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Everything posted by linux1880

  1. I think it's insecure and asking you guys how to secure it. And also how to make each file unique ? please help me to make this code better.
  2. Hi friends I have a form with mysqli comnnection <label for="fullname">Fullname</label> <input type="text" name="fullname" /> <label for="photo">Upload photo</label> <input name="photo" type="file"/> and on the php ends I have $fullname = $_POST['fullname']; $uploaddir = './uploads/'; //upload file in folder $uploadfile = $uploaddir. basename($_FILES['photo']['name']); //insert filename in db $upload_filename = basename($_FILES['photo']['name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile); $photo = $upload_filename; $sql = "INSERT INTO members(fullname,photo) VALUES('$fullname', '$photo'); $stmt = $link->query($sql) or die($link->error); $stmt->close; Please help me, I am using this on a live site
  3. Thannks mikosiko, after applying above i got the below print of var_export($variable) array ( 'Field' => 'color', 'Type' => 'enum(\'red\',\'blue\',\'green\',\'white\')', 'Null' => 'YES', 'Key' => '', 'Default' => NULL, 'Extra' => '', ) How do i now make it a selection list of colors ? Pls help
  4. I have a database field `color` enum('red','blue','green','white') DEFAULT NULL, and php form <label for="color">Colors</label><br /> <input type="text" name="color" /> How do i display enum value on the php form from mysql database? Please help php mysql
  5. hi friends, what does this variable means in javascript ? pls help var params = 'id='+id;
  6. Thnaks alex, got it, but I am not very clear on original question.
  7. Hi friends how does this types of array operate ? pls help, I am repeatedly facing this code but my brain can't hold, i am familiar with multi dimensional array but what are these ? $data[$row['id']] $options['data']=$row[0];
  8. Hi friends, while searching google , my website title appear as how come this happens, is it because my site got hacked ?
  9. <select name="hello" id="select_hello"> <option value="hello1">Hello 1</option> <option selected value="hello2">Hello 2</option> <option value="hello3">Hello 3</option> <option value="hello4">Hello 4</option> </select> I have the following code, why is options 'hello2' not being selected when page load ? pls help
  10. Thank you so much, yeah i got what i want. When looking at arrays in php.net manual it sounds so simple but while building application it's a major issue, hope i will get learn more, the more i spend time in it.
  11. Thank you thorpe, that's using foreach, i want to access some fields without using loops, for example if i access echo $document['document_name']; directly, it's giving me error. A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: document_name Filename: libraries/Loader.php(673) : eval()'d code
  12. view file var is print_r($document); coltroller file is $this->page_content['document']=$this->Model->showPics(); model is function showPics(){ $sql="select * from document"; $query=$this->db->query($sql); return $query->result_array(); }
  13. well this is the views file of codeIgniter php framework.
  14. Hi friends, a quick print_r() shows the following array while connecting to my database. How to get them as individual items and display on the website ? Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 52 [document_name] => xyz [document_ext] => gif [download_file_name] => ktm_impact.gif [upload_dt] => 2010-08-11 ) )
  15. hello friends, while clicking the form all the information goes to database, I have one image upload field, when cliking the submit button, i would like 'image name' to go in database and file to go in /upload folder, i have tried this for hours and gave up, if anyone help me in this, i would be very greatful
  16. Hi all, i am creating a custom blog for practise, how do we add no of clicks in database to that topics visitors clicks. I have added 'clicks' field in table 'blog_posts'. Now how to add and increment value by 1 when visitors visits that topic ?
  17. hello friends what does this type of array means ? $data[] = $row;
  18. the $images array was declared like this $images[]= array(); what does it mean ?
  19. how would i display image without using foreach in this case ? <?php foreach($images as $image): ?> <div class="thumb"> <img src="<?php echo $image['url']; ?>">" /> <img src="<?php echo $image['thumb_url']; ?>" /> <?php endforeach; ?>
  20. Hi all, If there are a two tables in a database with primary key are they in relationship without needing to add foreign keys ? I was doing select col1, col2 from table1,table 2 it just fetch two coluns from two different tables. There was no fk. Is that possible ?
  21. I have generated css sprites uploading images zip file into this site http://spritegen.website-performance. it gives me coordinates like .sprite-accept { background-position: 0 0; width: 16px; height: 16px; } .sprite-add { background-position: 0 -66px; width: 16px; height: 16px; } , when i apply this css on page it gives me like 4 images on the row, I did play setting background-position into different width It doesn't work, how do i exactly get the required image only ? Pls help
  22. Hello guys pls give me example for horizontal css drop down menu with css but no javascript. Thanks
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