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  1. I don't think assertion functions would work...I just want to interrupt the code...
  2. Nope, I cleared my browser cache -- and now it works like a charm.
  3. Well, that is great...but are you using $_REQUEST? Maybe I should change the associative array.... I tried that before and it didn't work so well, though. Any ideas?
  4. Can I "interrupt" my script? i.e. If I wanted a variable to be a certain value, and it isn't...could I stop the rest of the script from parsing somehow? I know this could be done with functions, but with a lot of variables to pass on to a lot of functions...that would be difficult, not to mention time consuming. Any ideas? Thanks in Advance.
  5. No case isn't the issue. I am referring to when I type in the address WITHOUT the "/index.html".
  6. I changed my site's CSS, and now, whenever I type in my address it is all wrong. When I add "/index.html" to the URL it looks fine. How do I make it so that the server automatically takes users to "index.html" without having to add "/index.html" in the URL bar? Thanks in Advance.
  7. Oh, almost forgot, here's the script for the forms... <form method="post" action="hypotenuse.php" onKeyPress="return numbersonly(this, event)"> <p>Side a</p><input name="side_a" type="text" /><br /> <p>Side b</p><input name="side_b" type="text" /><br /> <p>Side c</p><input name="side_c" type="text" /><br /> <p>Angle A</p><input name="angle_a" type="text" /><br /> <p>Angle B</p><input name="angle_b" type="text" /><br /> <p>Angle C</p><input name="angle_c" type="text" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="GO!" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> </form> and PHP side... $side_a = $_REQUEST[side_a]; $side_b = $_REQUEST[side_b]; $side_c = $_REQUEST[side_c]; $angle_a = $_REQUEST[angle_a]; $angle_b = $_REQUEST[angle_b]; $angle_c = $_REQUEST[angle_c];
  8. OH...ROFL!!! To think I actually used tally marks on paper (gasp) to count them out! I feel kind of silly. I think I'll just use Dreamweaver from now on....
  9. Just like the topic title... What is the Difference Between $_POST, $_GET, and $_REQUEST? Thanks in Advance.
  10. @hvle: So why not just stay with the $_REQUEST and go straight to is_numeric() then to is_float() and is_int()? @Ken: Using strlen(), I would see if string length is set to zero, right? Are values through $_REQUEST always set as srings?
  11. Oh, just saw your edit... OK, so you think I need to change from $_REQUEST to $_POST? Why? And I'm going to have to use a combination of those functions to get the results I need? I thought perhaps there was a way without, but I will combine if I need to.
  12. Yes, I know, but if user inputs '00000123' I don't want that. I want some thing that can handle floats AND integers BUT ONLY numbers (with option of decimals of course). ex (taken from the page itself) <?php is_numeric('0123'); // true, not what I want is_numeric(0.123); // true is_numeric('0.123'); // true is_numeric(123); // true is_numeric('123'); // true is_numeric('foo'); // false ?>
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