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  1. Okay, let me start off by apologizing if this is in the wrong section on the forums - I'm sorta new . I am working on a website built on PHP Nuke, and I have cleaned up a lot of the mumbo jumbo that we will not be using. For some reason the menu at the top of the screen hates IExplorer, and will not align properly no matter what I do. It is a table, with each .png file in its own cell - but IExplore likes to put a good sized spacer between each cell (even though border, cell wall, etc are set to 0). Am I missing something? Its annoying because FF and chrome both display it with ease, and I would like the site to be IE friendly as well. edit - oops forgot site url http://www.specopsglobal.clanservers.com/
  2. erm.. what do i do with that? sorry, im quite new to php..
  3. i did both, and still no success. here is the code for the checkboxes.. <input type="checkbox" name="Event[]<br>" id="1-3" value="Softball" style="font-weight: 700" size="20"><b><font size="2">Softball</font></b> <input type="checkbox" name="Event[]<br>" id="2-3" value="Field Day" style="font-weight: 700" size="20"><b><font size="2">Field Day</font></b> <input type="checkbox" name="Event[]<br>" id="3-3" value="Ft. Fisher" style="font-weight: 700" size="20"><b><font size="2">Ft. Fisher</font></b>
  4. okay, first thing to know is that this is an event sign-up sheet, so it has a few text fields (which work fine) and three text boxes (which are my problem). when the person hits submit on the form, it needs to send an email to my email address that has all of the information in it and ONLY the checked check boxes. My problem is that with using foreach, the email only tells me the last text box of the three they checked. (if they checked boxes 1 and 2, only 2 will be listed, as well as if they checked all three boxes, only the third will be listed..) here is the code for the form submission.. [code=php:0]<?php if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { $ip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); } else { $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR); } $adminEmail = "admin@berryrotc.com"; $subject = "Event Participation"; $Name = $_POST['Name']; $Rank = $_POST['Rank']; $LetLevel = $_POST['LetLevel']; $ClassPeriod = $_POST['ClassPeriod']; $Comments = $_POST['Comments']; $Event = $_POST['Event']; foreach ($Event as $Eventname) $finalMessage = "$Rank $Name would like to participate in an upcoming event. More information below.\n\nRank: $Rank \nName: $Name \nLet Level: $LetLevel \nClass Period: $ClassPeriod \nEvents to participate in: \n $Eventname \n\n\nComments:\n$Comments"; $str = "Rank: $Rank \nName: $Name \nLetLevel: $LetLevel \nClass Period: $ClassPeriod \n$Eventname \n\n\nComments: \n$Comments"; $out = fopen("backup_contact_form.txt", "a+"); mail($adminEmail, $subject, $finalMessage); fwrite($out, $str); fclose($out); echo "<font color=\"white\">Thank you for signing up for JROTC Events. Your name will be added to the roster shortly!</font>"; ?> [/code] See anything that might be wrong? thanks in advance for any ideas or help offered.
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