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Everything posted by Ads

  1. at a Certen time, I want a php page to excute, but i don;t want it to like Pop up on the screen. I want it in the background.
  2. Alright, how do u make a crontab?
  3. okay, and what can i write Cron jobs in?
  4. Why use a Cron, Couldn't i just use PHP to Read the Time, and use an If statement?
  5. How do I use Cron Jobs to Do some PHP Function, EG Reset Databse Feilds, and back up Data bse and send emails, Things like that.
  6. I am not 100% sure this is PHp to do it, But i think it is. What i am trying to figure out how to do is, When You click a Button or Link or anything, A pop up comes out, not Like the Normal Windows Pop up, but The background Grays out and it is like a sepreate window that Pops up. I dunno if that made any Sense.
  7. Ads

    Update Problem

    See with every single Link i will need that onclick (sorry not Javscript ) So is there a way to do it without Having to have the onclick on every single Link?
  8. Ads

    Update Problem

    BUMP, Sorry To Bump I sorta need this Semi-Urgetly
  9. Ads

    Update Problem

    Is there anyway to do this with out Putting The java script Code on every link.
  10. i have a Table and inside the Table in one Row, is text and the Other one is an Iframe. main.php <TABLE height="100%" width="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" border=1> <tr> <td> Some text is here Some Links Which Link to the iframe. </td> <td> <iframe name="mainbody" src="quaters.php" width="770" height="561" frameborder=0></iframe> </td> </tr> </table> And before all that i have a PHP include putting in a header File Containing the Time. header.php <center> <table width="200"> <tr> <td> <strong> <?php include("include/db.php"); echo "<marquee>"; $date=date("H:i"); $Sdate=date("H"); $Sdate1=date("i"); $Sdate1=$Sdate1-10; $sdate=$Sdate.$Sdate1; echo $date; echo "</marquee>"; $last_active=mysql_query("UPDATE players SET last_active='$date' WHERE id='$PID'"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </center> Now what i want it to do, is whenever a link is Pressed Either in the Main Body or in the Iframe i want the header.php to Reload and update the Time.
  11. Ads

    Online Members

    How do you use the NOW() Function, i have never used it before :S
  12. Ads

    Online Members

    I would like it to Display The Number of Users online, and also there Usernames and such.
  13. I am trying to make an .php page that shows the members that are currently online, But i really have no idea how to make this, Well i had a few ideas But they all suck . So if anyone can help me
  14. would You Query $sql Not print it?
  15. Ads

    Forum help

    To make a full working Forum will be Impossible in HTML, You will need some sort of Server Side Script (PHP, ASP). You can Make What the Forum will look like in HTML, Just with Tables and such, But thats about as far as You will get.
  16. Ads


    Yeah agreed, Those Features Would also be Helpfull to me
  17. Ads

    Php help

    Lol I just Got a Tut for a Forum, It works quite well, here the link: http://www.phpeasystep.com/workshopview.php?id=12 Just Follow the Steps and You will be all good
  18. Ads

    Php help

    If you have any Questions, Sure post them, We would be more than happy to help, but if You want someone to make your website, and without paying them somehow. I highly Doubt someone will. But There might be a really Nice Person out there, and it also Depends on what level of Website You are looking to make.
  19. Ads


    I have been trying to make a Forum Room, Something Pretty Simply, Post Reply, View, Edit, Delete, And Admin Abilities, I have had a Few Attempts at it, All failed, Most of the stuff works separately but not together, So Any Help, tutorials You can Direct me to Would be nice. Thank You, Ads
  20. Kool, But Wouldn't that be easy To Manipulate? And hack?
  21. Okay Thats all cool, But When I Click The link, I want Energy to Decrease by 1 Every single Click
  22. I want $energy to update on both Pages, Without having to Reload Both.
  23. What I want to do is When you Click a link in an Iframe it Updates a Variable being displayed in the main page. here is the Code for the page in. <?php session_start(); include("include/db.php"); $username = $_SESSION['username']; echo $username; $energy = $row['energy']; $newenergy =$energy-1; $sql="update players set energy='$newenergy' where username='$username'"; $result= mysql_query($sql); echo $newenergy; ?> <html> <head> <title>.::Cyrus Lite::.</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> The Variable in the Main page is the $energy Variable also.
  24. I tried Came up with No Luck
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