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  1. Thank you so much for your time... I dont know why, but it's working... so I'll keep my files in the same folder until I cant anymore... Thanks again...
  2. I tried it just now, but it didnt help. Same problem. Thanks, but Anything else?
  3. Ok, thanks. So I'll post it all again: Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting '(' in G:\Server\www\medicine4tibet\links.config.php on line 2 Code: <h4 class="hidden">Site Navigation</h4> <ul> <?php require('../links.config.php'); foreach( $links as $filename => $nicename ) { //spit out a bunch of formatted links as: <li><a href="?item=filename.php" class="toplink">Nicename</a></li> echo "<li><a href='?item=$filename.php'>$nicename</a></li>\n"; } ?> </ul> and the contents of the required file: <?php /* This array holds the key to the website. All the pages have their Filename and their "Nice Name" If a page is added, it's details just have to be added below. The array should be declared as: $links[filename] = "Nice Name"; */ //$links = array ("index" = "Home"); $links[index] = "Home"; ?> I hope this is clearer.... Any ideas?
  4. Thank you for your reply, I'm having trouble figuring this editor out... THat was supposed to be preformatted text, but it doesnt allow the end anchor tag!!! it keeps replacing it with the url bbcode... so in my code that is not [ / u r l ] but < / a >... And if you know how to get it out through the editor properly.... please let me know
  5. Hi all, I'm new here. I've learned C, C++, and am just starting to learn PHP, but this really has be stumped. Error Message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting '(' in G:\Server\www\medicine4tibet\links.config.php on line 2 Code: [pre] <h4 class="hidden">Site Navigation</h4> <ul> <?php require('../links.config.php'); foreach( $links as $filename => $nicename ) { //spit out a bunch of formatted links as: <li><a href="?item=filename.php" class="toplink">Nicename</a></li> echo "<li><a href='?item=$filename.php'>$nicename</a></li>\n"; } ?> </ul> [/pre] Contents of ../links.config.php: [pre]<?php /* This array holds the key to the website. All the pages have their Filename and their "Nice Name" $links[filename] = "Nice Name"; */ $links[index] = "Home"; ?>[/pre] It seems like the require function is throwing the error, but include does the same thing. My server is using php5, apache2. Any Ideas? I'm sure this one is simple, but it really has me stumped.. Thanks...
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