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  1. I've finally solved the problem!!! The last versions of PHP (php_oci.dll) are compiled with the last versions of Oracle ( 10g in this case )!!! Thanx!!!
  2. OK I've just restarted the O.S. and the PHP recognized all the extensions less OCI8 :-( "Path (System) Variable" values: ========================= C:\SOFTWARE\Oracle\Client-9i\PROGRAM\bin; C:\Archivos de programa\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin; C:\Archivos de programa\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin; C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem; D:\SOFTWARE\PHP-v5.25\PROGRAM; D:\SOFTWARE\MySQL-v5.045\PROGRAM\bin
  3. Thank you But in a production enviroment you can't use a LAMPP or WAMPP installation for security reasons!!!
  4. Windows XP SP2 Apache's Config File: ================ ############################################################# # PHP 5 Support ############ LoadModule php5_module "D:/SOFTWARE/PHP-v5.25/PROGRAM/php5apache2_2.dll" LoadFile "D:/SOFTWARE/PHP-v5.25/PROGRAM/php5ts.dll" AddOutputFilter PHP php PHPIniDir "D:/SOFTWARE/PHP-v5.25/PROGRAM" ############################################################# PHP's Config INI File: ================ extension_dir = "D:/SOFTWARE/PHP-v5.25/PROGRAM/ext" upload_tmp_dir = "D:/SOFTWARE/PHP-v5.25/PROGRAM/Uploads"
  5. Hello to everyone!!! My Installation: Apache v2.26 + PHP v5.25 (Windows XP SP2 Build) I have some problems... Some libraries like: bz2,gd2, mbstring and pgsql are loading but other extensions like: mysql, oci8 and pspell are not loading... I don't know what to do to solve this problem!!! :-( Please help me!!!
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