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Everything posted by updwebmaster

  1. ok the error reporting didn't work... what now?
  2. wow. ok I'll take a look. All I wanted was for someone too look at my code to tell me what went wrong... If you guys want to view the form, it's here: http://www.uberpilotdudes.com/application_for_battle.htm . you can go ahead and submit some random form info if you want. It won't go through is the problem...
  3. where do you see the errors? The webpage goes white and doesn't show anything when it loads...
  4. Thanks. I got rid of the error emailing and I put quotes around the $to variable, but it still won't work properly...
  5. I have a custom mailing code and I can't figure out what's wrong. Here's the code: <?php if(isset($_POST['frm_action1']) && $_POST['frm_action1']==1) { $sender = "Uberpilotdudes.com"; $name = $_POST['Name']; $date = $_POST['Date']; $tags = $_POST['Tags']; $oemail = $_POST['other_emails']; $email = $_POST['Email']; $today = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ; $to = uberpilotdudes@bellsouth.net,$email $body ="Submitted on: $today<br/> Name: $name<br/> Tags: $tags<br/> When: $date<br/> E-Mail: $email<br/> Other E-mails: $oemail"; mail($to,"Application for Battle",$body,$sender); $message = "The application has been sent successfully!<br/><br/><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- window.setTimeout('CountDown()',100); --> </SCRIPT><FORM NAME="form1"> <div class="style1"> You are being redirected in <input type="text" name="clock" size="2" value="5" /> seconds. </div> </FORM>"; } else { $error = "There was an error sending the Application for Joining! Check the coding!"; mail(uberpilotdudes@bellsouth.net,"Error!",$error,$sender) $message = "There was an error when sending the application! Please send your application information to our webmaster at: uberpilotdudes@bellsouth.net<br/>Please click <b><a href="../home.htm">HERE</a></b> to return to the UPD homepage. Sorry!"; } ?> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <script language="javascript"> <!-- Original: Corey (638@gohip.com ) --> <!-- Web Site: http://six38.tripod.com --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com --> <!-- Begin var start=new Date(); start=Date.parse(start)/1000; var counts=10; function CountDown(){ var now=new Date(); now=Date.parse(now)/1000; var x=parseInt(counts-(now-start),10); if(document.form1){document.form1.clock.value = x;} if(x>0){ timerID=setTimeout("CountDown()", 100) }else{ location.href="../home.htm" } } // End --> </script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>App for Battle Confirm</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function FP_goToURL(url) {//v1.0 window.location=url; } // --> </script> <style type="text/css"> .style1 { text-align: center; } </style> </head> <body style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000"> <div class="style1"> <center> <?php echo $message ?><br /> </center> </div> </body> </html> When I go to submit the form, all I get is a white screen. What's the problem?
  6. Just wondering if one of you could look at my script I posted earlier the script that I'm using. The form page is here: UPD Application for Battle
  7. Ok I have my own code. It's purpose is different, but it has the same general script: $email = $_POST["Email"]; $name = $_POST["Name"] $tags = $_POST["Tags"] $date = $_POST["Date"] $oemail = $_POST["other_emails"] $to = 'uberpilotdudes@bellsouth.net,$email'; $subject = 'Application for Joining'; $from = 'From: $email'; $current = date(n/j/y g:i:s e) $text = 'Submission: $current \n Name: $name \n Tags: $tags \n Date: $date \n Email: $email \n Other Emails: $oemail \n'; mail($to,$subject,$text);
  8. ok I'm using the code for a different reason, but here's mine:[code]<?php $email = $_POST["Email"]; $to = 'uberpilotdudes@bellsouth.net, ' . $_POST["Email"]; $subject = 'Application for Joining'; $from = 'From: ' . $email; $date = date(n/j/y g:i:s e) $text = 'Submission: ' . $date . '<br/>Name: ' . $_POST["Name"] . '<br/>Tags: ' . $_POST["Tags"] . '<br/>E-mail: ' . $_POST["Email"] . '<br/>Date: ' . $_POST["Date"] . '<br/>Other E-mails: ' . $_POST["other_emails"] mail($to,$subject,$text); ?>[/code] The page won't show up when I submit the form. It just shows up white...
  9. ok the csv saving isn't working...
  10. Visit my website and see: http://www.uberpilotdudes.com/home.htm . I currently have the Show variable to "no"
  11. the variables that I changed were the PosX, PosY, speed, increment, and OffX. Aside from Show.
