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  1. Hello, I am having problems with a form mail script that I did, I can not get it to work. I get a server 500 error when I hit the submit button. I am new to PHP programming and need some help please ! Listed below is my html code and the PHP code that I put into the CGI folder on my sever. Also , I dont know if this make a difference or not but the e-mail that I want the form information to goto is a .net address and is not the same .com as the site. Any suggestions would be very welcome !! Thanks everyone !!! HTML Form Code form action="http://www.sw-vai.com/cgi-bin/fmail.php" method="post" enctype="text/plain" name="contact" target="_blank" id="contact"> <p class="style1"><strong>Email:</strong> <label><br /> <input name="first_name" type="text" id="first_name" tabindex="1" size="45"> </label> </p> </br> <p class="style1"><strong>Company Name:</strong> <label><br /> <input name="company_name" type="text" id="company_name" tabindex="2" size="45"> </label></p></br> <p class="style1"><strong>Your Name:</strong><br /><label> <input name="your_name" type="text" id="your_name" tabindex="3" size="45"> </label> </p></br> <p class="style1"><strong>Contact Number:</strong><br /> <label> <input name="contact_number" type="text" id="contact_number" tabindex="4" value="Example: 555-555-5555" size="45”></label> </p></br> <li class="style1"><strong>Question or Product Inquiry: </p><label> <textarea name="question_products" cols="80" rows="10" id="question_products" tabindex="5"></textarea> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" tabindex="6"> </label> </strong></br> <input name="recipient" type="hidden" id="recipients" value="swcontrol@swcontrol.net"> <input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="http://www.sw-vai.com/thankyou.html"> </form> PHP CODE <?PHP $first_name = $POST[“first_name”]; $company_name = $POST[“company_name”]; $your_name = $POST[“your_name”]; $contact_number = $POST[“contact_number”]; $question_products = $POST[“question_product”]; mail( swcontrols@swcontrol.net, $first_name, $company_name, $your_name, $contact_number, $question_product ) ; header(“location: http://www.sw-vai.com/thankyou.html”); ?>
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