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  1. Sorry, but that really dosnt help me. I need to be able to flash messages on random parts of the screen in intervals
  2. ye I understand basic ajax stuff like that, but I don't know how to make it appear in a random spot on your screen, and make it disapear in a fraction of a second
  3. im guessing you are using a frameset? On the other frame (not the menus) define the frame with a name. And on the page that you include all the menu links, make sure the <a hrefs> all include this attribute : target="Frame_Name" frame_name being the name of the frame I just told you to define.
  4. I need a script, that will let me flash a message on the viewer's browser. I need to be able to set how long the text will stay there, like even less than a second. I need it to be displayed in a random place on the screen. Im farily new to ajax, but I have experience with it. Any help will be appreciated, Thanks -Remus
  5. It took me almost half an hour to register, that captcha image is almost impossible to read.
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