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Everything posted by angelsRock

  1. if i pay 300 one year for the hosting server... 10 for one new domain eaech year... how much should i charge my customer for a project ?? ;D ;D some said is 10 for 10Mb ?
  2. if i from asia.. should i buy the server based in asia? faster?
  3. actually i am from Asia country.. i wonder will the speed be faster if i buy the server based in US/UK?? basically my website is on php / .net
  4. hi expert.. i would like to get an account for hosting server.. but there are currently too many too choose from.. any advice for me to choose the best? is it getting the server from US or UK is better and faster in terms on bandwidth?
  5. hahaha ;D don laugh at me lee..hahaha if i were to use paypal... how should i integrate it ya? they provide the module for us? ;D
  6. hi.. what should i do if i want to set up a website with credit card service? the hosting server has a module on credit card.. so.. do i need to go to bank to ask for this service to set up to my website? or the hosting server handle for us??
  7. so how should i put this if(!$connection) die("Connection failed"); else { mysql_select_db($db); $query = "delete from prem_propertyad where premPropertyID = '".$_GET[prem77]."' "; $exec=mysql_query($query); echo '<script>alert("Property deleted");</script>'; echo '<script>window.location="myneuproperty-postings.php";</script>'; }
  8. echo"<td align=center><a href='delete.php?prem77=$row[premPropertyID]'><font size=2 color='#666666'>".Delete."</font></a></td>"; in delete.php <?php if(isset($_GET[prem77])){ $connection=mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass); if(!$connection) die("Connection failed"); else { mysql_select_db($db); $query = "delete from prem_propertyad where premPropertyID = '".$_GET[prem77]."' "; $exec=mysql_query($query); echo '<script>alert("Property deleted");</script>'; echo '<script>window.location="myneuproperty-postings.php";</script>'; } }?> how do i add in the warning to prompt " Are u sure want to delete?" with yes or no button
  9. oh .. actually i don want to put any link for them... .. can they just use the backspace to go back?
  10. where should i put that $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? into the previous page? or current page? where thanks
  11. hi.. i use backspace to link back to my previous page.. but it fails me ...showing webpage has expired .. what should i do??
  12. <?php if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES[image1][tmp_name])) { $imagename1 = basename($_FILES['image1']['name']); $newimage1 = "art/" . $imagename1; $thumbimage="thumbs/" . $imagename; echo $_FILES['image1']['type']; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[image1][tmp_name],$newimage1)) { echo"<p class=good>FIRST PICTURE UPLOADED OK</p>"; } else { echo"<p class=error>PICTURE ERROR</p>"; } } mysql_select_db($db); $query = "update premium_propertyad set address='".$_POST[address]."', area='".$_POST[area]."', state='".$_POST[state]."', type1='".$_POST[type1]."', type2='".$_POST[type2]."', type3='".$_POST[type3]."', selling_price='".$_POST[selling_price]."', rental_price='".$_POST[rental_price]."', land_area='".$_POST[land_area]."', buildup_area='".$_POST[buildup_area]."', tenure='".$_POST[tenure]."', bedroom_num='".$_POST[bedroom_num]."', bathroom_num='".$_POST[bathroom_num]."', remarks='".$_POST[remarks]."'," if($_FILES['image1']['name']>0 || $_FILES['image2']['name']>0|| $_FILES['image3']['name']>0) { $query = $query & "photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1'," } $query= $query& " facilities='$facilities' where username='".$_SESSION[username]."' and premPropertyID='".$_POST[basic_id]."' "; echo $query; echo mysql_error(); $result=mysql_query($query);?> sorry... i don get what u meant.. i do everything in a page.. if($_FILES['image1']['name']>0 || $_FILES['image2']['name']>0|| $_FILES['image3']['name']>0) the above is to check whether any picture exist in the <input type=file> my idea is to check out of that 3 <input type=file> , if one got value.. then it will update the $query = $query & "photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1'," thanks for hlep
  13. ohh.. the above page is the edit page.. the user descriptions and pictures will be shown.. if user want to update the data but not the picture .. mean the <input type="file" size=50 name="image1"> will be left blank.. if i update the blank value.. it will overwrite the previous picture.. so i put the above code like that .. but it prompt me error on the <?php if($_FILES['image1']['name']>0 || $_FILES['image2']['name']>0|| $_FILES['image3']['name']>0) { $query = $query & "photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1'," }?>
  14. i got error on the if part in mysql query..!! :'( <?php if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES[image1][tmp_name])) { $imagename1 = basename($_FILES['image1']['name']); $newimage1 = "art/" . $imagename1; $thumbimage="thumbs/" . $imagename; echo $_FILES['image1']['type']; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[image1][tmp_name],$newimage1)) { echo"<p class=good>FIRST PICTURE UPLOADED OK</p>"; } else { echo"<p class=error>PICTURE ERROR</p>"; } } mysql_select_db($db); $query = "update premium_propertyad set address='".$_POST[address]."', area='".$_POST[area]."', state='".$_POST[state]."', type1='".$_POST[type1]."', type2='".$_POST[type2]."', type3='".$_POST[type3]."', selling_price='".$_POST[selling_price]."', rental_price='".$_POST[rental_price]."', land_area='".$_POST[land_area]."', buildup_area='".$_POST[buildup_area]."', tenure='".$_POST[tenure]."', bedroom_num='".$_POST[bedroom_num]."', bathroom_num='".$_POST[bathroom_num]."', remarks='".$_POST[remarks]."'," if($_FILES['image1']['name']>0 || $_FILES['image2']['name']>0|| $_FILES['image3']['name']>0) { $query = $query & "photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1',photo1='$imagename1'," } $query= $query& " facilities='$facilities' where username='".$_SESSION[username]."' and premPropertyID='".$_POST[basic_id]."' "; echo $query; echo mysql_error(); $result=mysql_query($query);?> i want to update the page.. if the picture are not change.. so it will just update the record .. where the previous picture willl be remained...
