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Everything posted by ptityop

  1. Hi all, I could do with some help ... What I am trying to do is insert some additional div in the piece of code you will see below, but I've been having some troubles as to what stntax I should be using and where to place those div ... In order to help you help me, I suggest you have a look at this page elhoster2.com/europeshuttle , make a search with country "sweden" as "return trip" . From there you will see 2 results. This is the page I am trying to layout. Basically, the image is on the left and then I would like to have a div floated on the left that will contain the services (multilingual driver , greeting sign etc ), another div with the info seen in bold (passengers =1, charges are per vehicle) and a last div with all pricing info. My issue is that I don't really know how to break this piece of php code to achieve the desire effect ... I hope someone will be kind enough to help me with this. function get_tours($type,$country,$airport_start,$city_start,$psg,$way){ $mysql=new MYSQL; $q="select * from tours where tour_country ='$country' and tour_airport='$airport_start'and tour_city='$city_start' and tour_standard='$type' and veh_seats >='$psg'"; $res=mysql_query($q,$mysql->connection); if(mysql_num_rows($res)>0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($res)){echo'<form id="booking_2" action="booking-form.php" method="post">'; echo'<div class="search-results spacing-bot" ><figure class="img-indent"> <a class="lightbox-image" href="'.SITE.$r['tour_vehicle_picture'].'" data-gal="prettyPhoto[gallery1]"><img src="'.SITE.$r['tour_vehicle_picture'].'" width="188" height="138" alt=""></a></figure> <div class="search-results-info">'; #THIS IS WHERE THE SERVICE LIST BEGINS ########################################### $tour_id=$r['tour_id']; $serv="select * from services_to_tour where tour_id='$tour_id'"; $re=mysql_query($serv,$mysql->connection); while($ro=mysql_fetch_array($re)){ $serv_id=$ro['serv_id']; $this->get_serv($serv_id); } #THIS IS WHERE THE SERVICE LIST ENDS I GUESS AND THAT I WOULD LIKE TO BE IN ITS OWN DIV ########################################### #FROM HERE I AM GETTING A BIT CONFUSED WITH THE PHP AND HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO STYLE IT !!!########################################### $crg_by=$r['tour_price_per']; if($crg_by=='per vehicle'){ $crg='per vehicle'; $tour_price= $r['tour_price'] ; $tour_r=$r['tour_price_return']; $total=$r['tour_price'] + $r['tour_price_return'] ; $total_i=$r['tour_price']; $total_b=$r['tour_price_return']; } elseif($crg_by=='per person'){ $crg='per passenger';$total_i=$r['tour_price'] * $psg; $tour_price= $r['tour_price'] * $psg; $tour_r=$r['tour_price_return']* $psg; $total= $tour_price + $tour_price; } if($way=='Return'){$price='Collection: '.$tour_price.' Euros<br />Return:&nbsp'.$tour_r.' Euros'; $total=$total; $amount=$total;$percent='15'; $online=$this->get_percent($amount,$percent); $pr=$online;$total='<br />Total Price: '.$total.' Euros<br />Payable online: '.$online.' Euros'; } else{$amount=$tour_price;$percent='15'; $online=$this->get_percent($amount,$percent); $price='Price: '.$tour_price.' Euros<br />Payable online: '.$online.' Euros';$total='';$pr=$r['tour_price']; $pr=$online; } echo'<span class="p1"><strong>Passengers:</strong></span> '.$psg.'<br /><span class="p1"><strong>Charges are by '.$crg.'</strong></span><br /><span class="p1"><strong>Price </strong></span><br />'.$price.$total.'<input type="hidden" name="tour_id" value="'.$tour_id.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="way" value="'.$way.'" /><input type="hidden" name="psg" value="'.$psg.'" /><input type="hidden" name="price" value="'.$pr.'" /><input type="hidden" name="price_in" value="'.$total_i.'" /><input type="hidden" name="price_out" value="'.$total_b.'" /><input type="hidden" name="operator" value="'.$r['operator_id'].'" /><a onClick="document.getElementById(\'booking_2\').submit()" class="button" style="float:right"><strong><strong>book this transfer</strong></strong></a></form> </div> <div class="border-bot"></div> </div>'; } } else{echo'<p>Sorry your search returned no results.</p>';} }
  2. Hi, I am wondering if websites offering newsletter services are more efficient than sending newsletters via the mailing list option hosting companies offer ? .... after a few trials I noticed that they do not prevent mails from getting into junk folders, so I have to say that I am not convinced...the only advantage I see in it is the statistics you get , with report of how many actually read the mail ... but then again is this real or fake ....? Doing this implies putting some kind of script within the email.... or something like this ... well , basically it's all a bit confusing ... anyone has any idea how all this works ? Worth it , not worth it .... How do they trigger the statistics ? Conversation is open !! Many thanks !
