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Everything posted by kishan

  1. try these: if u dont want a navigation .. even add the code like <a href="#" title="YOUR MSG GOES HERE"/>YOUR TEXT</a> or on mouse over show the div on top of it by setting the div position as 'absolute'
  2. hi, in my page i have a text box , i will enter some text clicks on submit now it navigates to the same page,now when i click on back nutton the prev entered text is staying back on the text field... inorder to remove this i have added the following code <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> </head> the cache is clearing in mozilla but in IE still the text is showing .. how to resolve this>>>>
  3. 'onkeyPress' u have to call the Ajax method which retrieves the Db info starts with those letters and the result u have to display in a div .
  4. How to convert movies to 3gp do we need to use ffmpeg or any other tool is there...
  5. Hi Iam working on a video stream conversion to mobile i was absolutely no idea how can we achieve this task, do we need any specific API's and any body worked on this Please help me... Thanks & Regards Prasad.
  6. Hi all, hope this is a simple question but im not getting please help me after some process i will have a data in my iframe like this <iframe id="upload_target_my" name="upload_target_my"> <status id="1">Frame added to the pod.</status> </iframe> inside iframe there is no head or body tags. how can i get the data b/w"<status></status>" tags I.E---->'Frame added to the pod' Please help me.
  7. can any body tell me how to check the js errors in safari 3.0.3 wts the link to download web inspector ...? Please
  8. Hi in my ajax call iam accessing a server-side pade sm thing like req.open("POST", "http://xx.xx.xxx.xxxx/xxxXml", true); im getting the following error uncaught exception: Access to restricted URI denied (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI) how ever if i place the same file its working the problem is its not accesing the url from localhost wt shld be done please help
  9. see iam using sm thing like this ini_set("include_path",get_include_path().PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__)); and my echo get_include_path();results this .;C:\xampp\php\pear\;C:\xampp\htdocs\Opah\modules\atmailopen But i have a file called atmail.php under C:\xampp\htdocs\Opah\modules\atmailopen if i give var_dump(file_exists('atmail.php')); results bool(false). whats the problem
  10. i have a module module1 in my app app1 instead of giving the following syntax in all my module1 files like this include(dirname(__FILE__)."/header.php") can i have some thing like set_includepath(dirname(__FILE__)) in my module index page please help me
  11. hi sorry like iam including like set_includepath("c:\xamp\htdocs\app\modules") is it not effects i will try with this include(dirname(__FILE__)."/header.php") will this make as relative path in my sub modules
  12. are u doing any compleax queries or any big logic stuff there in your manual page may be it can help u like in ur entire app when the manual was initially loaded keep a session to have all the file contents and when ever if the session is there directly echo the sess var (it is suggested only when ur not changing the menu content)
  13. HI if u know the address u can specify like this.. $key=google apikey. $apiURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=$zipcode,$country&key=$key&output=xml"; $addressData = file_get_contents($apiURL); $coordinates = split('[,]',between("<coordinates>", "</coordinates>", $addressData)); $lat = $coordinates[1]; $lon = $coordinates[0];
  14. HI all please help me regarding the include path iam having a app which inlcudes so many modules for ex: app/module1 ...app/module2 now in module1 i want to include a relative path for my module1 files so that if i give inlcude("header.php") it should search in my app/module1 instead of app so i will not change any of my module1 files to navigate to the right page iam using the set_includepath("http://localhost/app/module1"); but still the include("header.php") throwing a 404 error. how can i achieve this...
  15. function getResponse() { global $db; echo "<select name='SiteArea'>"; $resultshape = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shape"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultshape)) { $id=$row['id']; $name=$row['name']; echo "<option value='$name'>$name</option>"; } echo "<select>"; } call like :$res=getResponse();
  16. Hi all i have a separate module in my app like module1 i want to have the relative path in all the files in that module for ex libs/Atmail/Config.php was located under C:\xampp\htdocs\app\module1\submodule1\libs/Atmail/Config.php but i want to use some thing like file_exists('libs/Atmail/Config.php') so iam giving some thing like $path='C:\xampp\htdocs\app\module1\submodule1'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); will it work im not getting the expected result... Please help
  17. Hi in order to preserve the form data i have added in one of my page the following code. header("Cache-Control: max-age=3600"); so its working fine but i have a problem in IE as if was logged in the session is not changing i mean on the top its not showing the logout text still showing the login text however in remaining pages its showing as 'logout' and its happening only in IE. how to solve this if i have to keep the "header("Cache-Control: max-age=3600"); " code in my page
  18. HI i want to keep the form data if i navigate successfully to next page and coming back to the previous page do we have any such provision in html to achieve this other than storing the form data on sessions to populate or kindly tell me the way to achieve this Thanks in advance
  19. But the way iam doing is correct? if (!$_SESSION) { session_set_cookie_params(600); session_start(); } because if i was not logged in this block will execute every time
  20. Hi thanks for reply . yes but how can i know initially that my session was timed out .
  21. HI iam having a limit of 10 mins for the sessions in my app using.. if (!$_SESSION) { session_set_cookie_params(600); session_start(); } I want to echo a message when the session was timed out how can i know this ? i want ot differentiate the user was visited for the first time and the session was timed out..? Please help Thanks in advance
  22. No see like this is the place where i downloaded the source code http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox if i press backspace there also the same problem is coming after opening a popup...
  23. Hi , in the latest version of greybox if i open the pop up and click on back button the popup-page is becoming blank and popup is staying like that is it a bug in Greybox how can we overcome this... Please help Thanks For any help in advance
  24. im having php 4 and 5 and installed postgress on php 4 and im using my windows system i am unable to install the pg sql driver for php5 i mean if i execute ->pear install MDB2_Driver_pgsql its giving the error : "pear/MDB2_Driver_pgsql requires PHP extension "pgsql" No valid packages found" i had my php extension set to :extension=php_pgsql.dll how can i solve this please reply
  25. DELETE FROM `uploaded` WHERE `user` = '$user' AND `sentfile` = '$filename' HI, You can delete the minimum/maximum one from the rows .... DELETE FROM `uploaded` WHERE ID =(select min(ID) from 'uploaded' where `user` = '$user' AND `sentfile` = '$filename') DELETE FROM `uploaded` WHERE ID =(select max(ID) from 'uploaded' where `user` = '$user' AND `sentfile` = '$filename')
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