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Everything posted by NickLindeman

  1. I can't get it to work with elseif.
  2. How do I go about limiting uploads to multiple file types? Currently I am using.. elseif ($_FILES['file']['type'] != 'image/gif') { echo "Your file must be an image."; } I want to try and limit it to .gif, .jpg, and .png but I was wondering how I make it limit to the multiple file types. Also I was wondering if it was possible to limit .gif files to non-animated .gifs.
  3. I'm fetching the text from the database and it's in bbcode and I was wondering how I could go about displaying the bbcode in the correct format. [b][/b] to <b></b>
  4. Currently I've been working on a news script for my website and I've been pulling posts from a set forum but since they are displaying in plaintext I was wondering how I would go about displaying the bbcode tags correctly. For example, one of my posts the text is [b:0236504185]Links:[/b:0236504185] [url]http://www.wikipedia.org[/b][/url] Thank you for your time.
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