  3. hummm... there is no session actually, the site does not require any log in ... this is so weird!
  4. hi,thanks for your reply... i probably was not clear enough (sorry english is not my first language) "Maybe you need to provide more info but... why don't you just output the link with www on it in the first place? Is that the code that gets output?" This is not really the issue as the the problem only happens on some computers not others ... so i guess we'll have to look somewhere else than the banner itself ... whatever the link is , it does the same...
  5. Hi! I have an odd problem... I inserted a flash file in a php doc, and basically what happens is that on some computers, the link does not work without the www extension ... by that i mean if people go to http://mysite.com they will not be able to click the banner but if they put http://www.mysite.com it works... Very odd as the link is part of the flash movie and it only happens on some computers not all ... anyone would have an idea as to what could cause this ? Alternativly what can I do with this piece of code that does not seem to do the trick either <div class="subtitulo"><a href="http://hostelsuites.com/hostel-banner.php?Buenos+Aires+Hostel+Suites+Florida&id_hostel=30&idioma=3&id_banner=2"><?php echo ucfirst($lang["expanish"]) ?></a><br /> <br/></div> Many thanks for any help !
  6. well thanks a lot for your help!!
  7. Hi, thanks for looking into this... Apparently nothing happens, they just stay on the same page... I just don't get it and it's pretty difficult for me to spot the error as everything works fine for me and other people ... could be a cache issue ? Although I asked them to clear the cache.... Now probably the best solution would be to link the image directly within the php code, but I tried and it does not work, what I tried was <div class="subtitulo"><a href="http://hostelsuites.com/combos:php?idioma=$idioma></a><?= ucfirst($lang["combomendoza"]) ?></div> But it does not link... when rolling over the banner the browser shows where it should be linking fine but it is not clickeable....I must be missing something here ... Thanks for your help
  8. Hi, I have an issue with a banner I integrated in a page (http://hostelsuites.com) if you go to the page you'll see a banner on the left side , called "Combo Andes". The problem I am encountering is that this banner is linking to inside pages, and it works all fine for me but does not on some other computers, although they are using the same explorer or firefox versions.... I have no idea as to what could trigger this type of error, any help would be muche welcome. Some details that might help : The link is winthin the flash movie The code that brings the banner up depending on the chosen language is <div class="subtitulo"><?= ucfirst($lang["combomendoza"]) ?></div> Thank you very much in advance
  9. Thanks for replying... I am really sorry but this is actually a script template i bought.... i am not too code litterate and i cannot get any response from the people i got it from....if there is anything ican do to help i'll surely try!
  10. Hi , i have a pb with one of my pages .... data does not go into the database... can anyone see anything wrong ? Many thanks <?php include_once "accesscontrol.php"; include_once "../configuration.inc.php"; $q1 = "select * from job_employer_info where ename = \"$ename\" "; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error(Error5)); $a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1); if(!empty($a1[plan])) { $a11 = $a1[JP_number]; if(isset($submit) && $submit == 'Post this job') { $q2 = "select * from job_employer_info where ename = \"$ename\" "; $r2 = mysql_query($q2) or die(mysql_error(Error1)); $a2 = mysql_fetch_array($r2); if (is_array($JobCategory)) { $JobStr = implode("," , $JobCategory); } $qc = "select job_id from job_post order by job_id desc"; $rc = mysql_query($qc) or die(mysql_error(Error2)); $ac = mysql_fetch_array($rc); $job_id = $ac[0] + 1; $position = strip_tags($position); $description = strip_tags($description); $EXday = date('d', mktime(0,0,0,0, date(d) + $_POST[exdays1], 0)); $EXmonth = date('m', mktime(0,0,0, date(m), date(d) + $_POST[exdays1], 0)); $EXyear = date('Y', mktime(0,0,0,date(m) ,date(d) + $_POST[exdays1], date(Y))); $q3 = "insert into job_post set job_id = \"$job_id\", ename = \"$ename\", CompanyCountry = \"$a2[CompanyCountry]\", JobIn = \"$JobIn\", CompanyState = \"$a2[CompanyState]\", Company = \"$a2[CompanyName]\", position = \"$position\", JobCategory = \"$JobStr\", description = \"$description\", j_target = \"$j_target\", salary = \"$salary\", postdate = \"$postdate\", s_period = \"$s_period\", EXmonth = \"$EXmonth\", EXday = \"$EXday\", EXyear = \"$EXyear\" "; $r3 = mysql_query($q3) or die(mysql_error(Error3)); $a11 = $a11 - 1; $q4 = "update job_employer_info set JP_number = \"$a11\" where ename = \"$ename\" "; $r4 = mysql_query($q4) or die(mysql_error(Error4)); $to = $a2[CompanyEmail]; $subject = "Votre mission sur $mydomain"; $message = "Vous trouverez dans ce courrier une copie de votre mission.