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  1. Update: Firefox was causing the page timeout by replacing the http://localhost:8080/blahblahblah with http://www.locahost.com:8080/blahblahblah. Having corrected the URL, it is now crashing Apache as it was before and throwing the same errors as above with my CMS Made Simple install issue.
  2. I'm posting this here, since I believe it to be a setup/configuration issue on my local machine with PHP or Apache. Not sure which. I have a simple PHP script to test database connectivity: This runs fine via the command line, however when it's run via my local Apache webserver I get a connection timeout. If I run other PHP scripts, e.g. phpinfo(), they work fine. It seems to be when I try and do MySQL stuff. I've checked php.ini and I believe I am loading the right extensions and I think httpd.conf is setup okay: extension_dir = c:/php/ext (which is right on my machine) extension=php_mysql.dll is uncommented I am currently running Apache/2.0.61 (Win32) PHP/5.2.5 on Windows XP Pro. I have tried the latest build of Apache/PHP (2.2.6 and 5.2.5) but still no joy. What initially caused my concern, before this basic testing, was trying to do an install of CMS Made Simple. One of the setup pages goes off and makes the database tables necessary, however, when it ran it actually caused Apache to crash. My first line of investigation was CMS Made Simple, but my testing now confirms this is a PHP/Apache problem. From those crashes, the Windows error dialogue box said: And Apache's log said: I'm tearing my hair out here! Does anyone have any ideas? Many thanks.
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