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Posts posted by random1

  1. Hi MySQL Gurus,


    I'm wondering if someone knows how to prevent mysqldump from adding new lines in stored procedures upon each database dump (backup).


    Alternatively a way of "removing all new lines from all stored procedure bodies in a database" as an SQL command would be awesome.

  2. Thanks :D


    I ended up doing the following...
    1) Stop MySQL Service
    2) Initialize default mysql database ("data" folder) using command line
    mysqld.exe --initialize --user=mysql
    3) Run (start) MySQL with passwords disabled
    mysqld.exe -u mysql --skip-grant-tables
    4) Manually edit `mysql`.`user` table passwords
  3. I'm trying to fresh install the latest version of MySQL manually.


    When I download it from mysql.com I get the file "mysql-5.7.9-winx64.zip", but unlike previous versions it has no "data" folder and a near empty "my.ini" file.


    Could someone more learned let me know what is going on with this?

  4. Thanks for the reply.


    I got it working by creating a .CMD file for creating the Windows Environment Variables (only Windows 7 or later):

    SETX DEV_SERVER_DIR D:\webserver /M
    SETX DEV_SERVER_APACHE_DIR D:\webserver\apache /M
    SETX DEV_SERVER_PHP_DIR D:\webserver\apache /M
    SETX DEV_SERVER_MYSQL_DIR "D:\webserver\mysql\MySQL Server 5.6" /M
    SETX DEV_SERVER_MYSQL_DATA_DIR "D:\webserver\mysql\MySQL Server 5.6\data" /M

    and then in PHP.ini, for example:

    include_path = ".;${DEV_SERVER_APACHE_DIR}\htdocs"

    and start the Apache Windows Service and check the variable with phpinfo. :D thanks!

  5. I'm running the latest stable version of PHP in Apache Server on Windows 7 64-bit.


    It working fine and set up correctly.


    I'd like to use ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES or a variable like "%current_directory%" or "..\%current_directory%" in the configuration files for PHP, php.ini.


    Is this possible? Is php.ini a parsed file, can variables be define and used in it? Help would be much appreciated  :D

  6. I'm running the latest version of MySQL on Windows 7 64-bit.


    It working fine and set up correctly.


    I'd like to use ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES or a variable like "%current_directory%" or "..\%current_directory%" in the configuration files for MySQL, my.ini.


    Is this possible? Is my.ini a parsed file, can variables be define and used in it? Help would be much appreciated :D

  7. I'm running the latest version of Apache Server on Windows 7 64-bit.


    It working fine and set up correctly.


    I'd like to use ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES or a variable like "%current_directory%" or "..\%current_directory%" in the configuration files for Apache, httpd.conf etc.


    Is this possible? Is httpd.conf a parsed file, can variables be define and used in it? Help would be much appreciated :D

  8. Hey All,


    I am using a web service and am getting the response formatted like: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=AjDXXf66


    e.g. [[["test","test","",""]],[["noun",["test","essai","épreuve","examen","contrôle","analyse","interrogation","épreuve pratique","épreuve de force"],[["test",["test"],,0.23752081],["essai",["test","trial","testing","essay","assay","try"],,0.12913783],["épreuve",["test","proof","trial","examination","print","crucible"],,0.028814545],["examen",["review","examination","test","investigation","inspection","testing"],,0.010767208] ... ... ...


    To my knowledge it is some kind of expression of a multidimentional array however I've never seen a response like this. Is there a way I can convert this format to clean XML?

  9. Update:


    After more work and research I have the code:


    @-webkit-keyframes FadeIn
    @-webkit-keyframes FadeOut
    @-moz-keyframes FadeIn
     from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; }
    @-moz-keyframes FadeOut
     from { opacity:1; } to { opacity:0; }
    @-o-keyframes FadeIn
     from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; }
    @-o-keyframes FadeOut
     from { opacity:1; } to { opacity:0; }
    @keyframes FadeIn
     from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; }
    @keyframes FadeOut
     from { opacity:1; } to { opacity:0; }
    -webkit-animation:FadeIn ease-in 0.5s;
    -moz-animation:FadeIn ease-in 0.5s;
    -o-animation:FadeIn ease-in 0.5s;
    animation:FadeIn ease-in 0.5s;


    and its working all but Internet Explorer. Any advice?

  10. I'm trying to fade in a div using CSS3 only. The CSS code I currently have written is:


    @-webkit-keyframes FadeIn


    This fades works in Google Chrome but not in Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera (as I expect).


    How can expand on this code using CSS3 code to support Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera etc?

  11. Hey All,


    The following runs fine:


    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `procedure_admin_reset_autoincrement`(IN `tableName` VARCHAR(100), IN `incrementInteger` INT)
    COMMENT 'Resets the AUTO_INCREMENT value for a table'
    ALTER TABLE tableName


    But when I try changing "= 1" to "= incrementInteger" it fails:




    Am I missing something really obvious? :S :B Is an auto_increment value strongly typed?

  12. I have been developing a database in MySQL using the InnoDB starge engine.


    I'm trying to iron out slow performing queries I have in my database.


