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Everything posted by revraz

  1. So you want two emails sent? One sent to you and another sent to them? Sounds easy enough, just send mail twice after you hit submit and change who it goes to and the verbage.
  2. If you're getting a Header Error http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,37442.0.html
  3. Every page doesn't mean in Includes. Enter the code on every page you want Sessions to work on.
  4. This is a decent beginner book, and can be found at Amazon.com pretty cheap used http://www.everythingphpmysql.com/
  5. I think you mean OR on your second (IF)
  6. Most Hosts allow you to edit your PHP.INI that they provide for you already, so there really is no need to create your own.
  7. Isnt this your third topic on the same subject? May be helpful if you keep it all in one thread.
  8. If the Pager has Alpha Numeric Service, most carriers will allow a message to be sent via the Web.
  9. Try changing $sql = 'CREATE DATABASE $new_db'; to $sql = "CREATE DATABASE $new_db";
  10. May have to ask the Barcode Reader company.
  11. Nm, didnt see the 2nd line
  12. What is your actual MySql server name? pmysql53..net.:3306 You have two periods before net and one after. Also, drop the port.
  13. Seems easier to me if you just set a $_SESSION['variable'] after they go to your first form and check it on the 2nd and only allow it if it's set.
  14. I can see their building here from my office, maybe I'll walk over there and tell them face to face.
  15. Float or Double should be a valid choice.
  16. Have you looked at something like this? http://paypal.sourceforge.net/
  17. See if adding a @ will surpress it @mysql_fetch_assoc($gradeResult);
  18. Paypal?
  19. Looks like something is wrong with your Arguement, like $gradeResult Echo it and see if it holds the data you expect.
  20. Get a Free Editor that will show you missing matching {} [] () <>
  21. Glad to have helped!
  22. Run a simple script like <?php phpinfo(); ?> And see what returns.
  23. There are two forums here that let you post about HTML and CSS. Just head back to the main PHP Freaks Forum and look down towards the bottom.
  24. You have to enable them in the php.ini file. But it's best to just use <?php ?> because who knows how long short tags will be supported.
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