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  1. I am trying to avoid using the ?id=123 in the address bar. Is there another way? I looked at how gmail manages email rows... <div class="yW" id=":p7"><span email="contact@phpfreaks.com" class="yP">PHP Freaks Forums</span> (2)</div> I guess they also have the id in the div tag...hmm...I wonder if they have a function that catches click events and then basically retrieves the id from the item clicked on...do you think this is the case here?
  2. Hi Haku, The delete buttons are <img> currently, I was thinking of creating javascript onClick events to handle the clicks. Lets assume that I'll create the buttons as <a>...how would I go about storing the item_id?
  3. Hi all, I have a database with a list of items. Each item has an id (item_id). I display all these items in an HTML table in which each item has a delete button. I would some how need to store the item_id some where so that I would be able to access it when the delete button is pressed...Where could I store it? What would be the best way to approach this problem? Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi to all, I have two xml documents loaded docA and docB. I would like to move the first element of docB to docA, is this possible without creating an element in docA and retrieving all the needed info? Sort of like a copy paste? Thank you.
  5. Hi to all!! I am working on something and was wondering if the following is possible... ( I have tried it and am getting a blank instead of the value required). Do I have to declare the name variable in Page1... or is there a way to go around it?.. One solution could be sessions...but Is there another solution? Page1.php ---------- <?php function printName(){ print(" $name "); //notice the quotes } ?> Page2.php ----------- <?php include 'Page1.php'; $name = "bob"; printName(); ?> Thanks to all..
  6. Thank you for your fast response. I have opened a second window ( I am doing this in firefox ) and logged-in as another user and then went to the first window and refreshed the page. I get the same effect, where the user name of the first window changed to the username of the second person that logged-in. But this does not matter anymore, you are right. I first thought that gmail works the way I want it to work, but now I see that it only lets one computer to access one account at a time. How will it cause problems if I start blocking ip addresses? Thank you, Beta1.0.
  7. Hi to all, I have created a login system which passes the user name as a session variable. After the user has logged in to the site, I open another tab or window and login as another user. Then I go back to the first window and refresh the page, this causes the user variable to change to the second user name. How can I fix this problem? Thank you, Beta1.0.
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