  15. why onlly one color appear? while ($Row = mysql_fetch_array ($Result)) { If ($color = "#FFFFDF") $color = "#DBFCFC"; else $color = "#FFFFDF"; $Row[selling_price]= number_format($Row[selling_price],2); print ("<TR ALIGN=center bgcolor=$color VALIGN=top>\n"); echo"<td align=center><a href='post-premiumreview.php?id=$Row[premPropertyID]'><font color='#3300CC'>".$Row[premPropertyID]."</font></a></td>"; print ("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>".$Row['type1']." </TD>\n"); print ("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>".$Row['state']." </TD>\n"); print ("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>".$Row['selling_price']."</TD>\n"); print ("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>".$Row['type3']."</TD>\n"); print ("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>".$Row['buildup_area']."</TD>\n"); print ("<TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top>".$Row['datePosted']."</TD>\n"); print ("</TR>\n"); }
  16. ohh .. haha.. din complete.. if i were to use this echo"<td align=center><a href='post-freereview.php?id=$row2[basic_propertyID]'> <font color='#3300CC'>".$row2[basic_propertyID]."</font></a></td>"; how do i get the value passed in 'post-freereview.php'? in asp i used id= request.querystring("id") in php?? thanks
  17. echo"<td align=center><a href='post-freereview.php'>".$row[premPropertyID]."</a></td>"; why no result display wooo??
  18. ohhh man... haha.. anyway .. am i using the right way to maintain?
  19. <?php $connection=mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass); if(!$connection) die("Connection failed"); else { mysql_select_db($db); echo $_POST[propertyID]; if (isset($_POST[propertyID])) { $query="select * from basic_propertyad where basic_propertyID='".$_POST[propertyID]."' and username='".$_SESSION[username]."';"; $exec=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_affected_rows(); $row=mysql_fetch_array($exec,MYSQL_BOTH) } else { $row[address] = $_POST[address]; } ?> <tr> <td width="19%" align="center" height="22"> <font face="Arial" size="2"><b>Address</b> </font> <font face="Arial" size="1">(Optional)</font></td> <td width="75%" height="22"> <textarea rows="3" name="address" cols="37"><?php echo"$row[address]";?></textarea></td> </tr> error is on Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in ... at the mysql_fetch_array when i click on this page.. data will be pulling from database... so when i edit it and press update and if got mistake.. the data i update should maintain for the verification..
  20. while($row2=mysql_fetch_array($exec2,MYSQL_BOTH)) { echo'<tr>'; echo"<td width=100 align=center>substr($row2[datePosted],0,10) </td>"; } why the display result for the date is substr(2007-10-13 23:51:48,0,10) instead of 2007-10-13 ??
  21. <?php if ( strlen($row[username])>1 ) ?> <input type="text" name="name" size="31" value=<?php echo $row[name];?>> <?php else ?> <input type="text" name="name" size="31" value=<?php if (isset($_POST[name])) echo $_POST[name];?>> the error is on Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in ... why?
  22. if that is the submit button ? i cant reduce the size of the submit button..
  23. great discussion above..haha anyway problem.. hahahaha echo $row[selling_price]; $row[selling_price]= number_format($row[selling_price],',',3); echo $row[selling_price]; the above echo show value but the later echo no... error Warning: Wrong parameter count for number_format()
  24. can i make the button smaller and word smallelr/?
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