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  1. Thank you for your help. Just one question though? In the code C:\\wamp\\www\\ there are two backslashes \\ what does this mean? Regards Eng65
  2. This is the path to Wampserver on my PC C:\wamp\www . I want to know what i put on line one on the script: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETTING 1 (IMPORTANT) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this is the full path for the root directory of your website define("FULL_PATH", "/home/freedir/www/"); C:\wamp\www? What would be the path? Thanks Eng65
  3. Hi to all, I have a Script that i would like to eventually upload to my hosts Server. Before i do that, i would like to try out the Script on Wamp Server on my PC. I know the paths the host server (/home/mysite/www/ The config.php needs to be set up. As i want to try it out on Wamp on my PC. I am confused to what path i should put in these setting, so i can try the Script on Wamo Server? I have included the script. I would be please if someone could explain what i need to do, and the paths that need to be set for Wamp Server. Thank you Eng65 <? /*********************************** WEBSITE SETTINGS ************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETTING 1 (IMPORTANT) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this is the full path for the root directory of your website define("FULL_PATH", "/home/freedir/www/"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETTING 2 (IMPORTANT) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // homepage of your main website ( base domain usually ex. http://www.mydomain.com/ ) define("DIRECTORY_HOMEPAGE_URL", "http://www.freedirectoryscript.com/"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETTING 3 (IMPORTANT) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // must include a forward slash at beginning and end !!! // default setup would be "/directory/" // for instance, if your links directory is http://www.domain.com/directory/ // then set this value to "/directory/" [a slash before and after is required] define("WWW_DIR", "/directory/"); /*********************************** MOD_REWRITING SETTINGS ************************************/ // If you want search-engine-friendly url's set MODREWRITE to true // Fancy rewriting is off by default, your server must allow rewriting // You must include the .htaccess file if you wish to rewrite URL's define ("MOD_REWRITE", true); // if true, don't forget to set your .htaccess file define ("MOD_REWRITE_EXT", "html"); // the file extension used for subcategory.xxx pages define ("MOD_REWRITE_DIV", "-"); // the spacer-divider for sub-category-names-with-a-space.xxx (value '-' used in example) $systemvals = array(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DO NOT EDIT BELLOW THIS LINE // DO NOT EDIT BELLOW THIS LINE // DO NOT EDIT BELLOW THIS LINE // DO NOT EDIT BELLOW THIS LINE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require_once(FULL_PATH . WWW_DIR . "_libs/runtime.inc.php"); ?>
  4. Thank you for helping me with what you have suggested. There is a lot of scripts out there, and i have Googled, but what would be the right one for what want to do? I will try these scripts on Wampserver,before i upload. In the mean time. If anyother member knows of a good script, so that you can post links to Urls i would be glad if you would let me know. Thanks or your help and support so far. All the best Eng65
  5. I run a forum for people who experience mental health. As part of recovery from being unwell, i want to put a site up for Voluntary work search. This will help people, to become active again. Do you know of a Open Source program that would be good for this. Would be very gratefull if someone could help me with this. Thanks Regards Eng65
  6. Ok wildteen88, I see what you mean, it did help by me showing you though. Perhaps i should slow down and observe more, and stop being over eager. Thanks for your help, i do appreciate your effort in pointing these things out to me, thanks Best Regards, Eng65
  7. Hi, wildteen88 and other members, Thanks for your help so far with my problem; I have included a short movie of my difficulty. I believe this is a common problem for those of us who have little experience in this area. I have included the short movie, here: http://www.divshare.com/download/1737584-e46 Thanks to all for your continued help, and support. Eng65
  8. I did this but it did not work? Eng65
  9. Hi, I installed EasyPhP 2.0 on my Pc I would like to run PhPbb Forum on it. I installed the forum package to the server /www/ but, i do not know how to ger the forum to istall. I know this can be done so i am looking for help. Once i know how how to do it, i will make a (swf) movie about it using (Instant demo). and put a link to the movie. Has any other member made (swf) movie about subjects such as this? Regards, Eng65
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