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Everything posted by fueltank

  1. Thank you. But when I generate a php code from all these tags (the <create .....> was just an example, there are a few more) how would I get that php-code into a variable to be able to save it in a db? Example Code: header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = @imagecreate(100, 300); $font = "./fonts/verdana.TTF"; $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); imagettftext($im, 10, 0, 18, 21, $black, $font, "some text"); imagepng($im); (I've just put that code together, not sure if it even works). When I generate a code like that, how do I get it into a single variable (+ in the database)? Thank you again.
  2. Thank you for the quick response. I was thinking about putting PHP code in a mysql database. I'm not sure if that makes a different, but I'll continue my search. Thanks again.
  3. Hello everyone. I am currently working on a image generator that allows users to work with custom tags (for example something like: "<create width="300" height="200"> etc.) which gets upon sending the form put through a script that translates those tags into php code. So far, so good. Since I'm working on a image generator that will have updated information in the image frequently, I would have to go through all the tags again to create the php code which ofcourse takes a load on the processor when that has to be done each time the image gets called. Now to my question. What I would like to do is, after the user sends in the original form I would like to tranlate that form into php code (which is not the problem), and then save that php-code in a mysql database. How can I put a php-script in a mysql database and then call the db-entry and run the script? It's probably something I'm looking over... I hope someone can help me out Thank You.
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