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  1. Thanks Rajiv, I've tried this but it still went into the Junk. Im not trying to send lots of emails only one from a webform. I tried loads of different php mail() techniques now but they always go into Junk, which is why i think rather than the php code I think it could be the way the server/sendmail is configured with it always saying from apache@localhost. Thanks anyway
  2. Yeah I tried this but it doesnt change anything it still says Received: (from apache@localhost) and goes into Junk.
  3. Im using the mail() function in PHP but when emails are sent to Hotmail accounts they are being classified as Junk. I've checked the headers of the emails it is says they are being received from apache@localhost as shown below. Received: (from apache@localhost) I think this could be why they are considered junk, does anyone know how to configure sendmail for it to be recieved from something like webmaster@mydomain.co.uk? I've tried various PHP things but nothing has helped so I'm assuming its something to do with the server configuration. Many Thanks
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