  12. Here's the link: http://codelifter.com/main/javascript/amazingglidermenu.html
  13. I have a third party script for my navbar. This is the script: // (C) 2001 www.CodeLifter.com // http://www.codelifter.com // Free for all users, but leave in this header. // Set Show to "yes" to show the menu on start-up. // Set Show to "no" to show the selector on start-up. Show ="yes"; // Set OffX in pixels to a negative number // somewhat larger than the width of the menu. var OffX = -300; // Set the PosX and PosY variables // to the location on the screen where the // menu should position (in pixels) when stopped. var PosX = 7; var PosY = 100; // Usually, use the settings shown; but you can // change the speed and the increment of motion // across the screen, below. var speed = 2; var increment = 2; var incrementNS4 = 5; // for slower NS4 browsers // do not edit below this line // =========================== var is_NS = navigator.appName=="Netscape"; var is_Ver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); var is_NS4 = is_NS&&is_Ver>=4&&is_Ver<5; var is_NS5up = is_NS&&is_Ver>=5; var MenuX=OffX; var SelX=PosX; var sPosX=PosX; var sOffX=OffX; if (Show=="yes"){ sPosX=OffX; sOffX=PosX; MenuX=sOffX; SelX=sPosX; } if (is_NS4){ increment=incrementNS4; Lq="document.layers."; Sq=""; eval(Lq+'menuSelect'+Sq+'.left=sPosX'); eval(Lq+'menuShow'+Sq+'.left=sOffX'); eval(Lq+'menuSelect'+Sq+'.top=PosY'); eval(Lq+'menuShow'+Sq+'.top=PosY'); }else{ Lq="document.all."; Sq=".style"; document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.left=sPosX+"px"; document.getElementById('menuShow').style.left=sOffX+"px"; document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.top=PosY+"px"; document.getElementById('menuShow').style.top=PosY+"px"; } function moveOnMenu(){ if (MenuX<PosX){ MenuX=MenuX+increment; if (is_NS5up){ document.getElementById('menuShow').style.left=MenuX+"px"; }else{ eval(Lq+'menuShow'+Sq+'.left=MenuX'); } setTimeout('moveOnMenu()',speed); } } function moveOffMenu(){ if (MenuX>OffX){ MenuX=MenuX-increment; if (is_NS5up){ document.getElementById('menuShow').style.left=MenuX+"px"; }else{ eval(Lq+'menuShow'+Sq+'.left=MenuX'); } setTimeout('moveOffMenu()',speed); } } function moveOffSelector(){ if (SelX>OffX){ SelX=SelX-increment; if (is_NS5up){ document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.left=SelX+"px"; }else{ eval(Lq+'menuSelect'+Sq+'.left=SelX'); } setTimeout('moveOffSelector()',speed); } } function moveOnSelector(){ if (SelX<PosX){ SelX=SelX+increment; if (is_NS5up){ document.getElementById('menuSelect').style.left=SelX+"px"; }else{ eval(Lq+'menuSelect'+Sq+'.left=SelX'); } setTimeout('moveOnSelector()',speed); } } The problem is that when I change the Show variable to "no", the whole script stops working. Can anyone help?
  14. it's alright. I was thinking about upgrading soon anyways... I'll update the topic if I do...
  15. ok well thanks for the help and sorry I seemed to have ignored your posts thorpe. I'm extremely sorry for that.
  16. what other alternative could I use? I've looked at using cookies, but that doesn't seem to work other than keeping their username typed in.
  17. oh sry about that... I meant MySql. My plan supports php.
  18. What exactly do you mean when you say: ?
  19. ok well my plan with my web hosting company doesn't support php and I want to know is there a way to have a windows alert box pop up with a form to enter in their username (no password because there won't be any login required) and on every page that they visit, they'll be able to see what members are on the website? Kind of like PHP freaks has in their forums...
  20. ok do you know a script or a place that has a script for a session that doesn't use MySql?
  21. The only problem is that when I asked someone about setting up a session with my website, they told me to google it and well the only results that I got involved using a MySql database. If it's not dependent on MySql then what is it dependent on?
  22. I posted earlier about trying to set up a session system on my website the only problem is that my subscription doesn't support MySql. I'm regretting, now, not having MySql on my web service, but is there a way to do sessions without having MySql installed?
  23. The only problem is that my webhosting company doesn't support MySql in my subscription.. Is there an alternative?
  24. I'm trying to implement a kind of user system into my website. I'll make all of my pages php files and I'm trying to have a popup box appear on the homepage that says "insert username here" and a checkbox that's labeled "guest", so that when other users are on my site, they can see what other users are on the site. Do any of you know how to do that?
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