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Everything posted by rajivgonsalves

  1. This could be a caching issue with IE please check Tools->Internet Options In General Tab In Temporary Internet Files check the settings
  2. The variable $this refers to the current instance of the class (object), this is mostly used in classes
  3. the syntax something like this ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name column_type AFTER column_name_after
  4. You could try this out <table class="sep" width="250"> <tr> <td class="title">Driver</td> <td class="title" colspan="2">Manifest Date</td> </tr> <?php $num_main_PDFs = mssql_num_rows($result); ?> <tr> <td>The following <?php echo $num_main_PDFs; ?> PDF(s) have been found:</td> </tr> <?php while($man_inf = mssql_fetch_array($result)) { $sql2 = 'SELECT pid, title, driver, man_date, size FROM manifestPDF WHERE (man_date = ' .$man_date. ') AND (driver = "' .trim($man_inf['UPSZONE']). '")'; $num_PDFs = mysql_num_rows($result2); if ($num_PDFs > 0) { while($PDF_inf = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $man_date = date('d/m/Y', $PDF_inf['man_date']); ?> <tr> <td><?=$PDF_inf['driver'];?></td> <td><?=$man_date?></td> <td><a href="view_manifest.php?id=<?=$PDF_inf['pid']?>">View</a></td> </tr> <?php } } else { <tr> <td><p>No Manifests found with that criteria.</p><p><a href="javascript: history.go(-1)">SEARCH AGAIN</a></p></td> </tr> } } ?> </table>
  5. can you explain further your question is not very simple, If you can provide an example maybe I could help
  6. Basically using the ".." and "." for including files is not such a great idea u should create a absolute path using the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] variable otherwise if you try to include a file in a included file which is in some other location the include might not work "." stands for current directory ".." stands for parent directory
  7. Always have your session_start() at the beginning of the page, that could be causing some problems
  8. the query seems to be wrong Select CreatorID From `Events_new Where EventID = '293' should be Select CreatorID From `Events_new` Where EventID = '293' observe the "`" character added Cheer! Rajiv
  9. Please put your session start at the very start of the page <?php session_start(); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Confirmation </TITLE> <p align="right"><font>Prasen Rathore 1167618</font></p> <font size=5 color=red><CENTER>Order Confirmation Details</CENTER></font> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="#87CEFA"> <?php $productID = $_SESSION['productID'];
  10. Some code which might help $sql = "DESCRIBE $table"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // Separate Length From Type $this->field[] = $row['Field]; $strTemp = $row['Type']; preg_match("#(\w+)\(\d+)\)#",$strTemp, $arrMatches); $this->type[] = $arrMatches[1][0]; $this->length[] = $arrMatches[1][1]; }
  11. You could try the following code $select = mysql_query("SELECT distinct type FROM table"); while($arrSelect = mysql_fetch_array($select)){ // get info on preduct here //echo it out echo ucfirst(strtolower($arrSelect[0]))." Floors<br>"; $resSelect1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE type='$arrSelect[0]'"); while($arrRow = mysql_fetch_array($resSelect1)){ // get info on preduct here //echo it out } } Cheer! Rajiv
  12. Please quote all your strings with quote(") it should work <?php $fop = fopen('secure/settings.mfh', 'r'); $content = fread($fop, '999'); fclose($fop); $content = explode("|", $content); $compname = "NIMISH"; ////Your Company Name $slogan = "YOUTH ARE NOT USELESS BUT ARE USED LESS"; //// Your Company Slogan $scripturl = "upload/config.php"; //// the URL to this script with a trailing slash $adminpass = "password"; //// set this password to something other than default //// it will be used to access the admin panel $email = "nimish00678@gmail.com"; //// your eMail-Adress for abuse/support and user registration page $maxfilesize = 1024; //// the maximum file size allowed to be uploaded (in megabytes) $downloadtimelimit = 0; //// time users must wait before downloading another file (in minutes) $uploadtimelimit = 0; //// time users must wait before uploading another file (in minutes) $nolimitsize = 0; //// if a file is under this many megabytes, there is no time limit $deleteafter = 10000; //// delete files if not downloaded after this many days $downloadtimer = 0; //// length of the timer on the download page (in seconds) $language = $content[15]; if ($content[9]=="false") $result9 = false; else $result9 = true; $enable_filelist = true; //// allows users to see a list of uploaded files. set to false to disable if ($content[10]=="false") $result10 = false; else $result10 = true; $shourturl = "frendz.110mb.com/upload/files"; //// Short url Eg yourdomain.com/13232 needs mod_rewrite enabled. For More Info See Our Froum if ($content[11]=="false") $result11 = false; else $result11 = true; $emailoption = $result11; //// set this to true to allow users to email themselves the download links if ($content[12]=="false") $result12 = false; else $result12 = true; $passwordoption = false; //// set this to true to allow users to password protect their uploads if ($content[13]=="false") $result13 = false; else $result13 = true; $descriptionoption = false; //// set this to true to disable the description field if ($content[14]=="false") $result14 = false; else $result14 = true; $topten = true; //// Make It true if you want to enable Top ten files $perpage = 50; //// if $enable_filelist is true (above), how many files to display per page (recommended default is 50); //$categories = array("Documents","Applications","Audio","Misc"); //// remove the //'s from the above line to enable categories //// Users will be able to choose from this list of categories $allowedtypes = array("txt","gif","jpg","jpeg","jpeg","mp3","sisx","avi","wmv","sis","rar","zip","mp4","exe"); //// remove the //'s from the above line to enable file extention blocking //// only file extentions that are noted in the above array will be allowed $pps1 = true; //// the hits shows on admin's filelist $pps2 = true; //// the hits shows on filelist $pps3 = true; //// the hits shows on admin's filelist $style = "css/default.css"; //// The Style of your MiniFileHost $your_name = "NIMISH"; //// Your Name $your_street = "MUMBAI"; //// Your Street $your_city = "MUMBAI"; //// Your Name $your_url = "http://frendz.110mb.com"; //// Your Internet $your_phone = 1234567890; //// Your Phone-Number $your_aemail = "nimish00678@gmail.com"; //// Your Abuse-EMail ?>
  13. You can use the following $str = 'http://www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/article-title-name/2'; preg_match("#http://[\w\d\.\-]+/[\w\d\.\-]+/\d{4}/\d+/([\w\d\.\-]+)/\d*#",$str,$matches); print_r($matches[1]);
  14. You can use the bcadd function following is an example $a = "45.50"; $b = "54.50"; print $a+b; //returns 100 print bcadd($a,$b,2); // returns 100.00
  15. You could try SELECT * FROM bible ORDER BY (RAND()*1000) LIMIT 10
  16. you can try something like this $intTotal = array_sum($_POST['item']);
  17. var u="<?PHP echo $user; ?>"; var p="<?PHP echo $pass; ?>"; otherwise javascript would take the value of $user as a variable in javascript.
  18. for the above you can try this out select count(*), fieldname from table group by fieldname having count(*)=max(count(*));
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