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Everything posted by blueman378

  1. well ure nice anyone know how to do it? Hes also right. Your not going to learn if we go Here have some code, and if you want us to do that theres a section of the forum to do that, and this is not it. hes not being an a**hole hes jsut being direct.
  2. btw check your functions, you are using depreciated functions such as session_is_registered(name)
  3. the correct way is to acctually break out of the echo with . but in this case you dont need it.
  4. if a varialb is already inside an echo you dont need echo again try something like this echo "<li class='right active'><a href='account_settings.php' rel='facebox'><span>Welcome back $_SESSION['name']!</span></a></li> <li class='right active'><a href='' rel='facebox'><span>Last login on $_SESSION['lastlogin']</span></a></li>"; youll need to change your else as well
  5. i mean a watermark will stop your average joe from stealing images but anyone who is good with a image editor can remove it. whats your site about?
  6. wow redarrow havnt seen you on here for ages man, anyway it depends on the complexity of your images as to weither a water mark will be effective.
  7. lol i remember reading the topic your quotes from the "Zend h4x0r" and cheers for the icon XD
  8. Hi guys, well heres the design for the site im about to make. anyone got any ideas before i commit to the design? [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. yes i just noticed that. there doesnt seem to be anything in the diff to cause it must be an error with the original theme. ill keep playing if i see anything that works without adverse side effects ill let you know.
  10. that fixes it in firefox, on the class .attachments {forum.css (line 353) changing clear:right; to clear:both; that should fix it in chrome as well.
  11. firefox is slightly buggy as well, although the image is in the right place the line extends out too far. ill have a play around with the web dev toolbar let you know what i find.
  12. what resoloution are you using? im 1280x1024 ah ok now its changed on this topic, now the top attachement is gone wierd, but the second one is fine... thats lost me completly. ah well guess its jsut something we will have to put up with, if more people complain then fix it?
  13. nope thats really wierd, it works fine here. maybe its something to do with them being 1 after the other?
  14. just checking but i believe the glitch doesnt happen on the original post only its sucessors. and no chrome is not beta anymore. [attachment deleted by admin]
  15. Hi guys, using Chrome on Vista seems to give a strange alignment issue with attaching images, ironically ill attach a screenshot. [attachment deleted by admin]
  16. i was thinking possibly grab the output of the page and then replace src=" with src="Themes/default ? this is more for editing the page when NOT going througgh the server, so i/theme creators dont have to keep replacing the links.
  17. yeah i thought of doing that, only problem is that then if i dont access it throught the server it literally tries to look in "<?php echo THEME_PATH; ?>images/header.png", im thinking there is no real way around this?
  18. ok well basically my directory structure is this ROOT -Forum --Index.php ---Themes ----Default -----Index.php -----style.css -----Images ------Some images here now in the first index.php id be looking at having something like: <?php $pagename = "Homepage"; function loopecho($start,$finish); { while($start <= $finish) { echo $start; $start++; } } include("Themes/default/index.php"); ?> obviously that is a very simple example then in the second index.php (under themes/default) i would have osmething like <html> <head> <!-- CSS Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <!-- / CSS Stylesheet --> <title><?php echo $pagetitle; ?></title> </head> <body> <div class="id1"> <img src="images/header.png"> <?php loopecho("1","45"); ?> </div> </body> does that get across what im trying to do? the speration of logic from code (without any frameworks) now obviously this wont work as it owuld look for the img it owuld be ROOT/forum/images/header.png same sort of problem for the style sheet. but if i code into the html for it to look in the right place for the images and stylesheet then i can only edit it live. so is there any way to when its executed from the server change the path it looks in for things, and when its not use what it reads as?
  19. hi guys, well ive got a script which defines a whole pile of variables,functions ect, then at the end of it it includes the html part of the code, so index.php->includes->Themes/index.php. now im wondering how can i make it so if say i open the Themes/index.php it can still read the stylesheet but when i include it in the base index.php and view it in the browser it can still access it? this is the same thing with images ect. i dont want to have to everytime i want to view the theme by itself go through and change all the links, any ideas?
  20. hmm i dont think i explained myself properly although your method would still work, i acctually meant the administator would be adding in these fields, and they will show up on all users profiles. is the joining tables still the best idea?
  21. it should be working... can anyone else see anything wrong with that?