\n\n Details:\n Job ID# $job_id \n Mission: $position \n Categorie: $JobStr \n Description: $description \n Expire le: $EXmonth/$EXday/$EXyear\n\n\n Pour modifier ou effacer cette mission Cliquez ici: http://$myurl/employers/employers7.php "; $from = "De: $contactemail"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $from); echo " <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='5'> <tr> <td height='16' bgcolor='#FFCC00'><center> <b><font color='#000000'>$POSTJJ</font></b> </center></td> </tr> </table><br><br><br> "; } if ($a11 < 1) { echo "<center><br><br><br>$POSTJ2</center><br><br>"; include_once "employers1.php"; } else { echo ""; ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function checkFields() { missinginfo = ""; if (document.form.position.value == "") { missinginfo += "\n - Position"; } if (document.form.description.value == "") { missinginfo += "\n - Description"; } if (document.form.salary.value == "") { missinginfo += "\n - Salary"; } if (missinginfo != "") { missinginfo ="_____________________________\n" + "You failed to correctly fill in your:\n" + missinginfo + "\n_____________________________" + "\nPlease re-enter and submit again!"; alert(missinginfo); return false; } else return true; } </script> <br> <table width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2> <b><?=$USINGPLAN?> <font color=blue><?=$a1[plan]?></font> . <br><?=$POSTJ3?></b> <ul> <li>poster <?=$a11?> mission; </li> <li>voir <?=$a1[JS_number]?> profils; </li> </ul> </td> <tr> <tr><td colspan=2> <br> <br> <br> <b><font color=green><?=$TOPOST?> :</font></b><br> <br> </td></tr> <td width="24%"><form action=<?=$PHP_SELF?> method=post name=form onSubmit="return checkFields();"> <tr><td><?=$POSITION?></td> <td width="76%"> <input type=text name=position> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top> <?=$JOBCATEGORY?> <br> </td> <td valign=top> <SELECT NAME="JobCategory[]" multiple size=5> <?php $title_query=mysql_query("select * from job_jobcategories"); while ($title_result=mysql_fetch_array($title_query)) { echo '<option value="'.$title_result['jobcategory'].'"'; if (strstr($job_result['jobcategory'],$title_result['jobcategory'])) {echo "selected";} echo '>'.$title_result['jobcategory'].'</option>'; } ?> </SELECT><br> </td> <tr><td valign=top><?=$DESCR?>:</td> <td><textarea rows=6 cols=35 name=description></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?=$TARGET?>: </td> <td> <select name="j_target"> <option value=""> </option> <option>Selectionner</option> <option value="Bac +2">Bac +2</option> <option value="Bac +3">Bac +3</option> <option value="Bac +4">Bac +4</option> <option value="Bac +5">Bac +5</option> <option value="Autre">Autre</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr><td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?=$WILLEXPIRE?>: </td> <td> <select name=exdays1> <option value=30> 30 </option> <option value=60> 60 </option> <option value=90> 90 </option> </select> jours . </td> </tr> <tr><td><?=$AVAILIN?>:</td> <td> <input type=text name=JobIn value="pays ou adresse"> </td> </tr> <tr> <tr><td><?=$POSTEDON?>:</td> <td> <input type=text name=postdate value='<? print date("d/M/Y"); ?>'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=left><input type=submit name=submit value="Poster la mission" /></td> </tr> </table> <? } } else { include "employers1.php"; } ?> <? include_once('../footer.php'); ?>
  11. Hi, Here is my problem, I bought two scripts templates ... I would like to change the template header but i do not know how to do..i have been trying for 2 days now, getting close but there is something i am not getting that is beyond my knowledge.. Here are a few more details: The php script I got (job site) is set up with a main.php file apparently containing all, and an index file (and other fils obviously), but the main.php holds the header infos i want to change. Now i want to change it with a flash movie header from the second template... I know this should not be difficult to do as I really got close to it.. but there is something I do not understand... so would anyone be kind enough to receive the files and see if they can sort it out, if it is simple .... Many many thanks in advance, this is driving me up the wall.....
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