <?php ob_end_flush(); ?>
  5. If i have index.php And i want to replace e.g "hello" with "hi" in the whole page not just in a variable
  6. Hi. I was just wondering of one thing. Let's say i want to add smilies. When i use the str_replace function i'll need a variable. But i want to replace the whole page.. Is that possible?
  7. Yeah sure..everything. I invented travek
  8. Yeah, but it's a community system, most for teenagers.. They don't know anything about that.. Maybe something with net in, or web. Like netlog or webtown (not very much like webtown cus' there is a community system called nettby which means webtown in norwegian.)
  9. Well, now i have Travek.. it's norwegian but i just sat for myself and thinking for a name... but it's kind of stupid
  10. Ok.. Does anyone have some suggestions?
  11. He he, pretty cool names:) But maybe something shorter (one word). But i'll consider them
  12. It's a bit like facebook. You can add friends, guestbook, all that kind of stuff.. visit each others profile.
  13. Hello. I am building a community system.. but i can't come up with a name.. Any ideas?
  14. Do you know whats wrong? Cause it only outputs one day.....
  15. yeah how? Like this? <? $db = new DbConnector(); $db->connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM travek_logg GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC"; $result = $db->query($sql); $day = "yes"; while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($day != "no" && $day2 != date("l", $fetch['time'])) echo date("l", $fetch['time']); echo "<br>".$fetch['nick']; $day = "no"; $day2 = date("l", $fetch['time']); } ?>
  16. I saw that i forgot the echo.... But when i have the echo the output will be: Sunday -- rows But, when it changes day what should i do?
  17. <? $db = new DbConnector(); $db->connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM travek_logg GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC"; $result = $db->query($sql); $day = "yes"; while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($day != "no") date("l", $fetch['time']); echo "<br>".$fetch['nick']; $day = "no"; } ?> The output will be: glenn heihei - No day...
  18. <? $db = new DbConnector(); $db->connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM travek_logg GROUP BY time SORT BY time DESC"; $result = $db->query($sql); while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { } ?> Now i don't have a clue... and am pretty sure the query is wrong..
  19. Yeah, that's the problem... I don't know what query to use
  20. Sorry. The structure is of the table travek_logg: nick | time | action
  21. Could you show some code?
  22. Hi. I have an action log with mysql where i want to sort the rows in days.. Like this: Sunday 25th of May 2008 -- rows Saturday 24th of May 2008 -- rows From a timestamp from time() btw..
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