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Everything posted by sijomon_nd

  1. i am using tinymce editor in admin area for editing xml content.I created options for font size and font color.The editor interpreted font size in points,not in points,and i did not get the color in xml file. it interpreted like that <span style="color: #0000ff;">contnet</span> but it will not take in xml how to solve those problems help me
  2. hello friends i would like to know that ,how to get user name if i am using like that www.example.com/sijo i was used an htaccess file in it i have written RewriteEngine on RewriteRule P/(.*)$ index1.php?referer=$1 like that but in running site i did not the name pls help me
  3. Hello friends I am using RHEL5, and i copied phpmyadmin to html folder.when i acces phpmyadmin using browser,getting an error Phpmyadmin error:cannot load mysql extension.please check your php configuration pls help me
  4. Hello I installed sucessfully apache,mysql and php in windows.And i getting php info().But i copied phpmyadmin folder to httdocs and when i access from the browser,getting an error: Error: The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret) pls help me sijo
  5. I installed sucessfully apache,mysql and php.And i getting php info().But i copied phpmyadmin folder to httdocs and when i access from the browser,getting an error: Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.10.1 Error MySQL said: Documentation #2003 - The server is not responding pls help me sijo
  6. Hello If a user logged in ,his status should become online and when user close his brower at that moment,status of the user should change to offline how to make this in php see:same procedure of gmail
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