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  1. Yes, Orio, you were absolutely correct! My apologies. This is just a symptom of my 39th. hour without the pleasures of sleep. In fact, does the trick beautifully. Kudos Orio...and good night!
  2. Actually, I don't believe the issue was solved. Here is the code I have within my index.php template page: <?php if(strpos($url, "index.php?Itemid=54") !== FALSE) { ?> hello world <?php } else { ?> <img src="trans.gif" width="1" height="14" border="0" alt="spacer"> <?php } ?> However, when I visit the page index.php?Itemid=54, I should see "Hello world", but no such luck. Am I missing something? Thanks again in advance...
  3. My Gosh, and it only took an entire 10 minutes to figure out!! Thanks!! Orio's answer above appears more flexible in my case, since my URLs contain much more than just the ID, i.e., index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=4&id=16&Itemid=27. Thanks to both Orio and Wes1890. The forum rocks (even if my head's spinning
  4. Hello, I've been working none stop for two days on a proyect and I have ran into a roadblock. I believe it is simpler than I think, so pardom my tireness please I need to create a simple statement that goes like this: If the URL contains something like index.php?id=10, then do nothing, else, include some HTML, such as a table. How would I do that? Again, sorry if this overly basic, but my brain is fried. Thanks a million....
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