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Everything posted by menriquez

  1. by "converting to timestamp" i am guessing you mean using the value in a mysql database?? if so, the raw date format for mysql is yyyymmddhhmmss, which means that if you are loading a datetime/timestamp field into a database, convert the field to.. 20070307000000 before the insert...to round the date the easiest way to do that is to add 12 hours to the current time (military time), and if over 24 then add a day to your date field. hope this helps - mark
  2. thanks corbin...after some further investigation i think your suggestion is the proper way to proceed. I think a PHP REST server connected to a C++ Builder/Delphi Indy 10 HttpClient form could make pretty quick work of the system. again, i thank you for you insights... regards, - mark
  3. you should start your work here.... http://www.konstrukt.dk have fun, - mark
  4. you should consider the elgg framework to kickstart you SN dreams... http://elgg.org/ good luck, - mark
  5. hello, yes i have am contracted to build an "offline" app that basically will be used by field workers to add data from remote sites, then basically sync the data back to the mysql database that run the companies website. i could build a php webservice that accepts xml to post the new data, or i could just perhaps sync the mysql databasaes using some builtin mysql utilities. perhaps one of you knows of a pre-build framework solution for this problem...i would love to hear about it, or your opinions about an approach to this system. thanks, - mark
  6. hey thxs! i would have not thought to have looked in wiki...your right of course i will have to get access to the MLS databases but your article is totally what i needed. - mark
  7. it looks like you don't have a userid and password for your mysql_connect function call... - mark
  8. yes i have been hired to build a site for some local realtors and i need to provide MLS search functionality in the site. i have been scouring the web for programming info and can't seem to find anything. looking at other sites, it looks like it is some sort of REST webservice call with the search parameters in a GET call, but i sure could use any suggestions or insights anyone here may have about doing this. advTHANKSance, - mark
  9. well in case anyone has this problem i figured it out...RTFM, right? mysqli_result::fetch_fields http://us3.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-fields.php happy coding, and don't forget to free your memory! - mark
  10. yeah i got the number of rows worked out, that was easy...but thxs anyway. i just need access to the field names...i suppose if i had to i could pass them in the object constructor, but i would rather just grab them from the query object. I know they are stored in there somewhere... - mark
  11. yes i am trying to build a generic class that takes a result set from a mysqli->query and builds an object that contains the number of rows and an 2-d associative array with the field name as one of the array indexs. I used mysqli_field_count() to the the number of fields, but can't figure out how to get the field names. advTHANKSance, - mark
  12. PDO seems pretty groovy, I'll hack into it a bit... thanks for your quick reply! - mark
  13. yes I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to dump the entire result set of a "select" query into a standard php arrray (without the obvious "loop through it and build your own") so I can use some of those nifty php array functions? thxs, - mark
  14. never mind...found the perfect solution here. http://phpbuilder.com/snippet/detail.php?type=snippet&id=394 thxs everyone for their help - mark
  15. oh never mind the used_id field was an integer not string...sorry - mark
  16. yes i am having a dumb issue on a easy problem. all i want to do is take the email field from on table to create a user key field in another, so i am trying this... INSERT INTO scores (user_id) select email from contestants; i get a "duplicate key 0 in field 1" error, which means my select is return an integer and not the email string...whats up with that? - mark
  17. db, that's exactly what i want...my client needs to import a messy csv file in a few db tables, and i am just trying to make it as easy as possible for him. any ideas? thxs, - mark
  18. yes thats i guess what they call a "file picker" control in some IDE i used once...for example in phpmyadmin when you import a sql file, for example, it pops up a file picker so you can select the *.sql from your local harddrive to to import into the remote db. thats what ideally i would want. thxs, - mark
  19. ok that's pretty simple, but i guess i am also looking to fire off a local "file picker" to pick the file from the hard drive... thxs! - mark
  20. yes can someone point me in the correct direction for a typical way to read/load a local files contents into a server-based php script? thanks, - mark
  21. yes I am trying to write a simple script that will use info from one area to POST to another. Here is the code that I am trying to log into... http://localhost/tccc/tccctest/index.php <?php if(!file_exists('inc/config.inc.php')) { header('Location: install.php'); exit; } require_once('inc/init.inc.php'); if(isset($_POST['bsubmit']) || isset($_POST['bguest'])) { include_once($DOCUMENT_PAGES.'signin-2.inc.php'); } else if(isset($G_SESSION['userid'])) { $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_panel']; include_once($DOCUMENT_PAGES.'home.inc.php'); } else { $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_signin']; include_once($DOCUMENT_PAGES.'signin-1.inc.php'); } ?> So the part I want is to POST some data into the bsubmit key so I will get to the proper page signin-2.inc.php. So I tried using a input button embedded in a large HTML file... ... <form action="http://localhost/tccc/tccctest/index.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" bsubmit="Sign in" /> <input type="hidden" username="xxxx@gmail.com" /> <input type="button" value="Knowledge Test" /> </form> ... when I press the button, NADA. nothing happens at all it just stays on the same page. any ideas? - mark
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