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Everything posted by pleek

  1. ok, thanks man. I don't know y i didn't think of doing that esp sense another part of my code uses that. Thanks for the help man, ill try that soon when im at my home pc.
  2. ok i have this script <?php $Catagory = "A"; echo' <div id="roms"> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <div style="height: 390px; width: 200px; overflow: auto;">'; if ($Catagory = "A") { echo 'This is the A\'s!<br />'; } else { echo' This is what will appear when you select "A" as the catagory </div>'; } echo' </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <B><A HREF="#A">A</A></B><BR> <B>B</B><BR> <B>C</B><BR> <B>D</B><BR> <B>E</B><BR> <B>F</B><BR> <B>G</B><BR> <B>H</B><BR> <B>I</B><BR> <B>J</B><BR> <B>K</B><BR> <B>L</B><BR> <B>M</B><BR> <B>N</B><BR> <B>O</B><BR> <B>P</B><BR> <B>Q-Z</B><BR> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </div>'; ?> But im totally lost on one thing. I want it so that when you click "B" for igsample. it will change $Catagory to "B". How do i do that?
  3. so..... do you have the script? I pmd you.
  4. I need a good guest book script that i can set to have all the entries approved before they show up on my site. So they will sign the guest book then it will wait for approval, after being approved it will show up in the guest book. Anybody know of a script that is free that will do that? I have google searched for the last 30 mins and i can't find anything. Thanks in advanced... Pleek
  5. i tried it in firefox also, the only problem i can across is that when i have multiple tabs opened it blocks the upper part of the site. If i close all tabs everything fits correctly.
  6. Hey guys, i was wondering if anybody knew of a php upload script that i could use for my site. Here are some things i would like it to be able to do. 1. Upload A file (of course) 2. Attach a discription and picture with it 3. File them in alphabetical order Any body know of a script similar to the one i just described?
  7. Cleanliness: 10/10, extremely easy to use and clean Efficiency: 10/10 i think its a great site, and its nice to not have to register, just click and play Sufficience: 9/10 works great, could mabby do a few tweeks to it though Accuracy: 10/10 from the games i looked at, i would say yes they do Looks: 7/10 your theme/looks are good, but i think a little more flashyness would look great to. Add some more movement to it. Like when you click on stuff of some mouse over effects. I really like the site thought man, keep up the work!
  8. I have two sites Pleek'S Hangout Megas XLR Like my sites? I have had Pleek'S Hangout for about 5 months, and i just made Megas XLR yesterday! What do you think?
  9. ok, thanks everybody!
  10. but, it won't mess up the data between the two forums that are on the same database? So it is perfectly fine/acceptable to have more than one prefix on the same database?
  11. Ok, i have two qsl databases. And i have two forums, one using each database. I would like to add another forum. When i have installed forums before there is a spot to change the "Database Tables Prefix". Can i have more than one forum on the same database, as long as the Database Tables Prefix's are different? Or would that mess things up, or risk loosing some of my data from the existing forum.
  12. pleek

    form css help

    well that changed the color, thanks
  13. pleek

    form css help

    here is my site Notice the forms in the search bar and in the shoutbox. I want them to be just normal, like the forms on this site.
  14. pleek

    form css help

    /* By default (td, body..) use verdana in black. */ body, td, th , tr { color: #000000; font-size: small; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; } /* The main body of the entire forum. */ body { background-color: #E5E5E8; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 30px 4px 30px; } /* Input boxes - just a bit smaller than normal so they align well. */ input, textarea, button { color: #000000; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; } input, button { font-size: 90%; } textarea { font-size: 100%; color: #000000; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; } /* All input elements that are checkboxes or radio buttons. */ input.check { } /* Selects are a bit smaller, because it makes them look even better . */ select { font-size: 90%; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; } That is the body and form css that i have. If i take out the background color of the body, it fixes the forms to look like normal but then the rest of the theme is messed up. what it looks like now What i want it to look like (how it looks normally
  15. pleek

    form css help

    ok so i have a css template that i want to edit. The body has a background color and it changes the form buttons and fields to. If i delete the body background css it fixes the buttons but then messes up the rest of the theme. How do i set the forms to be just regular and not like the body?
  16. thank you, worked great first time! You guys are the best.
  17. ok, i switched some things up on my site. I un-installed every mod, re-installed the smf default theme. And then installed the mods again. The topic salved mod you gave me works great on the default theme, but i still can't figure out how to get it to show up on the theme i use for my site.
  18. ok i installed that and everything works except the button for "topic salved" doesn't show up on my theme. I have my custom theme installed over my default. (just replaced the default files with the custom ones) I can access the settings for it and everything. But how do i get the button to show up at the bottom of the page? here is my test post. http://craigh.tlcrepair.net/smf/index.php?topic=485.0 image of it.
  19. ok, i found this script (\/ below \/) and it has fields for the user to fill in how big he wants it. How would i modify that to be a drop down box with set sizes? [attachment deleted by admin]
  20. ok i installed that one again ( i had installed it before) and i hate how it changes the colors of the posts. And i have tried to mess with tar.gz files before and i can't figure it out. How do i change to color settings for the mod?
  21. hey i have noticed you have a topic salved mod installed on your smf 1.1.5. Can somebody here help me get it installed on my site? i have 1.1.4 but i could upgrade to 1.1.5 if i had to.
  22. ok so i have this image upload script for my website. and all it does is upload the image and display the file path to it. I want to include a drop down box in the upload form to select a image size to resize it to. I have looked all over google and i can't find anything close to what i want. Does anybody know how to do this? (the div my upload form is in) <div class="wrapper"> <DIV ALIGN="center"><h1>Pleek'S Photo Upload</h1></DIV> <p>Browse file to upload</p> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?=$im->path?>"> <input type="file" name="__upload" size="72" /> <input type="submit" value="Upload" /> </form> <p><?=$im->allowTypes();?></p> <? if ($im->_im_status == true) { echo '<h2>Upload Successful!</h2> <IMG SRC="'.$im->imgurl.'"> <p class="codes"><label for="codebb">Embed on bulletin boards:</label><br /> <input type="text" size="40" value="[img='.$im->imgurl.']" onclick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" readonly="true" /><br /> <label for="codedirect">Direct link:</label><br /> <input type="text" size="40" value="'.$im->imgurl.'" onclick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" readonly="true" /></p>'; } elseif (!empty($im->errorStr)) { echo '<div class="errors">'.$im->errorStr.'</div>'; } else { echo ' '; } ?> </div>
  23. Ok so i have this script from here. I have downloaded the files. and used there exact examples but i can't get it to work. Does any one know how to use this script and get it working?
  24. pleek

    MedalBox help

    ok, so after looking in the code of another site. I found this webpage that has the script i want on my site. The site to download it and the tutorial is here I have followed there tutorial, and used there exact code but i can't get the stupid medalbox to show up. Does any body have a clue on how to get this to work?
  25. um, ok not quite sure how to use those. Does any know of a ready to go script? im pretty good at modifyin them to work how i like them.
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