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  1. alright.. so i run a proxy for users to get around their governments block on youtube.com i'm looking to setup a few servers dedicated to just serving flv files i need a script to download and send to the user as its downloading a flv file so.. i can pass a url to it like /video.php?v=http://youtube.com/zzzzz and it downloads this flv while streaming it to the user as it downloads i tried this in the past but it never worked out so great -- i can use any function (i can compile whatever is needed into php)
  2. hi I've been working on making improvements to my site the last few days a few of the changes are fixing short cuts that I have taken in the past 'just to make it work' the whole site uses rewrite urls to keep the urls 'clean' and simple to use. the one problem I run into is this RewriteRule ^mediaplayer/([0-9]+)/$ /_mediaplayer.swf?PlayListSpace=$1 it does not pass the value on to the flash file like it would with any other php file with a rewrite so what I did was RewriteRule ^mediaplayer/([0-9]+)/$ /_mediaplayer.swf?PlayListSpace=$1 [R] and just made the clean url redirect to the ugly url I would like to find the reason that the original without redirecting and just rewriting it will not work this same method works for all the php files just fine, but for the swf file it will not pass the variable along I have searched through apache's own website as well as google and could never find an explaination for what would cause this to happen.
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