  22. ok try this, i just went through and simlified your ifs, no need to nestle then that deep just use elseif anyway <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['SESS_LOGGEDIN'])) { $_SESSION['SESS_LOGGEDIN'] = false; } if(isset($_POST['user'])) { //Include Config File For DB info.. include("db.php"); //Connect TO The MySQL Server $connect = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_username,$db_password) or die("MySQL Said:".mysql_error()); $database = mysql_select_db($db_database,$connect) or die("MySQl Said:".mysql_error()); $login = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']); $pwd = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pwd']); $link = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pilots` where login='$login' and pwd='$pwd'") or die("MySQL Said:".mysql_error()); $lresult = mysql_fetch_assoc($link); $lcount = mysql_num_rows($link); $lname = $lresult["lname"]; $hub = $lresult["hub"]; $pwd = $lresult["pwd"]; $fname = $lresult["fname"]; $login= $lresult["login"]; $status= $lresult["status"]; if($lcount == 1) { $_SESSION['SESS_LOGGEDIN'] = true; $_SESSION['SESS_LNAME'] = $lname; $_SESSION['SESS_HUB'] = $hub; $_SESSION['SESS_FNAME'] = $fname; $_SESSION['login'] = $login; $_SESSION['status'] = $status; } } if($_SESSION['SESS_LOGGEDIN'] == true) { $slogin = $_SESSION['login']; $slink = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pilots` where login='$slogin'") or die("MySQL Said:".mysql_error()); $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($slink); $scount = mysql_num_rows($slink); if($scount ==1) { $sstatus = $_SESSION['status']; if($data['status'] == 0) { echo "<center>Your Account Is Not Active.</center>"; } elseif($data['status'] == 2) { echo "<center><font color=\"ff001b\">Your Account Has Been Suspended.</font> <a href=\"logout.php\">Log Out</a><br /></center>"; } elseif($data['status'] == 3) { echo "<center>You Are Currently On L.O.A</center> <a href=\"rfileloa.php?login=$data[login]\">Return From L.O.A</a><br />"; } else { echo " <body link=\"#0066FF\" vlink=\"#0066FF\" alink=\"#0066FF\"> <center>Welcome Back $fname $lname <h7><em><strong>Pilots Panel</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"?page=pirepform&lname=$data[lname]\">File Pirep</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=fileloa&login=$data[login]\">File LOA</a><br /> <a href=\"#\">Signatures</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=profile&login=$data[login]\">My Profile</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=editp&login=$data[login]\">Edit My Profile</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=events\">Events</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=rosterphp\">VIew Roster</a><br /> <a href=\"#\"><font color=\"#FF0000\">Resignation Form</font><br /> <a href=\"logout.php\">Log Out</a><br /> <br> <h7><em><strong>Pilots Tools</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"http://www.fspassengers.com/\"> FS Passengers</a><br /> </center> "; if($data['hm'] == 1) { echo " <center> <h7><em><strong>Hub Manager Panel</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"?page=addnews_hub\">Add News</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=edithub\">Edit Hub Page</a><br /> <a href=\"apppireps.php?hub=$data[hub]\">Approve Pireps</a><br /> <a href=\"promote.php?hub=$data[hub]\">Promote Pilot</a><br /> <a href=\"awards.php\">Grant Award</a><br /> </center> "; } if($data['fm'] == 1) { echo " <center> <h7><em><strong>Fleet Manager Panel</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"addaircraft.php\">Add Aircraft</a><br /> <a href=\"manageaircraft.php\">Manage Aircraft</a> </center> "; } if($data['ed'] == 1) { echo " <center> <h7><em><strong>Events Director Panel</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"?page=addevent\">Add Event</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=manageevents\">Manage Events</a><br /> <a href=\"postnews.php\">Post News</a><br /> </center> "; } if($data['hr'] == 1) { echo " <center> <h7><em><strong>Human Rescources Panel</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"?page=newpilots\">New Pilots</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=editpilots\">Edit Pilots</a><br /> <a href=\"viewcomments.php\">View Comments</a><br /> <a href=\"viewsitecomments.php\">View Site Comments</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=addnews\">Post News</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=editnews\">Edit News</a><br /> "; } if($data['bm'] == 1) { echo " <center> <h7><em><strong>Executive Staff Panel</strong></em></h7><br /> <a href=\"?page=edithub\">Edit Hub Page</a><br /> <a href=\"apppireps.php?hub=$data[hub]\">Approve Pireps</a><br /> <a href=\"promote.php?hub=$data[hub]\">Promote Pilot</a><br /> <a href=\"awards.php\">Grant Award</a><br /> <a href=\"addevent\">Add Event</a><br /> <a href=\"manageevents.php\">Manage Events</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=addnews\">Post News</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=editnews\">Edit News</a><br /> <a href=\"pilotrec.php\">Pilot Records</a><br /> <a href=\"?page=newpilots&staffid=$data[login]\">New Pilots</a> <font color=\"#0066FF\" size=\"3\" face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\"> <strong>$newprow</strong></font><br /> <a href=\"?page=editpilots\">Edit Pilots</a><br /> <a href=\"viewcomments.php\">View Comments</a><br /> <a href=\"viewsitecomments.php\">View Site Comments</a><br /> "; } } } else { echo "<script>javascript:alert(\"Log In Failed!\")</script> <center><font color=\"ff001b\">Your <em>Pilot ID And/Or Password</em> is wrong!</font></center> "; } } else { echo " <style type=\"text/css\"> .idBox { width:50px; } .passwordBox { width:80px; } </style> <table border=\"0\" align=\"center\"> <form action=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]\" method=\"post\"> <tr> <td align=\"center\">ID:</td> <td align=\"center\">ASA<input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" class=\"idBox\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"center\">Password:</td> <td align=\"center\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"pwd\" class=\"passwordBox\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align=\"center\"><p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"login\" value=\"Login\"></p> <p align=\"center\"><a href=\"#\">Forgot Password</a></p></td> </tr> </table> "; } ?>
  23. see thats where ordie comes in, after all your mysql queries put or die(mysql_error()); (after your query but before the ; then try running it and it will tell you whats wrong
  24. just cause im curious then... what templating engine are you using? im assuming you are because of the {$PName}
  25. why dont you erase the session on the end of the next page?
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