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Everything posted by ricmetal

  1. hi guys ive been reading about checking for undefined variable checks it seems a good way is to use in window. its actually the only way i could make the check work..anyway, i really need to check foe an undefined variable outside a function's scope but using the in window method is not working. im not returning either false nor true.l how do i check if a variable [outside a function] is undefined, from within the function? the variable is passed as an argument. thanks
  2. okay but this is a quirk sql has, right? i mean, i should be getting 0 rows returned (seeing the table is empty)
  3. hi guys so im getting 1 result row from an empty table, when querying using min... i dont know what this should be... this is my code: $theTrout = 1; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT MIN(news_date_year) FROM news WHERE news_published = ? AND user_published = ? "); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $theTrout, $theTrout); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($oldestYear); $stmt->store_result(); echo $stmt->num_rows; // echoes 1 anyone know why? thanks cheers regards
  4. hi yes, they're fairly good but not always, cause sometimes they do show information inputted on a different website... i don't want to turn autocomplete off ... regards
  5. hi guys i regularly see text iv'e inputted in a html text input field on some website being displayed on another website's html input field. i'm thinking this is because the text fields have the same name on both websites.. is that correct? do i need to add very specific text input field names to avoid having the content a user inputs into a text field not show up on another websites input field, say for when a different user uses the same computer so no to show the information inputted? regards
  6. yeah, hard to time following youre train of thought bascilly, the search engine gets results as data. the only thing that makes the page look how it does is the design + the data. if you want to receive the same data, just change the design. but post youre code to me to have a look, and a couple of screenshots
  7. google is your friend man google what you would like to do. there's examples everywhere. cheers
  8. yeh, i failed to realize that i had tabs in the source code and that could be messing up the textarea's content! thanks mg
  9. hi all i'm getting tab spaces from a database query where the data is nothing but empty - no white spaces or anything (in the database) when i print out this supposedly empty data into textareas these get populated with tab spaces, and just the first row. i've tested the empty data with strlen and it returns zero. if i print any other data into the textarea (not brought in from the database) the tab spaces go away. any ideas to what is occurring? thanks
  10. ok it doesnt seem like a easier way than just calling the variable from in the function but thanks for the info regards
  11. i know jQuery is javascript. maybe i explained myself wrong. i want to reference a function variable the same way i referenece an element with jQuery (or JavaScript using the getElementById method) as follows: var john = someFunction.someVar; and have john be a reference to the someVar value i just wanna do this to be easier to reference the var inside the function regards
  12. hi guys so, i thought i could do something with JavaScript like jQuery does: var someElement = $('#element'); and then do: someElement.val('some data'); this would target $('#element') is this possible to do with plain JavaScript? var someElement = someFunction.functionVariable; i want to add data to the function variable through the assgined variable someElement. how do i do this? can it be done? thanks
  13. hi there or, take a look at the source code from inside the browser (Ctrl+U in FireFox). there might be comments with the CMS's name. Follow the css and javascript files too.
  14. hi guys i am wondering, how does one set up a database to store information on data that gets changed multiple times, yet it is always possible to go back through all the changes made? for example, wikipedia. it shows us a multitude of changes to the same content. how does one go about storing all this info? and what is the best way to do so? thanks
  15. anybody?
  16. i need to show the updtaes to the users (not really to the users, but to the adminsitrator of the website - almost the same thing then) regarding the number of updates, intermediate, as i dont expect the content to be updated that much. ill be creating a list of changes made to the content of the website, so the administrator can review changes made.
  17. hi guys, so, i have a couple of tables in a database, for my users. the users can add content to these tables via a web app. theres a table that holds info on photos a user has uploaded; columns = user_id, photo_name theres another table for each user's personal details; user_id, user_name, user_email there's another table for news entries; user_id, news_title, news_body etc i need to hold information on what users update. a user might edit a news title, add a new photo, or delete a news entry. please let me know what you think a good solution to this can be. i was thinking of having another table with a user_id column and then another column with keywords that translates into exactly which tables and columns have been changed, added, or deleted, but this sounds like quite alot of "translating the meaning of keywords to what actually changed in the entire database", not to mention the overhead of having to read what the column already contains to be able to add new changes. any ideas on how to go about this? it the solution i came up with the worst solution? the only solution? how does one go about creating an update tracking system? thanks
  18. to many awake hours you know? thanks man
  19. how insanely weird this forum looks

  20. hi y'all, i am getting empty strings when making a query. what can i do to troubleshoot this problem? this is the code if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT user_email FROM users WHERE id = ? ")) { $stmt->bind_param('i', $id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($isActivated); echo $isActivated; // outputs empty die();
  21. the extensions i've found so far don't show the information on the elements that are hidden by default (like modals), so they are not very usefull.
  22. say i have a few elements that have their z-index set manually by a script (assume they are modals, so they need to stack over others) so i need to know which z-indexes are being populated so i can add more modals.
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