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Everything posted by st0rmer

  1. I'm trying to make a PHP script that checks if multiple domains are available. All i want it to do is use some domain entered in an html form, and display the ones thar are available. Does anyone have any ideas how i'd go abut this? Help is much appreciated
  2. Sorry about this, i found out the error i was making. Thanks anyway piznac!
  3. I have a form, and i need it to email me the time of the submit. I can do the email part, but i am not sure how to get the time of the submit. can anyone help me out here?
  4. I have a form whcich sends me an email on submit. However, it says its from 'Nobdy' in my Gmail account. How do i change this to something else like from "My Site"
  5. I have a form that asks for a username and password, i know how to make it load another page if the user enters the correct username and password, but how would i have multiple usernames and passwords? I also don't want to use a msql database, only a flat file if possible Thanks
  6. Yeah, i was wondering if google would pick up the included page, rather than just crawl the include()
  7. If you include something into a php doucment with the include function, will oogle be able to read it easily, just as easily as if it were plain HTML?
  8. Any ideas on removing the emails fom the text document then The Little Guy?
  9. I'' try little guys method What if i needed more than one word for the name of the section. If i used a '-' is the directory, could i make the dash mean a space?
  10. OK, i'll do some research on what you've said premiso The reason i can't use a daatabase is that i need toi do this at a school, where php is available but mysql is not.
  11. I have a site, and i want to be able to show the location using PHP For example, if i am at mysite.com/section1/contact.html It might show something like Home >> Section 1 >> Contact Is there a way to do this? Thanks
  12. But could i do it without a database?
  13. I am making a simple mailing list, and i have created a form which adds a persons email to a php document. I'm not sure about how i woould remove an email from the php document though? Any ideas?
  14. Thanks only one! You're a great help
  15. With the php mail function, i want to use include() to put some text into my email. How would i do this? I'm not very good with PHP (just started learning it)
  16. I am making a very basic chat Script that stores a users post into a text document, and then displays it. The trouble i am having is stopping people from posting php or html or something like that into their posts. How do i get rid of any html code or anything like that in the post I am using a simple form for the users to post their comments Any help will be appreciated
  17. I have a text document with a few of my friends emails on it. I want to send an email to all their emails in one go How would i go about sending multiple emails?
  18. Thats the thing, i have no idea how to code it. I can do the form, but how would i make the PHP code put a comment on the bottom of the page? Thanks in advance
  19. In my site i want to put a comments sytem, so a visitor can enter a comment into a form and it will appear at the botoom of my webpage. I know how to do the forim in html, but how would i make the comment appear at the bottom of the page straight after a visitor has posted it? Thanks
  20. I have tried that thorpe, but i get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_file_contents() in /home/myaccount/public_html/index.php on line 14
  21. Heres the code: <? include('header.php'); include('variables.php'); echo $pagetitle; echo $home; include('header2.php'); ?> <!-- End Header 2 --> <div class="containerbody"> <div id="subpanel">Latest</div> <? include ('hosting/article_name.php'); ?> <!-- End Mid Section--> <? include('navigation_footer.php'); ?> and its the hosting/article_name.php file i want to limit @ Orio, how would i adapt that code with this?
  22. I am including a php file into a webpage, but the problem i am having is i want to put a limit to the number of characters before it says 'read more' Its an article for my site, and it'll be on my homepage so i want it to be a certain length only before it gives the 'read more' link to the full articles Does anyone know how i can set a limit to the length of the articles before it gives the read more link Thanks (BTW, i am no expert in PHP, i just started it two weeks ago)
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