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Everything posted by onewaydom

  1. Cool, thank you for the info. I have something very useful now!
  2. Not sure if this is what you were meaning, but this works. $content = trim( "$content"); $oldprefix = preg_quote($oldprefix, '/'); $second = preg_replace(" /^(.*?)($oldprefix?)/sm", "$newprefix", "$content"); $third= str_replace("$oldprefix","$newprefix",$second); $fourth = str_replace("$oldsuffix","$newsuffix <br>",$third);
  3. I have the initial prefix and suffix being adjusted properly, but when I have more than one occurrence the function only takes care of the beginning and the end. $second = preg_replace(" /\A(.*?)($oldprefix?)/s", "$newprefix", "$content"); $third = preg_replace(" /$oldsuffix\z/", "$newsuffix", "$second"); I would like it to make a new line after each new suffix is added. Additionally be able to do multiple lines of similar, but different text. A long list if you will.
  4. How would I setup 'preg_replace'?
  5. A long list of data that needs to be adjusted.
  6. Hello, I am new to regular expressions. Problem: 1. Remove all text before a certain string. 2. Replace something in the beginning string. 3. Replace something in the end of a string. 4. Be able to add a break after the end of each string. 5. Have this work on long strings repeating itself. Example: Dealing with large text files as long directories. i.e. onebiglongdirectory/prefix/somethingelsehere/suffix onebiglongdirectory/prefix/somethingelsehere/suffix onebiglongdirectory/prefix/somethingelsehere/suffix Of course with space and other unnecessary text also included. Solution: 1. I would like everything before the prefix dropped and replaced with a value that I input into a variable. 2. I would like the suffix dropped and replaced with a variable that I input as a variable. 3. Each directory on its own line. Here is something I have created. It works a bit, but stops short of doing the whole string of directories I put into it. index.php <html> <head> </head> <body bgcolor = "#ACACAC"> <center> <h1>Regular Expressions Engine</h1> <h5>Enter the prefix that is to be changed along with the suffix, both new and old.</h5> <form method=post action="expressions.php"> New Prefix <input type=text name="newprefix" size=40 style="background:#ECECEC"><br><br> Old Prefix <input type=text name="oldprefix" size=40 style="background:#ECECEC"><br><br> New Suffix <input type=text name="newsuffix" size=40 style="background:#ECECEC"><br><br> Old Suffix <input type=text name="oldsuffix" size=40 style="background:#ECECEC"><br><br> Enter the string to be manipulated:<br><br> <textarea name="content" rows=6 cols=40 style="background:#FFFDDA"> </textarea> <br><br> <input type=submit value="Process"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </form> </center> </body> </html> expressions.php <? $content = trim( "$content"); $firststring =strstr("$content", "$oldprefix"); $string= str_replace("$oldprefix","$newprefix",$firststring); $second = str_replace("$oldsuffix","$newsuffix <br>",$string); ?> <html> <title>Regular Expressions Results</title> <body bgcolor = "#ACACAC"> <center> <h1>Results</h1> <p><br><b></b></p> <p> <b><font color="#00A54E"> <? echo $second; ?> </b></font> </p> <br> <br> <br> <a href ="http://www.mydomain.com/regex">Back</a> </center> </body> </html> Any help appreciated. I know the expressions I am looking for, but just don't know how to get them into php. Replace oldsuffix to the end of the line with newsuffix \.oldsuffix.*$ .newsuffix Replace beginning of the line up to and including /oldprefix with /newprefix ^.*?/oldprefix Hope this makes sense! Thanks
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