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  1. Thank you premiso But I need to give order to the scanner to take a picture instead of browsing photo
  2. Hi for all; Is there a way or code that can take a picture of the scanner to the site immediately, rather than on the browse the picture Thanks in advance
  3. My database on the web !! then, How can restore the backup if my web hosting company does backups daily and how know that my web hosting company does backups ?! Note: I can't call them and email them (hosting company) Wait reply
  4. I'm deleted tables in my database by mistake :-\ please help me how restore the tables with data thank you in advance
  5. Hi I have problem with query when put ' in the textarea field and press send to save in database , refuse the saving is there function in php ignore ' in the query ??!!
  6. You may process fields with javascripts for speed and the confirmation from the important fields in seperate php file
  7. <? $html='123<beforethis>test<hh>test</hh>s9<beforethis>'; $arr=explode("<beforethis>",$html); foreach($arr as $key=>$value){ $digit=substr($value,strlen($value)-2,2); $digit=ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$digit); if($digit !=""){ print $digit."<br>"; } } ?>
  8. try to replace this code $insertpost = "INSERT INTO posts_groups (gid, gname, uid, uname, post, month, day, year) VALUES ('$id', '$groupname', '$userid', '$username', '$userpost', '$month', '$day', '$year')"; by this code $insertpost = "INSERT INTO posts_groups (gname, uid, uname, post, month, day, year) VALUES ('$groupname', '$userid', '$username', '$userpost', '$month', '$day', '$year')"; but you ought to enable auto increment for the table
  9. Hi smeguru Try this <? for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){ if (isset($pagesetting['leftside']['section'.$i])) { include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/shared-resources/sidesection.".$pagesetting['leftside']['section'.$i].".inc.php"); } } ?>
  10. Try this <? if(isset($_GET['wrong_code25'])){ header( "refresh: 3; url=http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/index.php" ); ?> <table><tr><td> Thank you for registration.<br /> Wait, you are redirecting to login page.<br /> </td></tr></table> <? }?>
  11. try this: reply else if($_POST['sameaddress'] == 'on') to else if($_POST['sameaddress'] == 'sameaddress')
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