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Everything posted by dezkit

  1. doesn't work databases: quickgam_amx and quickgam_jbamxbans
  2. can you implement it in my code, i can't seem to figure it out, thank you
  3. oops, i forgot, quickgam_jbamxbans is another database, not another table, sorry
  4. Hi guys, I have this code, that grabs all the data from a table and echos it, but i have this one separate table for Jailbreak. how can I grab the data from quickgam_jbamxbans for jailbreak only, thank you so much. here is my code: <table border=0 CELLPADDING=4> <tr> <td align=right>Alias</td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=2">Dust2Pub</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=3">Deathmatch</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=4">Deathrun</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=55">Jailbreak</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=5">KZ/Bhop</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=8">Freezetag</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=6">ZPlague</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=7">ZRevolution</a></td> </tr> <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "quickgam_me", "xxxx") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("quickgam_amx") or die(mysql_error()); $query = " SELECT admin_id, server_id, nickname, hostname, access, ashow, admintype FROM amx_amxadmins a, amx_serverinfo s, amx_admins_servers c WHERE c.admin_id = a.id AND c.server_id = s.id AND a.id = c.admin_id AND a.admintype = a.admintype AND a.ashow = a.ashow ORDER BY a.admintype DESC, a.nickname ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $nicks[$row['nickname']][]=$row['server_id']; $admin[$row['nickname']]=$row['admintype']; } $color="1"; foreach($nicks as $nickname=>$serverids) { if($color==1){ $hello = implode(" ",$serverids); echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFF9A1'><td align=right><b>".$nickname."</b><br>"; if($admin[$nickname]=="3"){ echo "<i>Owner</i>"; }elseif($admin[$nickname]=="2"){ echo "<i>Head Admin</i>"; }elseif($admin[$nickname]=="1"){ echo "<i>Admin</i>"; }elseif($admin[$nickname]=="0"){ echo "<i>Co-Owner</i>"; } echo "</td>"; if(strstr($hello,"4")){ // d2pub echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"6")){ // deathmatch echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"1")){ // deathrun echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"8")){ // jailbreak echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"17")){ // kz/bhop echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"2")){ // simpsons echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"14")){ // plague echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"5")){ // rev echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } $color="2"; } else { $hello = implode(" ",$serverids); echo "<tr bgcolor=''><td align=right><b>".$nickname."</b><br>"; if($admin[$nickname]=="3"){ echo "<i>Owner</i>"; }elseif($admin[$nickname]=="2"){ echo "<i>Head Admin</i>"; }elseif($admin[$nickname]=="1"){ echo "<i>Admin</i>"; }elseif($admin[$nickname]=="0"){ echo "<i>Co-Owner</i>"; } echo "</td>"; if(strstr($hello,"4")){ // d2pub echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"6")){ // deathmatch echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"1")){ // deathrun echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"8")){ // jailbreak echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"17")){ // kz/bhop echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"2")){ // simpsons echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"14")){ // plague echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } if(strstr($hello,"5")){ // rev echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://xxxx/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } $color="1"; } } ?> </tr> <tr> <td align=right>Alias</td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=2">Dust2Pub</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=3">Deathmatch</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=4">Deathrun</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=55">Jailbreak</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=5">KZ/Bhop</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=8">Freezetag</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=6">ZPlague</a></td> <td align=center><a href="http://xxxx/forumdisplay.php?f=7">ZRevolution</a></td> </tr> </table> please help me out, thank you for anything posted
  5. Hi, thanks for the response, but I don't know where to put that. Here is my current code. <?php $submit_y = $_POST["submit_y"]; if(!$submit_y){ ?> <center> <form action="" method="post"> <table><tr><td align=right><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="In-game name">In-game name: </td><td><input type="text" name="os0" maxlength="60"></td></tr> <tr><td align=right><input type="hidden" name="on1" value="SteamID">SteamID: </td><td><input type="text" name="os1" maxlength="60"></td></tr> <tr><td align=right><input type="hidden" name="on2" value="Server">Server: </td><td><select name="os2"> <option value="All Servers">All Servers $60.00 <option value="Deathrun">Deathrun $10.00 <option value="Jailbreak">Jailbreak $10.00 <option value="Simpsons Freezetag">Simpsons Freezetag $10.00 <option value="RPG Surf">RPG Surf $10.00 <option value="Zombie Plague">Zombie Plague $10.00 <option value="Zombie Revolution">Zombie Revolution $10.00 </select> </td></tr> <tr><td align=right><input type="hidden" name="on3" value="Type of admin">Type of admin: </td><td><select name="os3"> <option value="Basic admin">Basic admin <option value="Full admin + $10.00">Full admin + $10.00 </select> </td></tr> </table> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynow_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" value="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> </form> </center> <?php } else { ?> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Buy Admin"> <input type="hidden" name="button_subtype" value="products"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF:btn_buynow_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select0" value="All Servers"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount0" value="60.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select1" value="Deathrun"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount1" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select2" value="Jailbreak"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount2" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select3" value="Simpsons Freezetag"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount3" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select4" value="RPG Surf"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount4" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select5" value="Zombie Plague"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount5" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select6" value="Zombie Revolution"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount6" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_index" value="0"> <?php } ?>
  6. Hello guys, I have this code: <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Buy Admin"> <input type="hidden" name="button_subtype" value="products"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF:btn_buynow_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest"> <table> <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Server">Server</td></tr><tr><td><select name="os0"> <option value="All Servers">All Servers $60.00 <option value="Deathrun">Deathrun $10.00 <option value="Jailbreak">Jailbreak $10.00 <option value="Simpsons Freezetag">Simpsons Freezetag $10.00 <option value="RPG Surf">RPG Surf $10.00 <option value="Zombie Plague">Zombie Plague $10.00 <option value="Zombie Revolution">Zombie Revolution $10.00 </select> </td></tr> <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Type of admin">Type of admin</td></tr><tr><td><select name="os1"> <option value="Basic admin">Basic admin <option value="Full admin + $10.00">Full admin + $10.00 </select> </td></tr> <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on2" value="In-game name">In-game name</td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="os2" maxlength="60"></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="on3" value="SteamID">SteamID</td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="os3" maxlength="60"></td></tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select0" value="All Servers"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount0" value="60.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select1" value="Deathrun"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount1" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select2" value="Jailbreak"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount2" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select3" value="Simpsons Freezetag"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount3" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select4" value="RPG Surf"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount4" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select5" value="Zombie Plague"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount5" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_select6" value="Zombie Revolution"> <input type="hidden" name="option_amount6" value="10.00"> <input type="hidden" name="option_index" value="0"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynow_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form> What I'm trying to do is so that if Type of admin is selected to Full admin, then the final price will have 10 dollars added. Thank you
  7. dezkit


    when a person submits a form with a certain amount of custom fields, if the payment goes through, is there a way to send an email to me with all custom fields and stuff? thank you
  8. Amazing, works like a charm, thank you very much!!!!
  9. Here: <table border=0 CELLPADDING=5> <tr> <td align=right>Alias</td> <td align=center>Dust2Pub</td> <td align=center>Deathmatch</td> <td align=center>Deathrun</td> <td align=center>Jailbreak</td> <td align=center>RPGSurf</td> <td align=center>SimpsonsFreezetag</td> <td align=center>ZombiePlague</td> <td align=center>ZombieRevolution</td> </tr> <?php $query = " SELECT admin_id, server_id, nickname, hostname, access, ashow, admintype FROM amx_amxadmins a, amx_serverinfo s, amx_admins_servers c WHERE c.admin_id = a.id AND c.server_id = s.id AND a.id = c.admin_id AND a.admintype = a.admintype ORDER BY a.admintype DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $nicks[][$row['nickname']][$row['admintype']]=$row['server_id']; } $admintype = $row['admintype']; $color="1"; foreach($nicks as $nickname=>$serverids) { if($color==1){ $hello = implode(" ",$serverids); echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFF9A1'><td align=right>".$nickname."<br>"; if($admintype=="3") {echo "Owner"; }elseif($admintype=="2") {echo "Head Admin"; }elseif($admintype=="1") {echo "Server Admin";} echo "</td>"; if(strstr($hello,"4")){ // d2pub echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } $color="2"; } else { $hello = implode(" ",$serverids); echo "<tr bgcolor=''><td align=right>".$nickname."<br>"; if($admintype=="3") {echo "Owner"; }elseif($admintype=="2") {echo "Head Admin"; }elseif($admintype=="1") {echo "Server Admin";} echo "</td>"; if(strstr($hello,"4")){ // d2pub echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } $color="1"; } } ?> </tr> <tr> <td align=right>Alias</td> <td align=center>Dust2Pub</td> <td align=center>Deathmatch</td> <td align=center>Deathrun</td> <td align=center>Jailbreak</td> <td align=center>RPGSurf</td> <td align=center>SimpsonsFreezetag</td> <td align=center>ZombiePlague</td> <td align=center>ZombieRevolution</td> </tr> </table> Thank you
  10. still doesn't work hehe, thanks for the responses though
  11. This is the error when I try to put that in. Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in /home/quickgam/public_html/dezkit.php on line 30
  12. anybody, even have an idea?
