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Everything posted by greatstar00

  1. by reading this code, we cant find the error as u said, u can send the project to email here is mine [email protected] this is only my advertising email, meaning only receive ads, kinda of useless so, u can send this time only i wont check mails here ever after unless requested
  2. if that connection.php is that secret, u dont want to show it we cant help u, cause that error message line (at your 1st post), the message stating the connection.php is having error. if u dont show that, we cant help u if you dont show the file, then we cant help even it is your final second only god can help u here is what i suggest you to do before showing that connection.php use **** to replace the mysql address, username, password, db name
  3. not only before 1970 but after 2038
  4. Andy-H, in his example, he is passing a int to the function so, your point definitely dont work
  5. the above error means the file does not exist, so try to give a valid file
  6. so, next time, when u tried to create a table, with your own query remember to use those comma correctly or use phpmyadmin's help
  7. u dont need to rename your table name just put ` ` around table name, or column name ` << left of 1, on top of tab key, same key with ~
  8. so, show us the screen shot of your database, that would help us or the creation query it must be column spelled incorrectly, that is wat the query error message means
  9. wat is the date for, in 2nd table? payment due date? select table1.id, table1.firstname, table2.userid, table2.date, table2.payment from table1 inner join table2 on table2.userid=table1.id where payment='Unpaid' and unix_timestamp(table2.date)>now() order by table1.id now() might not be the correct function, so u need to figure out
  10. so, put the function in b.php if they always relative to the path of a then just put __FILE__."/sub";
  11. shadowice, tell us what exactly u did all steps u did dont miss anything
  12. just use zend engine to convert your code so, they arent readable by human being so, u can ask someone for a key
  13. u have extract comma after reg_password at last column, there shouldnt be extra comma plus there are 6 columns, and 5 values passed in column not matching values
  14. u can set the header as from email $headers="From: [email protected]";
  15. i wonder how u can receive the email in msn, or hotmain when header() before mail() $headers = "From: $name via booking website"; this should be some email header, not those u specify like from email address (u can put watever address u want, like From: [email protected]) and email's mime type, text/text, text/html
  16. sometime u might have <br /> with line break, or with css style, and this wont get u work <br style="line-height:100px;" /> << this wont work so, sometime, people just save the raw textarea content into database without converting them into html format so, when u retrieve it out, they convert it to html format because convert raw content to html is much easier than the reverse way because html, u might have css, or html tag's property, like width=100% u need to consider this, although ur sever might runs faster this way, cause users view posts more than modify, insert them but u need to spend more time to program the reg expression, this spends time, and money ok, i got what u did wrong u have this '\n' << the line break escape character should be "\n" << with double quote because single quote wont fetch the escape characters
  17. pumps, can someone tell me please
  18. if u want the order exactly like the order u have (595,585,159,112,140,692) 595 first, then 585, then 159, then 112, then 140, then 692 if u dont have a long list, u can use union all select * from our_people where person_id=595 union all select * from our_people where person_id=585 union all .................
  19. so, what i think u wanted is like a ranking like a game, that has so many characters with different levels u want to order them in desc based on level order, and u want to find the characters that is like level 20, ie, it is on page 33. this what u mean? and u show the next few chars, like level 19, level 18 or u want something like pagination? if it is pagination, it is easy, i believe there are pretty much topics on this if it is like ranking, and if u never deleted anything, meanings, id from 1 to 100 all there, without anything missing and u dont allow delete, this is simple, just do calculation if u allow delete, the code is much more complicate, if u want performance $number_per_page=10 select count(*)/$number_per_page+1 as page_num from pics where picture_id<=40 thiis finds which page the picture is at, if u want asc order then u can use pagination method to go to that page
  20. you couldnt do it if you have no access to facebook's web folder when u go to facebook.com. but if u copy the whole thing to your website, and have it post to facebook.com i think that is copyright problem, becareful
  21. I read a forum, it said, cookie should be used to store none sensitive data and they said, for a log in form, we shouldnt even store encrypted password, and encrypted username. They said, only to store session. my question is how can i let the user log in automatically like 10 days later, if he choose remember me, which with cookie set at his computer because we shouldnt hold the cookie that long. or we can hold it that long, without server performance slow down alot? (imagine i have 10000+ users)
  22. well, 1 thing i need to make clear for u nothing on internet dotn need to download the one u mean not downloading, it is actually download the audio is saved to temperary folder, same as download (the server sends the file, the client saves it) it just didnt ask the user where to save that is why users need to delete temperary files you might just use the HTML <embed> but they must have the supported player you may want to split ur audio file, and upload to a server, or in your server and make them into a playlist, one after another, although some delays, but still seems continuously
  23. if u are doing 1 by 1 like all those actions a user perform, and wont affect others, then just use javascript, with ajax, or meta reload if one master user perform t hose action, and affect all others, and if u are using virtual server, or delicate server (anything that u have access to system root), u can set up a page for your self only, have that virtual server refresh it once a while using http://localhost/action.php?act=somethingsomething in this action page, u have <meta refresh=86400 /> <!--86400=seconds in a day--> if u dont have access to system root, and dont want to do this dont want to do this -->>when a user request, it update all stuff according to time, and calculation then u must do this, ask all your administrators, and your self, to load your page in that amount of time, with meta tag (u dont need to do it by your self, just open the browser, let it refresh automatically dotn worry, if u have alot of admin to do it, just check whether it is time to do so, and 1 of them will do it, others just display error message, with meta tag there also
  24. i think u should use a database to give them permissoins, like which they can go, if they can view some of all your users if they can only view them self, then u dont need db have a code to check the follow (based on condition) if the user can view themselves only just check the company id match the $_GET['company_id'] if the user can see a few others select their permission from database, or from text file, store them in array use in_array($company_id, $db_company_id) //<<this isnt right syntax i think
  25. if you doing this for many adverts and there are a max amount, and size that u can save in a cookie so, u cant do this for all of your ads u know users might load 100 of your ad, if they stays that long so, this isnt a good idea and with this method, a user will be able to modify it (go to temp folder to change the saved text) and it wont fits your client's need u know there will be this kind of person, although like 0.01%, but still, u should cover this bug
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