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Everything posted by revraz

  1. It is what it is, Access Denied = bad username and/or password. But that is a better error message, at least now you are getting to the DB.
  2. && has a higher precedence than AND, but it should work.
  3. All of your "uccverified" have = 1 instead of == 1
  4. Maybe they got truncated?
  5. Try without a port. You did change the username and password to the correct DB username and password right?
  6. This is usually done via the ID and $_GET["ID'] of the row.
  7. What determines which one is active?
  8. You have two choices, put your PHP code up top or use <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=yourpagehere.php">
  9. It's not ok if you don't have rights to the /tmp path on the root of the server. The location should be somewhere you can actually get to.
  10. Create a second value, a confirmation ID, and that has to be sent along with the the request and it's only valid for that one time.
  11. Or to do a quick test, just create 2-3 new .php pages. Put $_SESSION_START(); at the top of all three and then just do $_SESSION["test"] = "Hi"; Then on your other page do echo $_SESSION["test"]; And see if you get "Hi" on your other two pages. If so, then at least you have verified Sessions work properly on your webhost.
  12. Check for empty values Make sure you use mysql_real_escape_string on variables Make sure you stripslashes
  13. One thing I notice right away is that you are not using quotes around your $_POST['array'] names. Second thing, you are not escaping any of your input before adding to the DB. This is very dangerous because you can inject a lot of bad sql code in there and you wouldn't even know it.
  14. Do not have it as just a number, for some reason it will clear out the session variable on another page, make sure there is a alpha in there. Try it and see. Session path (for my webserver) has to include the entire path to my area on my webhost. Sometimes this goes a few folders before HTDOCS (again, this depends on your webhost). Try it with a String first (like "test") and see if that works before you get into the php.ini file. If the String works, you know it has to do with the number.
  15. That's where I would start first
  16. Without seeing your code, it's hard to say. But session variables should hold just fine from all your pages as long as you have session_start() as your first line.
  17. Couple of things can cause this: In the PHP.INI, verify the Session Save path is correct. Make sure you use a String in your $_SESSION["array"] and not something like $_SESSION["1"]
  18. I would create a new table that stores the page name and a description. Then you can compare and populate the right value. This will also make it easy for you to add new pages/descriptions without having to change the code.
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