  13. Maybe I have to join it in query orsomething?
  14. No error, or anything, even if I put the $row['admintype'] outside the whileloop, and foreach.
  15. Hello guys. I have a certain problem, I want to fetch "admintype" and "ashow" from the amx_amxadmins table, but I can't seem to get it correctly, it just shows up blank, How can i fix this problem? Here is my code: <table border=0 CELLPADDING=5> <tr> <td align=right>Alias</td> <td align=center>Dust2Pub</td> <td align=center>Deathmatch</td> <td align=center>Deathrun</td> <td align=center>Jailbreak</td> <td align=center>RPGSurf</td> <td align=center>SimpsonsFreezetag</td> <td align=center>ZombiePlague</td> <td align=center>ZombieRevolution</td> </tr> <?php $query = " SELECT admin_id, server_id, nickname, hostname, access, ashow, admintype FROM amx_amxadmins a, amx_serverinfo s, amx_admins_servers c WHERE c.admin_id = a.id AND c.server_id = s.id AND a.id = c.admin_id AND a.admintype = a.admintype ORDER BY a.admintype DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $nicks[$row['nickname']][]=$row['server_id']; } $admintype = $row['admintype']; $color="1"; foreach($nicks as $nickname=>$serverids) { if($color==1){ $hello = implode(" ",$serverids); echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFF9A1'><td align=right>".$nickname."<br>"; if($admintype=="3") {echo "Owner"; }elseif($admintype=="2") {echo "Head Admin"; }elseif($admintype=="1") {echo "Server Admin";} echo "</td>"; if(strstr($hello,"4")){ // d2pub echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } $color="2"; } else { $hello = implode(" ",$serverids); echo "<tr bgcolor=''><td align=right>".$nickname."<br>"; if($admintype=="3") {echo "Owner"; }elseif($admintype=="2") {echo "Head Admin"; }elseif($admintype=="1") {echo "Server Admin";} echo "</td>"; if(strstr($hello,"4")){ // d2pub echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/yes.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } else { echo "<td><center><img src='http://quick-gaming.net/no.gif' alt=''></center></td>"; } $color="1"; } } ?> </tr> <tr> <td align=right>Alias</td> <td align=center>Dust2Pub</td> <td align=center>Deathmatch</td> <td align=center>Deathrun</td> <td align=center>Jailbreak</td> <td align=center>RPGSurf</td> <td align=center>SimpsonsFreezetag</td> <td align=center>ZombiePlague</td> <td align=center>ZombieRevolution</td> </tr> </table> Thank you! table layouts amx_amxadmins id nickname ashow admintype amx_serverinfo id hostname amx_admins_servers admin_id server_id
  16. anybody?
  17. Bump before i got to bed
  18. Yeah.
  19. HOLY JESUS. It worked! Thank you soo much!! I've been looking into my laptop screen for 4 hours thinking how to solve my problem, and you came and solved it. Thank you and to the others in the thread! Is there also a way to make so that the nicknames that have the most server_id's assigned to them get to be on the list first? Thank you again!
  20. Yeah i know, but you don't understand, this is what i want something like array("1"=>"1,2,3,4,5","2"=>"1,2,3") not array("1"=>"1","1"=>"2","1"=>"3","1"=>"4","1"=>"5","2"=>"1","2"=>"2","2"=>"3")
  21. I changed my mind, and yeah it didn't work. my problem will be solved if only i knew how to make nickname into an array containing all the server_id's itslinked to.
  22. OMG this is so frustrating, to keep things simple now, is there a way to turn the nicknames into an array? for example nickname server_id 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 into nickname server_id 1 1|2|3|4|5 2 1|2|3 thank you guys if you reply.
  23. Sorry the last image didn't show what i want to do, this is what i have now i want to have all the checkmarks on one line for nickname, how do i do this?
  24. I have no idea. Why does this show up anyways? I changed GROUP BY to ORDER BY.
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