    My Slow Query Log contains:


    # Time: 120716 22:27:51
    # User@Host: MYUSERNAME[MYUSERNAME] @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 0.002929  Lock_time: 0.002929 Rows_sent: 21  Rows_examined: 21
    use webman;
    SET timestamp=1342441671;
    SELECT `language_string_id`, `language_string_name`,`language_string_text` FROM `language_korean` ORDER BY `language_string_id`;
    # User@Host: MYUSERNAME[MYUSERNAME] @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 0.002929  Lock_time: 0.002929 Rows_sent: 19  Rows_examined: 47
    SET timestamp=1342441671;
    SELECT * FROM `view_language_list`;
    # User@Host: MYUSERNAME[MYUSERNAME] @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 0.000000  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 21  Rows_examined: 21
    SET timestamp=1342441671;


    Both Queries:


    1) SELECT `language_string_id`, `language_string_name`,`language_string_text` FROM `language_korean` ORDER BY `language_string_id`;
    2) SELECT `language_wms`.`language_id` AS `language_id`,`language_wms`.`language_name` AS `language_name`,`language_wms`.`language_description` AS `language_description`,`language_wms`.`language_text_direction` AS `language_text_direction` from `language_wms` where `language_wms`.`language_status_id` order by `language_wms`.`language_ordering`,`language_wms`.`language_name` 


    I ran EXPLAIN on them and got:


    1) id;select_type;table;type;possible_keys;key;key_len;ref;rows;Extra



    2) id;select_type;table;type;possible_keys;key;key_len;ref;rows;Extra

    1;SIMPLE;language_wms;ALL;;;;;28;Using where; Using filesort


    Is there a way to speed up these queries and get them out of appearing in the slow query log?


  13. Part of my my.ini file is:


    datadir="C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/Data/"
    init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci; SET NAMES utf8;'


    However when I check the server when running collation_connection = utf8_general_ci.


    Any ideas what I'm missing here? How can I set this value globally?


    BTW I'm running MySQL Server 5.5.


    Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_collation_connection

  14. My Data Table:


    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `file_type` (
      `filetype_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The ID of the file type',
      `filetype_extension` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The extension of the file type',
      `filetype_name` varchar(300) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the file type',
      `filetype_description` varchar(500) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The Description of the file type',
      PRIMARY KEY (`filetype_id`)
    REPLACE INTO `file_type` (`filetype_id`, `filetype_extension`, `filetype_name`, `filetype_description`) VALUES
    (1, 'jpg', 'Joint Photographic Experts Group', 'A compression technique for color images that can reduce files sizes to about 5% of their normal size. Some detail is lost in the compression.'),
    (2, 'zip', 'ZIP Archive', 'An open standard for compression and decompression used widely for PC download archives, ZIP was developed by Phil Katz for his DOS-based program PKZip, and it is is now widely used on Windows-based programs such as WinZip and Drag and Zip.'),
    (3, 'pdf', 'Portable Document Format', 'A document-encoding process developed by Adobe that maintains page layout, fonts, and graphics.'),
    (4, 'exe', 'Executable', 'A program file in the Windows environment.'),
    (5, '7z', '7-Zip Archive', 'A highly compressed archive that contains files. Commonly used for backups and archiving.');


    I'd like to convert the ordering of the table from:








    (i.e. Reordering the table alphabetically by the  'filename_extension' column)


    By this I don't mean ORDER BY in a SELECT statement, but I mean reordering the records themselves.


    Any ideas?


    (The table I'm showing here is just an example, the table I really want to order has over 15000 records)

  15. I'm trying to find out a way to create a procedure in MYSQL that calculates the difference in years, months, days and seconds between two timestamps.


    For example time between "2011-01-01 11:11:11" and "2012-05-05 05:05:05".


    The bits of code I have so far are:


    SELECT DATEDIFF('2010-10-08 18:23:13', '2010-09-21 21:40:36') AS days;


    SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-11-29 13:16:55') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-11-29 13:13:55') AS output;


    SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF('2010-08-20 12:01:00', '2010-08-20 12:00:00')) AS diff;


    Also the PHP version of this type of functionality I'm looking for is: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/676824/how-to-calculate-the-difference-between-two-dates-using-php

  16. Is there a way to use less SQL code in the code:


    SELECT `sid`, `sbody`, `stitle`, `sdescription` FROM `simple_search` WHERE `sbody` LIKE '%Survivor%' OR `stitle` LIKE '%Survivor%' OR `sdescription` LIKE '%Survivor%' ORDER BY `stitle` LIMIT 10;


    to something like:


    SELECT `sid`, `sbody`, `stitle`, `sdescription` FROM `simple_search` WHERE `sbody` OR `stitle` OR `sdescription` LIKE '%Survivor%' ORDER BY `stitle` LIMIT 10;

  17. Hey All,


    I'm trying to get some opinions on source code formatting in HTML (using the TAB character).


    For example:




    I already tab indent any of my PHP source files however I haven't for HTML source files.


    What do you think is the better choice for HTML?  :shrug:


    Should there be a limit set of how many levels of indent to avoid it getting to hard to follow?  :wtf:

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